The Elysium Across Deep Space

Chapter 242: Affront To The Gods

Chapter 242: Affront To The Gods

Wang Xuan considered the Chi Lan Assembly to be potentially fraught with unknown dangers and mysterious strong figures, unsure if it could offer better opportunities than the secret treasuries of the financial conglomerates. "If I don't attend, I might be targeted," he mused, frowning, despite his reluctance to go.

After Elder Zhong's rejuvenation caught attention, many sought Wang Xuan, eager to extend their lives. Lifelong pursuit of immortality, a tantalizing yet elusive dream, spurred a race among the elite elders.

Wang Xuan, swamped with requests, promised to send longevity-boosting ingredients to the callers, delegating the task to Qin Cheng. He distributed the surplus of extraordinary flesh, which held little value for him, among them.

Qin Cheng was instructed to reserve some for their university peers, swiftly dispatching the rest. Wang Xuan aimed to spread the risk among the financial elite.

Xizhou has important financial groups visiting, closely interacting with the Sun family. There are rumors of transcendent beings among them; be cautious, Zhou Yun warned Wang Xuan about this development.

The news that the Agong Consortium from Xizhou was collaborating with the Sun family made financial headlines. The Agong, backed by the powerful Degen family, was a Western superpower comparable to the Sun family.

The strategic alliance between these Eastern and Western financial titans surprised many. What prompted this close partnership remained a mystery.

On the secret network, it was revealed that the Sun family and the Western conglomerates might join forces to decipher the mother ship and develop new era warships, potentially overturning the current system. Both the Degen family and the Sun family denied this, claiming their collaboration was only to strengthen deep space exploration and form an alliance, aiming to unravel the universe's mysteries, particularly the witch world.

At a Sun family banquet, influential figures gathered, discussing the collection of sun gold, mithril, and magic crystals to reshape the world's future. The true leaders, in a private chamber, toasted to their consensus.

Both families, possessing mother ships unearthed from the moon, secretly intended to develop new warships, though publicly denying any weapon collaboration. Sun Rongsheng introduced the blond elder Grant and his granddaughter Christine, who was a talented practitioner with impressive feats in the witch world.

Grant highlighted the importance of transcendent warriors like Han Solo, crucial for resource acquisition in the witch world where technology has limits. Despite Grant's well-kept appearance at sixty, he seemed aged compared to the youthful Christine and Hans.

Christine, tall and captivating with her golden hair and deep blue eyes, drew much attention. Hans, nearly two meters tall and radiant like a sun god, exuded a divine aura.

Sun Rongsheng admired the transcendent's vitality, feeling his own age in comparison. Though his words were courteous for the occasion, attendees couldn't help but recall the recent conflict between the Sun family and Wang Xuan, another notable transcendent.

Hans expressed his interest in meeting Wang Xuan, an active transcendent from the East, for an exchange and spar.

At the Sun family banquet, the mention of Wang Xuan's name caused displeasure among the attendees, who preferred not to hear it. Christine, with her flowing golden hair and a charming smile, confirmed that they would soon visit Wang Xuan in Su City. Hans Solo, radiant and imposing, expressed his anticipation for the meeting.

Guests at the banquet were stirred by this news. The notion of a transcendent warrior from the West meeting Wang Xuan sparked discussions and speculations about a potential extraordinary battle. The conversation quickly spread to the secret network.

Soon, friends like Zhong Qing and Zhou Yun informed Wang Xuan of the possible trouble brewing. Online, the topic of Western transcendents arriving stirred excitement and curiosity. Some speculated about the nature of these beings were they witches, werewolves, vampires, or knights, or perhaps even divine bloodline carriers? The conversations ranged from serious analyses to fantastical theories.

During the banquet, Christine wondered about the whereabouts of Theo, a divine messenger and a descendant of a mythical bird, possibly akin to the Golden-winged Roc from Eastern myths. Hans and Christine showed concern for Theo, who had been out of contact for several days.

Sun Yichen, adopting a more congenial demeanor, joined the conversation, offering to help locate Theo. Christine explained that Theo, regarded as a messenger of the gods and potentially destined to transform into a Peng King, had not been seen for days, causing worry.

Sun Yichen internally scoffed at the notion of these foreign deities and mythical beings, believing that all transcendents, including the returning immortals, should be conquered. Wearing a special jade pendant that shielded his thoughts, he felt secure amidst these powerful beings. The Sun family, growing increasingly familiar with transcendents, had developed strategies to counter them.

"Sun, I hear you're having a tough time with an Eastern transcendent. Need my help?" Grant, a key member of the Argon Consortium, inquired.

