The Elysium Across Deep Space

Chapter 243: Dragon-Slaying

Chapter 243: Dragon-Slaying

Wang Xuan, early in the morning, made calm farewell calls to Professor Lin, Zhou Yun, and Zhong Qing, keeping the details of his journey vague.

"Is the Sun family monitoring me?" he wondered, aware of their capability for such unscrupulous acts.

He then spoke with Old Chen, using coded language, confirming that despite the imminent gathering at Yuan Pond Mountain, Chen Yongjie remained uninvited. Old Chen was infuriated, feeling discriminated against as a fellow transcendent. Wang Xuan consoled him, advising him to enjoy his honeymoon and focus on family, before ending the call.

Wang Xuan suspected that the Sun family had nearly cracked their coded conversations and could now understand them. He didn't try to mislead them, preferring a more natural approach, confident that with their unscrupulous methods, they could track his movements.

"Evil dragon leaves its lair!"

In a certain base, a group of experts in various fields noticed a significant movement of the 'evil dragon.'

"Quick, report this! This isn't ordinary. Please make an early decision on the top level!" The base leader instructed, his expression grave.

This rare gathering of 'evil dragons' was seen as a valuable opportunity.

"We've decoded the secret language some time ago, it wasn't as challenging as expected," another team added, readying their report.

"Excellent. Continue monitoring and keep precise track of his location," came the directive.

The gathered experts reported the latest information to the Sun family. A large group of professionals was now keenly monitoring Wang Xuan's every move to stay updated on his latest activities.

Upon receiving the report, the high-level members of the Sun family took it very seriously. As they carefully reviewed the secret report, their expressions changed significantly. An extraordinary opportunity seemed to be presenting itself, possibly allowing them to eliminate the troublesome Wang Xuan once and for all.

"Not just Wang Xuan, but several 'evil dragons' are about to emerge!" The important figures of the Sun family gasped in shock. The news of a potential gathering of transcendent beings was alarming. Wang Xuan and Chen Yongjie had already caused them embarrassment once, and now several more were emerging. Could these beings be planning a secret alliance?

"Keep a close watch and dig deeper. You've done a great job, and there will be rewards," the core members of the Sun family instructed, showing personal interest in the matter.

"People who dare challenge the rules of the New Star don't live long. Transcendents are a cancer, and it's our duty to maintain the current order," stated one elder calmly.

The key figures of the Sun family looked gravely serious. The gathering of these 'evil dragons' posed a severe situation. If left unchecked, the consequences could be dire. They were especially concerned about Wang Xuan possibly rallying the other transcendents to his cause, posing a significant threat to the Sun family.

Fortunately, they discovered the situation early, just as the signs began to appear. "We must seize this opportunity. The location is Yuan Pond Mountain? This is a rare chance. Usually, transcendents are elusive, hidden beneath the surface. Now that they're emerging on their own, it's a perfect opportunity to catch them all at once," declared Sun Rongsheng coldly, his usual cordial demeanor replaced by a more sinister expression. He was ready for a grand strike.

Instantly, the Sun family members unanimously agreed and swiftly issued a secret order. They began preparing their warships methodically, ensuring absolute secrecy for this highly confidential operation. The task was not assigned to external mercenaries but was under the direct control of the family's most powerful forces.

"Prepare for all eventualities. What if we fail, or if someone escapes? It could be disastrous. We need multiple contingency plans and ensure that we ourselves are completely removed from any potential fallout," Sun Rongsheng sternly instructed. The safety measures were even more critical than the mobilization of the warships, leaving no trace of their involvement.

After gathering the latest information, a group of professionals reported their findings to the Sun family. These experts were dedicated to monitoring Wang Xuan's movements, keen to grasp his latest status.

Upon receiving the detailed report, the high echelons of the Sun family took it very seriously, their expressions shifting dramatically as they read. An exceptional opportunity seemed to be unfolding a chance to eliminate the "evil dragon" Wang Xuan and end future threats.

"Not just Wang Xuan, but several 'evil dragons' are about to surface!" exclaimed key members of the Sun family, visibly shaken by the startling news. Could this be a meeting of transcendents?

Having already lost face once to Wang Xuan and Chen Yongjie, the Sun family was alarmed at the prospect of several more transcendents emerging. The idea of these beings holding a clandestine meeting to possibly form an alliance was unsettling.

"Keep a close eye on them, dig deeper," instructed the core members of the Sun family, who personally attended to this matter. "Those who dare to challenge the rules of the New Star won't last long. Transcendents are a malignancy, and it is our duty to maintain the current order," stated an elder calmly.

The situation was grave with the gathering of these 'evil dragons.' If left unchecked, the consequences could be dire. The Sun family feared Wang Xuan might persuade other transcendents to join his cause, posing a significant threat.

