The hivemind is conquering for me?

Chapter 31: Poof! gone

Planet Ker 'polo Orbit:

A female Ker'min was stationed inside of her ships command room. She was 6ft2 inches tall. She was slightly different from the Other Ker'mins around her. She was a Psionic highborn, practically royalty in the eyes of other Ker'mins. Her facial features look more evolved and less amphibian. Her eyes were smaller and were a gentle yellow which paired well with her yellow skin.

She also had tentacles for hair instead of being bald like most other members of her race. Her epidermis weave clothing was even adorned with jewels and gemstones further proving her noble status.

Around her many males and female Ker'mins were busy on their own data screens surveying the already fallen planet of this sector though long distance surveillance. She had received the distress call not even half a day ago by standard Ker'min time and this once peaceful barrier planet had already fallen to the dreaded swarm.

"Supreme General Ker'san'adra" A young looking Ker'min arrived before her bringing his hand above his chest in salute "I have the latest surveillance update." The young Ker'min gave her a Data pad containing all the information she requested.

After a short moment allowing her to read he continued "As you can see from our report this swarm fleet is new and undocumented It has similarities to swarm fleet Heron but as we know that fleet is currently attacking the main defensive line so it cant. Swarm fleet roc and harpy have also been identified in other regions as well so we can rule those out."

Ker'san'adra brought one of her hands up to her temple in frustration. New threats are never a good thing and the fact the swarm has not attacked from this direction in well over a decade worried her. She may not personally care about these border planets, but border planets keep the actual Ker'min empire safe so defending them is a must.

"Do we have any indication on when their attack on the neighbouring planets will commence?" She asked in an impatient tone while her psionic presence leaked out accidentally due to her frustration.

The young Ker'min let out an audible gulp at the pressure he was feeling from before continuing. "A-Ah yes general the swarms devouring speed of the planet has accelerated by approximately 250% by our estimations, they should be leaving any moment only leaving a small force behind to start hollowing out the underground materials. they should be commencing attack within the hour."

30 minutes later and large scale movement from the swarm fleet had begun they were fortunately, in Ker'san'adra's point of view, charting course towards Ker 'polo. "It would only take an hour and a half for the enemy fleet to arrive here since they don't use their elusive FTL travel to hop from planet to planet this should give us plenty of time to Organise an ironclad defence. Lets get to work."

Another 30 minutes went by in a haste and the swarms fleet was still moving towards the Ker'mins. Ker'san'adra was using her psionic gift to probe out into the space between the Ker'min forces and the enemy for stealth ships.

It was a dangerous tactic against the swarm as their counter psionic capabilities were a force to be reckoned with, they were rather deceptive in that regard as from her perspective they were just a bunch of over sized bugs. Nevertheless, Ker'san'adra has had decades of practice in perfecting this psionic surveillance and would pull back her ability before the main fleet entered range.

Shorty after as she was about to recall her psionic probe, she felt something grasp onto her probe. She stood for what felt like eternity in terror when she felt it. This was no Ordinary fleet incoming no something on that ship could destroy her within a second. As she was about to start panicking she felt something gently glide up her probe towards her mental defences.

Although the force that reached her felt like a curious tap, the sheer power behind the tap almost shattered her defence in an instant. Luckily for her, the shock had caused her own probe to come back in an instant now her fear was replaced with survival instinct she was able to close off her psionic link and take a well needed breath of relief.

The breath came but did not bring her ease. "We must evacuate this sector at Once!" She yelled. Her highborn superior façade fading slightly a fellow general nearby questioned her. "Supreme general what are you saying? Our defences are more than adequate now to pummel the fleet heading our way I'm sorry but evacuation is out of the question your order will be vetoed if you declare it a decree."

Ker'san'adra was about to lose her pounou before another report came in startling her and bringing relief at the same time. "Generals Come urgently the Swarm fleet has disappeared! They were on our monitors and then poof! gone." A verbal stun grenade hit the room for a moment before they brought up surveillance equipment. It was true the scanners were picking up nothing.

reluctantly Ker'san'adra even used her probe once more to check there was no stealth tactics going on she dreaded the thought of being killed like this, but her people needed confirmation.

Her probe came back and she breathed a sigh in relief the swarm had vanished. As she informed the nearby leadership they were relieved but only for a moment, the fact that the swarm had just left behind free 'meals' did not make sense to them this behaviour was undocumented and unprecedented.

While the rest of the leadership continued to talk about increased alertness and countermeasures in case this was a trap Ker'san'adra was left wondering. "What in the verdant jungle was that thing?"

Once back in the psionic tendril Jewel left the ships brain and left its to its own devices once more.

"That Prey was strong with psionics indeed. It could easily defeat one of my agitators. A fine meal she would have been." She would have said its a shame Apollos on board and couldn't commit to the attack, but wherever Apollo is is not a shame therefore she would allow the prey to live to another day, Its psionic power will be hers like all others.

Taking her mind off of the prey, Jewel had not seen Apollo for hours at this point and all she wishes for now is to snuggle up next to him.


I awoke some time later rather groggily. The last thing I remember was bonding with Onyx and then I just felt sleepy.

I tried to get up but I found myself unable. Looking down I found the reasons, Orchid and Jewel had wrapped themselves around me while I slept and with them being both 6ft6 and 8ft respectively, they could easily cover my entire body, on top of that their bodies were deceptively heavy due to all the compressed biomass that make up their forms.

Now in my healthy body I could remove them off of me with relative ease but with this feeling like a hangover I couldn't focus on doing so. "You look cute when you are frustrated my love." A monotonous voice entered into my head. "Onyx?" I asked in confusion, the way I heard that was not through psionic telepathy it felt much more personal.

"Ah an astute observation my love, yes I'm talking to you from inside your Mindspace."

"My Mindspace?" In confusion I bring my focus into my Mindspace and Zircon was where she usually was but Onyx was not where I left her "what the?-" suddenly I felt two large arms wrap around my psionic avatar I noticed shackles on the arms still linked towards the white liquid below.

"Mhhhm I can see why they did not allow me to be in the room while they embraced you in your slumber. Even as a projection of your conscious you feel amazing to hold." Onyx let out as she enjoyed my body, I would be creeped out, but Jewel and Orchid have done stranger things.

"How are you moving around so freely in my mind Onyx? In fact, why does it feel like YOU are here and not just your silhouette. From my experience with zircon, she has stayed put the whole time being a good little sword." I asked while causing the chains around Zircon to rattle at the compliment.

"Well Zircon has been still because she is incomplete, but that wont be the case for long. As for myself, when I said I would be your shield and cloak I meant that literally. I cannot be those things if I cannot be with you at all times as a result, the bond I made with you allows me to physically enter your Mindspace through Psionic projection.

its the reason your head feels so 'groggy' as you would put it right now, a whole lifeform is inside of your head."

I listened to her explanation with thirst, learning new things about my and others gifts is always fun but one thing caught my attention more than anything.

"What did you mean when you said Zircon wont be incomplete for long?

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