Sun Rongsheng frowned at Grant's informal address but didn't bother to correct him, as explaining seemed too tedious. He nodded, "Just a minor nuisance, nothing major." He knew that relying on a Western consortium to suppress Wang Xuan would invite ridicule. However, he eyed Hans Solo, wondering what might happen if he and Christine really went to Su City.

Sun Rongsheng smiled and offered Grant a rare ingredient he had procured at a high price from an old friend, claimed to extend life. "Oh, Sun, with such praise, I can't wait to try it," Grant replied with a smile.

Christine and Hans were invited to taste this special delicacy. They were astonished by its potent life-enhancing properties, though they wished there was more.

The next day, the Argon Consortium traveled west, receiving warm receptions from various families. "Such a memorable delicacy," Grant praised at a banquet hosted by the Qin family. He was astounded to learn that each Eastern consortium had this ingredient, revealed to be dragon meat.

Initially impressed, Christine and Hans grew skeptical. Did someone in the East slay a dragon and share it among the major families? Their unease grew when details were omitted upon inquiry.

Christine eventually learned the truth: the dragon meat came from a place called Yangsheng Hall in Su City, provided by Wang Xuan. Overwhelmed, she burst into tears at a banquet hosted by the Zhao family. "I'll kill him," Hans growled secretly. "He's blaspheming against the gods," Christine said, wiping her tears, refusing to lose composure at the table.

The Argon Consortium continued their journey to Su City, troubled by the discovery.

Many observed Hans Solo's stern expression, his golden hair gleaming with a divine aura, exuding strength. Christine's beautiful face bore a chill, transforming from a lively Western beauty to a cold, stunning figure.

Online, many speculated a brewing conflict. Even Zhou Yun and Zhong Cheng hurriedly contacted Wang Xuan, warning him of the Western transcendent's arrival in Sicheng, likely seeking confrontation.

Focus once again shifted to Sicheng. "An Eastern swordsman faces a challenge from a Western holy transcendent. Are your detectors ready?" some provocatively asked.

Wang Xuan felt helpless. Why was he targeted? Mastering medicine, understanding treasure appraisal, and keeping up with financial giants weren't enough? Now he had to be ready to spar with unknown transcendent beings?

Upon entering Sicheng, Hans and Christine headed straight for Yangsheng Hall, eager to confront Wang Xuan. From afar, Wang Xuan sensed intense hostility as the duo approached, bathed in a sun-like aura, the man bearing a spear wreathed in divine light.

Wang Xuan had no interest in pointless conflicts, already burdened with troubles. "I abhor violence. What brings you here is unfortunate timing. I have a transcendent gathering tomorrow and must leave soon."

He spoke politely, revealing his unavailability. Christine, suppressing her sorrow and murderous intent, inquired about the gathering, intrigued. Hans, grasping her arm, stood silently in a cascade of golden light.

"You didn't receive an invitation?" Wang Xuan showed a special 'paper' made of super-material and psychic energy. "It's an Eastern gathering; perhaps the West has its own?"

Christine was shaken, her mission to uncover Eastern transcendent organizations potentially tied to the Celestials now seeming closer to revelation.

"May we see the invitation?" Christine asked, her demeanor shifting from icy to gentle, smiling warmly.

"This isn't something to handle directly," Wang Xuan replied, indicating the invitation but not handing it over. He secretly hoped they would snatch it, relieving him of attending the gathering at Yuan Pond Mountain, fearing targeted repercussions for not showing up.

Christine suggested, "I believe the Eastern Celestials and our Western deities might be connected. I'd like to feel the energy of the invitation."

Internally, Wang Xuan urged, "Hurry, take it!"

However, the two remained courteous, examining without taking it. Their attitude towards him changed drastically, ending the meeting amicably.

Disappointed, Wang Xuan sighed inwardly.

Late at night, in a lavishly decorated Western-style suite at the Yuanchu Hotel, Christine manipulated a crystal mirror, flickering with symbols reflecting the special invitation they saw earlier.

"Hans, bring the invitation!" she urged urgently.

Hans infused the mirror with super-material and placed his spear, glowing with divine light, near it, releasing mystical power.

Meanwhile, Wang Xuan feigned sleep, sensing the oddity around him. The invitation by his side, glowing faintly, began to shift and then vanished.

A nearly identical replica soon appeared. Wang Xuan, uninterested, continued his pretense.

He pondered, someone else attending in his stead provided an excuse for his absence. Next, he planned to inform the Sun family of his supposed visit to Yuan Pond Mountain.

His actual intent was to observe from afar, eager to see what would unfold at the gathering.

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