The hivemind is conquering for me?

Chapter 30: Onyx

It took 10 hours for the rest of the planets defences to fall. The Ker'mins fought tooth and nail valiantly to the end. Sadly for them, the hive was just to numerous and the reinforcements that arrived into the sector although vast, decided the better option to defeat the swarm was to reinforce the neighbouring planets, sacrificing the one that called for aid.

Orchid and I were resting up against the nest that dropped us into the planet. the Once verdant jungle we dropped into was slowly encroaching ever backwards with drones and now warriors coming to and fro collecting biomass and incubating it into more bio forms or storing for later consumption. Soon there would be nothing Infront of us except the horizon as the planet is slowly eaten away.

Pulling me out of my thoughts Orchid leaned her head onto my shoulders while saying "It should not be long now Apollo-dear, Since the Hive is not invading the neighbouring planets all non space faring bio-forms have been deployed the devouring of this world. It shall not take longer than 3 hours now that all warrior prey have been defeated"

I was both impressed and horrified at the efficiency. Of course they only meant the crust of the planet, The hive brought no mantle eaters during the invasion as it was only for my sake, but the strip clean an entire jungle planet in roughly 16 hours was scary.

As we were enjoying each others company a thought popped into my head 'I wonder what happened to the stalker? I haven't seen her since the initial attack.' I forgot for a moment that the stalkers are invisible to psionic users unless they show themselves.

It didn't take long for me to remember this fact, As soon as I though about her I found her 5 meter form sitting just a few inches away from my left. Orchid could still not see her it seems as she would have reacted negatively is someone was trying to take up her personal time with me. knowing that stalkers cant form links themselves but can hear others I decided to make a closed link with myself.

"Have you been with us the entire time?" The stalker silently nodded.

I felt touched that the stalker stayed with Orchid and myself the whole day without revealing herself. I needed the intimacy of us together acting like a couple instead of us being in the gigantic species wide harem I currently have going for myself and the fact the stalker allowed for that while protecting me was much appreciated.

Smiling at her I patted my lap with my hand in invitation, The stalker seemed to understand the gesture and placed her head their softy. I began stroking the tentacles on her head and continued to stare off into space for the next few hours.

What felt like moments in serenity, I could spot a void swimmer entering the atmosphere heading in our direction I couldn't get up as I still had two bugs being spoilt rotten deciding to foul the mood for one and brighten up the others in order to be able to move I said aloud.

"So I have been thinking for the past few hours and I have thought of a name for you, I think Onyx would suit you very well. As a stalker you are an agent of darkness and stealth which pairs well with onyx's black colour. Also The Onyx stone is said to have protective properties and with you being my protector I also think fits rather well. What do you think?"

Orchid to my right separated from my shoulder and looked over in confusion "Who are you talking to my-" The large head of the 5 meter tall stalker was now visible to her on my lap, Orchids face warped into a frown at the fact she could not sense the stalker variant until now "How long has this gene-caste been here for my love?" "Close to 3 hours now." I lied not wanting to ruin our day together by saying the stalker has been following us all day.

"I see, well then what does this stalker gene-caste think of her new name? After all its one of the greatest gifts any member of the hive could ask for." she asks in a rather condescending tone.

The Stalker stared up at me in silence with those pitch black eyes of hers for a short moment before one of her hands reached up to my face, she stroked it lightly before replying in her soothing methodical tone "Your Onyx has received another psionic foresight, from this day onwards wherever you go I go your Onyx is your shield, your cloak and your protector from this day until eternity." After she said this I felt a wave of pleasure wash over my body I instinctually remembered this feeling from when I bonded with Zircon.

Knowing what she wanted to do and trusting her with my all I opened up my Mindscape defences to allow the process to happen.

A silhouette of Onyx appeared in my mind similar to Zircon the only difference is that Onyx appeared a lot more tangible almost like she was here herself. She opened up her flat mouth into 3 parts and her mandibles showed her white teeth in a smiling gesture as she could hear my thoughts. She got on her knees some 'distance' away from where Zircon was.

Chains emerged from white watery substance below and wrapped themselves around each of her limbs. Onyx let off no resistance as I could vaguely feel that she has seen this already happen in one of her foresight visions.

After confirming that nothing was going wrong and the bondage of Onyx was complete, I put up my defences once more and left my own head. The shade of Onyx that was still in my Mindspace looked around slowly before stopping on Zircon. The shadow of the former queen emerged from the back of the sword and stared down at the new resident of her wielders mindscape.

Onyx looked back at the former queen with no fear, no there was a familiarity in her eyes towards her, "So you have already begun to sustain yourself once more? I see our love did not notice some of your holes have shrunk ever so slightly? Do not fret Zircon, we both wish the same thing for our love, Everything!"

Outside of my head, a mere few seconds had passed since the bondage had started and My head felt like crap. It wasn't painful or anything It just felt like my head was super heavy.

Orchid had noticed what had happened and was fuming "How dare you bond with MY APOLLO!" She yelled aloud in rage "Orchid had been waiting until his mind was strong enough to bond with him herself and now you have done so without checking if he is ready?"

The stalker, no Onyx replied to the hot headed Orchid with a prepared speech in her monotonous tone. "The power of psionic foresight gifted to me by the hive, had told me that although Apollo's mind was just barely at the threshold to sustain myself bonding with him, that I must do so now so I may yet better serve him, you only wish to do so because it would make you closer.

It would provide no benefit other than that therefore why my vision was granted. Do not my mistake my bonding with him as an attempt to overthrow your place in his heart he currently loves you and the queen in equal amounts and from what I have seen that will never change."

Ignoring the part about the queen. All the creature commonly known as Orchid heard through her rage was 'blah blah blah, he loves you the most, blah blah blah.' after hearing that, the rage vanished replaced by a bubbly feeling.

Looking over to the one she loves most Orchid noticed I was on the brink of passing out "Apollo-love?!" She paced over to me forgetting that she was angry just moments ago I wanted to reply that I was fine but the words came out of Onyx instead "As he has just said Apollo through me he will be fine, Its just that since I am currently stronger then our love, Its taking a toll on his mental strain.

There will be no side effects he just needs to sleep and I shall guide his recovery through his dreams."

Picking me up effortlessly in her upper three fingered arms Onyx turned to Orchid "As current head freethinker, no you are way beyond that now, will you oversee the drones while they bring the biomass back to the ship I shall take Apollo somewhere he can rest."

As Onyx said this, the void-swimmer made landfall and opened up its rear. Orchid watched as the stalker walked away with the most beautiful and priceless possession in the universe in her arms Orchid rage was building up again and a single impulse thought came to her mind.

"Orchid is going to eat that bitch."

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