The Elysium Across Deep Space

Chapter 144: Little Zhong’s Treasures

Chapter 144: Little Zhong’s Treasures

The curved blade, forged from a unique alloy, sliced through the air, reminiscent of the Grim Reaper's scythe. As it descended, it emanated an icy chill, distorting the surroundings with an inexplicable force field.

Even with his body reinforced by the art of the Golden Body Technique, Wang Xuan had no intentions of using his neck to test the blade's sharpness. He swiftly dodged, avoiding a direct hit. Yet, as the blade passed, distorting the reality around it, it grazed his skin, tearing at his flesh.

Without his protective Golden Body Technique, the blade's force field would have undoubtedly peeled off a large chunk of flesh from his neck.

Wang Xuan felt the weight of the situation; every individual he had encountered thus far was formidable. They must hail from an advanced planet, possessing astonishing secret techniques.

As he moved quickly, his body shimmered with a faint golden aura, managing to dodge the blade but unable to evade the bolt of lightning that followed. With a resounding boom, a ray of lightning shot from the woman's core, striking Wang Xuan's shoulder, leaving a charred mark. Had it not been for his Golden Body Technique, the impact would've shattered his shoulder blade.

Though half his body felt numb and his shoulder bore a darkened hue, Wang Xuan stood his ground. He observed the female assailant from a distance, realizing the immense power of these extraterrestrial grandmasters. It was imperative for him to ascend to their level soon.

Whether it was the ability to breathe out real flames or resonate lightning from their inner organs, these traits belonged to the realm of grandmasters, inching closer to transcendent abilities.

Suddenly, Wang Xuan activated his spiritual domain, launching an attack on his adversary. Without any prompt, the intricately designed protective gear on the woman's head autonomously revived itself, glowing patterns and birds deflecting the assault.

Wang Xuan's interest was piqued; such a relic was indeed a treasure. The more he observed, the more he became convinced of the advanced civilization these individuals originated from.

Cold light flashed in the woman's eyes, indicating her own concerns. She too feared that if her protective gear failed, the consequences could be dire.

The two combatants traded blows, employing their strongest techniques. Wang Xuan noted that the woman's protective gear also disrupted his perception, making it harder for him to anticipate and dodge some of her lightning attacks.

The gravity of the situation weighed on Wang Xuan. He was not, after all, a true grandmaster. His circumstances were perilous, with parts of his shoulder, arms, and legs charred black, his clothes shredded from the explosions. Anyone else in his place would have been struck down by the lightning long ago.

Nearby, the injured man quickly dressed his wounds and lunged back into the fray. However, he refrained from ambushing Wang Xuan from behind this time. To his frustration, Wang Xuan audaciously presented his chest without any defense, seemingly challenging his opponent to strike. The man quickly deduced that Wang Xuan must have spikes on both his chest and back, making both areas dangerous to attack.

In reality, Wang Xuan had only protected his back with a metal plate, bluffing about his chest's defense. This realization left the man feeling constrained, unable to fully unleash his strength. Eventually, he discovered that Wang Xuan's limbs were unprotected and chose to target his head and limbs instead.

The battle was grueling for Wang Xuan. If he hadn't managed to severely damage the man's hands, his situation would have been far worse. Thankfully for Wang Xuan, this opponent, despite his near-transcendent abilities, relied on his physical prowess rather than emitting flames or lightning.

After multiple lightning strikes, Wang Xuan felt overwhelmed. Upon successfully breaking the opponent's curved blade with his short sword, Wang Xuan's arm was hit by lightning thrice, causing him to drop his weapon.

Drawing a deep breath, Wang Xuan's eyes shone with determination. He activated a powerful technique recorded in the Five Golden Pages. His organs radiated light, resonating and amplifying his innate strength. He then clashed fiercely with the man, delivering a devastating palm strike.

With a pained grunt, the man swiftly retreated. He stared in horror at his hands, which now bore twenty-two bleeding holes. Some of the flesh had been shattered, revealing the underlying bones. In all his years practicing the Diamond Technique, he had never suffered such a grievous injury.

After incapacitating the man, Wang Xuan retracted his power, returning to a state of calm. He was conserving energy, knowing that after three consecutive uses of the technique, there would be a thirty-second cooldown. He had used it once and was now cooling his overheated body, preparing a powerful combination for the female opponent.

