The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 986 Tacit Agreement

Tao Bing wen could already guess Lory's real identity wasn't simple as there was no way her maids could cripple the iron horse members like they didn't think they were just lowly members in any way they didn't match up with someone who said from a rural village, she wouldn't believe it but then again who he?

Tao Ji Fang also knew Lory's information was most likely fabricated after he saw Mong Ki subdue all the Iron horses, there was a high chance that Lory was from a fairly influential family or maybe a sect, he didn't know why Lory had hidden it. identity, maybe it has something to do with her husband's illness knows maybe she also wants to enter Yi Shan mountain but if so she should've followed her stupid son who wants to catch Huan Beast in the empyrean green forest that closes at the base of Yi Shan Mountain at that time the area around the mountain Yi Shan hasn't closed yet but now it's impossible to get there, therefore, Tao Ji Fang believes Lory is here because of her husband illness.

"Hey, is this shop yours?" Tao Bing Wen tries to probe.

Lory tilt her head and smile innocently "Uhm not really, actually, This shop belongs to my brother-in-law from the maternal family of the daughter of the second cousin's husband's family...we were only given permission to run this shop"

"....." there was something about Lory's blatant lies that made her want to scream desperately <strong>'Just say YES or NO!'</strong>

Lory sipped her tea while ignoring Tao Bing Wen's annoyed expression, the boy's expression remind her of Jay's expression whenever she teased him so she sincerely hopes Tao Bing Wen can break the barrier around his heart and become the great man he was supposed to be…just like Jay.


"Lory, did you hear, I was chosen as Archknight!" Jay squealed with his face lit up like a light bulb.

Lory give him a quick glance and appeared unimpressed by the news at all "Isn't that to be expected, why are you so excited" Lory swiped the tablet on her hand while lying on the couch lazily her eyebrows furrowed as she checked the hunting list on the guild's hidden website that only members could enter.

Jay scratched his head awkwardly "I know... but now that I'm officially selected, I'm suddenly feeling nervous, just look at my face!" Jay pointed to his own face.

Archknight Kings of unbroken sword and impenetrable shield were personally chosen by the heir of the throne himself regardless of their gender, age, and background, it was a choice that was guided by God's will.

The ceremony that took place when Lucas reached the age of fifteen was just a formality, the fact that Lucas knew who the Archknight was a long time ago just as their father and ancestors did when they chose their Archknight, anyone could guess by whoever the people around the crown prince are most likely to be the Archknights so it's not too surprising that Fred, Fargo, clift, and Jay were chosen by Lucas since they grew up together.

Lory took her eyes off the tablet and looked at Jay's stupid face, Lory examined his face for a moment then shook her head "Nothing has changed you still look stupid"

"Lory come oonn!!" Jay whined and grabbed Lory's arm then swung her arm coyly like a spoiled kid causing the tablet to fall on her lap.

"Oh stop!" Lory was annoyed she pulled his arm from Jay "You will be fine, why are you so worried, it's not like anything will change, you just do everything you always did and you will be fine?!" Lory frankly said but Lory see Jay still looking anxious so she place the tablet on the coffee table beside her and faced him with a serious face.

Jay pursed his lips, "You think so?" Jay still wasn't sure.

"I'm sure! Why don't you believe me?" Lory rolls her eyes.

"Well, it's not that I don't believe you, it's just… I don't know if I'm worthy of the honorary title, I mean it's the Archknight for god sake!" Jay pressed his cheeks with both hands and widened her eyes expressing his disbelieved and awed.

Lory then looked at him in bewilderment "You've always been a part of the Archknight for a long time and the ceremony only formalizes your position"

"I know – I know, it feels different when it's confirmed… it feels very real now!" Jay bit his lips.

"Is it an illusion before?" sometimes Lory wants to check what is inside this boy's head.

Jay's mouth twitched "Do you think I can fulfill the job, I mean... I'm not strong like Fargy or smart like Fred or coolheaded like Clift..."

Lory then looked at him confusedly "You have always been a part of the Archknight for one year" You know Clift is an immigrant and he is also an orphan from the enemy country but that doesn't mean anything, you are chosen by the crown prince by the will of God and no one can't deny that, and for what it's worth, Lucas trusts you like Fred and the others, so be confident a little, will ya!"

"Yeah, but Clift is a former royalty and he's also a badass…I mean he really did involve in some really dangerous mission with Fargo and Fred for the sake of the kingdom, everyone said he will become the King's deadliest secret weapon" Jay's voice was etched with admiration and envy.

"Didn't you do the same? if I'm not mistaken you are the one who put the virus on the missile so it can't be launched, you also found a high-level fugitive that no one could track down for a decade just from your bedroom, and then you spread the information to all the authorities in the world that forced the fugitive to turn himself to our King's Men so that he wouldn't be killed you have also saved my and Lucas' lives multiple times during our hunts, If it is, not badass then I do not know what it is!" Lory hit Jay on the back so hard that he fell off the couch.

"Ouch! Why are you so violent?!" Jay felt his back numb but he felt so much better.

"That's because you are stupid!" Lory snorted loudly then she took his tablet and lay back down on the sofa, Lory then kicked Jay's arm "Now go, you just bother me!"

Jay scowled sourly but deep down he was glad that he decided to talk to Lory about his feeling cause he feel awkward talking about this with Fargo and the others, therefore, he turn to lory for comfort since she always has a way with words that make him feel better.

"Hey, if you're this hard no one will marry you" after he felt better Jay finally regained his desire to tease Lory again.

Lory then nonchalantly reply "Who cares, when that happened I just stayed with you guys..."

"Huh, no way!" Jay snorted, "What if I get married, you know how popular I am?!" he said proudly.

Lory lowered her tablet and ask: "Didn't you just get dumped again? How many times has this happened...tenth?"

Jay pursed his lips as he glared angrily, "You're mean, you know that?!"

Lory then chuckled "Yeah, I know..."


The sweet memory came without warning it made her lips curl into a faint smile but the next second left her with a bitter taste and Lory hated bitter the most, Lory took another sip and her expression quickly returned to normal as if nothing had happened no one noticed but coincidentally Tao Bing Wen saw the change in Lory's expression and he frowns.

Meanwhile, Tao Ji Fang was busy picking out a few items for his whole family and he was barely able to contain himself from buying everything in front of him if only To Bing Wen didn't secretly nudge him multiple times to remind him.

This was the first time Tao Bing Wen saw his father spend money lavishly, Tao Ji Fang used to be frugal and strict with money but now he was like a wild horse running in the open field.

What made things worse was that Lory gave a discount to appreciate Tao Ji Fang's generosity as a result, Tao Ji Fang bought even more items like a madman, eventually, he ended up spending a lot of money at Lory's shop.

While waiting for the items to be wrapped Tao Ji Fang continued his conversation with Lory he remembered his main purpose here "Miss Luo, I want to thank you for helping my stupid son a few days ago" Tao Ji Fang Cupped his fist and bow his head courteously.

Lory waved her hands "Please don't say that Master Tao, it was Young Master tao who helped us before so I just did what I had to do"

Tao Bing Wen's mouth twitched 'Then why does she keep asking me to return her money?'

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