Fortunately, they were alerted early enough to catch these signs. "We must seize this moment," Sun Rongsheng coldly declared, his demeanor no longer amiable or affable. His face seemed almost fierce with determination. "Since they're revealing themselves, it's the perfect chance to catch them all in one go!"

Immediately, the Sun family's key figures unanimously agreed to take swift action, ordering the mobilization of their warships in an organized manner. This operation, kept in utmost secrecy, was not assigned to external mercenaries but was directly controlled by the family's most potent forces.

"Prepare for all eventualities. What if things go awry, or if anyone slips through the net? That could be disastrous," Sun Rongsheng sternly instructed. Ensuring that the Sun family remained unimplicated was critical, even more so than the mobilization for attack. Leaving no trace of their involvement was paramount.

Hansolo, towering and robust like a golden lion, brimmed with explosive transcendental power. The pair discussed their apprehensions about the Eastern transcendents' potential lack of goodwill. Yet, they reassured themselves, confident in their near-artifact-level protective treasures, ready to escape any unforeseen dangers.

The memory of Western, a divine messenger, consumed by Easterners as a banquet delicacy, deeply troubled them. They too had partaken in this "delicacy," unknowingly praising it as a sublime and unforgettable Eastern culinary experience.

Filled with shame and unable to forgive themselves or the Eastern transcendent responsible, they vowed revenge. If not for their urgency to attend the upcoming gathering, they would have already sought retribution. They plotted to offer him as a sacrifice to their deities, envisioning his slow demise in agony and fear.

Both carried special devices from the Argon Consortium, shielding them from omnipresent detectors on the New Star. Cloaked in ancient-looking black cloaks that concealed even their heads, they exuded an air of mystery. These garments, bearing the mark of time, were transcendental artifacts.

Upon reaching the summit, they found themselves amidst twilight and misty fog over the lake at the peak, rich with transcendental material. Undoubtedly, this was the meeting place.

Guided by the glowing invitation, they approached the fog-enshrouded lake, feeling a divine tranquility emanating from it. Eager to discover if this was an organization linked to the Eastern transcendents or an entity connected to the Celestials, they pressed on fearlessly, backed by the might of their gods.

Wang Xuan proceeded with "caution," even discarding his mobile phone and other technological items from the New Star, embodying utmost vigilance as he vanished into the woods. He lamented internally about the frequent loss of phones, having purchased several lately due to his cautious escapades.

The Sun family relentlessly tracked his movements, observing his city-hopping and sudden disappearances, especially his vanishing act upon entering dense forests. However, they remained indifferent, having anticipated his potential routes and strategically placing detectors at various nodes towards the destination at Yuan Chi Mountain.

Now, they weren't just tracing his steps; they were validating their predictions, confirming his progression toward the designated location. The Sun family coldly acknowledged that no amount of prudence or caution from the "evil dragon" could alter their control over the situation.

"Your end is inevitable, your fate sealed. Await your demise," a member of the Sun family chillingly declared. Wang Xuan's recent actions had caused significant disturbances, damaging both their interests and reputation.

Their dragon-slaying plan was in motion, with preparations in place for a devastating assault. Super energy cannons were ready to obliterate not just the transcendents but the entire region around Yuan Chi Mountain. "Let the off-world team take the lead, attacking from space," instructed Sun Rongsheng.

Regardless of the success in eliminating all the transcendents, it was vital for the Sun family to remain ostensibly uninvolved, ensuring no exposure. Meanwhile, Wang Xuan meandered through the forests, only embarking on this journey to confirm the Sun family's belief that he was heading to Yuan Chi Mountain. He much preferred a quiet and comfortable stay in the city, awaiting to clean up the aftermath.

Wang Xuan, eager to see which specters and devils would emerge this time and whether other financial dynasties were involved, left things concerning the celestial immortals to fate. He glanced at the replicated invitation beside him, noticing it had dimmed overnight and was nearly dissipating. Deciding to keep it as evidence, he stored it in his gourd.

Having reached Yuan Chi Mountain, he swiftly ascended and, using his gourd, began to effectively mask his trail. He vanished in an instant, skillfully avoiding the myriad of micro-detectors without destroying them.

He was on the run!

After leading the Sun family's attention to this location and ensuring their confirmation, there was no need for him to stay any longer. He disappeared into the primitive mountainous terrain.

Wang Xuan had felt uneasy upon nearing Yuan Chi Mountain, suspecting the place to be inauspicious for him. This uneasiness faded as he distanced himself, speculating whether a mysterious organization or a force connected to the celestial immortals harbored ill intentions towards him. He smirked coldly, curious to see how the situation at the mountain would ultimately unfold.

The Sun family's high-ranking members, closely monitoring the event, confirmed Wang Xuan's ascent and couldn't help but reveal icy smiles, with some displaying cruel smirks.

"Such impatience! Let the divine punishment descend, and the light of destruction annihilate all beings connected to the transcendents!" someone remarked with a laugh.

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