Despite enduring two more lightning strikes, Wang Xuan activated the technique from the Five Golden Pages again. Bursting with immense power, he lunged at the woman. If he couldn't subdue her now, he would be in grave danger.

His flesh illuminated, and he mustered his strength, confronting her lightning strikes and engaging in close combat. In the blink of an eye, the woman was at a disadvantage, her arm nearly torn apart, and her palm dripping with blood. Crucially, during their intense clash, Wang Xuan managed to damage and then knock off the intricate protective gear from her head.

The woman's complexion paled. She vigorously channeled energy from her organs, sending a lightning bolt towards Wang Xuan. At the same time, she rapidly retreated, trying to put distance between them.

From the distance, the man with exposed finger bones, undeterred by his injuries, charged back into the fight. Wang Xuan, despite the peril of being struck by lightning, was determined to subdue his foes. He channeled an ethereal glow from his forehead, exerting immense spiritual pressure.

A piercing scream escaped the woman. She could not shield herself from this strange psychic assault, and agony seared through her mind. Just as Wang Xuan felt triumphant, a bolt of lightning struck his heart. His once heated body froze, leaving him almost immobile.

The man from behind advanced menacingly. He targeted Wang Xuan's lower back with a forceful palm and simultaneously aimed for his head with a deadly strike. Though Wang Xuan barely dodged the head attack, the impact on his waist caused him to lurch forward. Seizing this opportunity, he grabbed the mentally disoriented woman, exerted all his might, and with a chilling snap, broke her neck. Her scream ceased, her head hanging lifelessly to the side.

As Wang Xuan took a moment to recover, the man closed the distance, landing a powerful stomp on Wang Xuan's back, intending to shatter him then and there. But to his dismay, despite the excruciating pain, Wang Xuan’s resilient body, fortified by his Golden Body Technique, withstood the potentially fatal blow. Although blood dripped from his lips, he wasn't critically wounded. In retaliation, Wang Xuan swiped at the man. The man, seeing Wang Xuan's cold and determined gaze, felt a chill run down his spine and turned to flee.

Wang Xuan quickly retrieved his fallen short sword, ensuring the woman was truly defeated with one last thrust. He then pursued the fleeing man. Such formidable adversaries couldn't be left unchecked. But soon, Wang Xuan cursed his luck. The landscape was dotted with lakes and rivers. As the man reached a wide river, he plunged in without hesitation. Watching intently, Wang Xuan noticed a creature with silvery scales grip the man's leg, pulling him underwater, and swiftly disappearing downstream.

Realizing the futility of the chase, Wang Xuan returned to the battleground. He surveyed the scene, discovering various vials containing colored liquids on the bodies. Some emitted a sandalwood aroma, while others had a slightly pungent smell. Though hesitant to taste, he stored them all. The treasures he valued most were the intricate protective headpieces worn by the duo. Regrettably, both were damaged in the battle. Wang Xuan tried reshaping one to its original form, suspecting its efficacy might have diminished. Upon wearing it, he felt his senses sharpening.

Additionally, the peculiar metallic sheen clothing worn by the two seemed incredibly resilient, impervious to common blades, piquing Wang Xuan's interest.

Surveying his attire, charred and tattered from the lightning strike, Wang Xuan decisively stripped down a set of unique, metallic black-gold clothes from the fallen. His usual meticulous nature was set aside; a battle could erupt at any moment, and he needed to be prepared. Donning the outfit, he felt an immediate sense of security.

Despite his victory, a weight bore down on Wang Xuan's heart. The trio had posed a formidable challenge, nearly overwhelming him. If not for his preemptive strike on one and the injury to the man skilled in the Vajra Technique, the outcome might have been grim.

"How can they be so incredibly strong?" he pondered aloud. Even though he had given it his all, he had only managed to defeat two. The thought of another eight such powerful adversaries seeking revenge left him sighing deeply. "Are all youths from that advanced planet this mighty?" The pressure he felt was unprecedented.

Wang Xuan, deep in thought, murmured, "Perhaps these individuals are among the elites of their planet." It made sense to him; only the cream of the crop would dare venture into such a perilous realm. "They could be core members of an advanced organization or even direct disciples of some cosmic sect."

His spirits lifted at a realization, "That means I've already made quite a mark by taking down two of their prime seeds." A confident, radiant smile spread across Wang Xuan's face. "Moreover, I'm only a nominal Grandmaster. Once I truly ascend to the next realm, my power will surge."

His mind started to race with questions about these otherworldly visitors. "What is their planet like compared to this secret land? Did they come solely to harvest rare artifacts? Did they travel by interstellar ships or some other means exclusive to their advanced civilization? How do they perceive this place – a backyard, an abandoned medicinal field, or something more strategic? Are they the only group from that planet here?"

However, Wang Xuan shook his head, bringing himself back to the immediate concerns. From the three he encountered, he deduced that their group was led by a young man named Zhuo Yang. They were currently preoccupied with a rare medicinal herb. "Such treasures are usually guarded by formidable creatures," he mused, hoping the adversaries would meet their end attempting the acquisition.

Suddenly, the sound of buzzing wings reached his ears. Looking up, he saw a swarm of toxic bees, each the size of a bull, flying overhead from the nearby forest. In the distance, an even larger, more ominous swarm approached, darkening the skies like a foreboding storm cloud.

"Have I just disrupted a hive?" Wang Xuan mused. Regardless of his prowess, he knew better than to confront an endless swarm of formidable beasts. Without hesitation, he turned on his heels and sprinted away.

Navigating treacherous terrains, scaling peaks, and descending into valleys, Wang Xuan ran for what felt like miles until the ominous hum of the massive swarm faded into the distance. These creatures were the stuff of nightmares.

As he caught his breath, he stumbled upon several members of the exploration team. Evidently, they had also altered their paths to escape the deadly swarm, resulting in their scattered formation. If the eight foes were adamant about pursuing, few, if any, would likely survive.

"To divert any pursuers, I must change my direction," Wang Xuan resolved. Staying with the group could jeopardize their safety.

He lamented not finding Zhao Qinghan in this area; he had wanted to present her with the protective headgear and unique armor he had acquired.

Suddenly, his senses tingled, recognizing the familiar presence of the Zhong siblings. Wang Xuan had initially planned to move on, but recalling how young Zhong's metal plate had proven invaluable in the skirmishes, he felt a need to acknowledge their assistance.

"They're coming after us!" Zhong Cheng exclaimed, spotting a figure clad in unfamiliar attire. As he prepared to flee, recognition dawned, and he blurted out, "Wang Xuan? Why are you wearing their clothes? Did you... defeat them?"

His voice teetered between exhilaration and disbelief.

Wang Xuan calmly replied, "Two of them met an unfortunate fate, overwhelmed by the toxic bees. I merely scavenged from the aftermath."

"Good riddance!" An out-of-breath Zhong Cheng collapsed onto the ground, fatigue evident from their escape. Zhong Qing, looking equally exhausted, eyed Wang Xuan skeptically, her pure face slick with perspiration.

"Where is Qinghan?" Wang Xuan inquired.

Before their venture into this secretive land, Zhao Qinghan had assured Wang Xuan of his safety, promising to keep him close. Since their arrival, she had honored her word, even insisting he remain near her during nightly rests. In return, Wang Xuan felt duty-bound to protect her at all costs. Now, concern welled up within him. Still, he took solace in the thought that with Grandmaster Ma by her side, she would be safe.

"When the poisonous bees swarmed," Zhong Cheng began, "panic ensued, and all of us fled in different directions. Qinghan tried to save an injured member by pulling him onto her horse. She called out for us to join her. However, Grandmaster Ma, in his panic, sped away with them without waiting."

"With the bees in an uproar, even the creatures in the mountains are likely fleeing. This region might become relatively safer," Wang Xuan reasoned. "You both should find a cave and take shelter." He handed over the intricately carved protective gear and an extra suit of armor to the siblings. "These should offer some protection."

He had initially intended to give them to Zhao Qinghan. But since she had been whisked away by Grandmaster Ma, he felt it was more beneficial to equip someone he knew. Wang Xuan then took off the steel plate from his back and handed it to Zhong Qing.

Little Zhong, usually quick-witted and sharp-tongued, was momentarily speechless upon seeing the plate. A blush of embarrassment swept across her face, and she finally exclaimed, "Wang Xuan!"

"What's going on? Isn't this my sister's protective plate?" Zhong Cheng's eyes widened in shock.

"Sister, did you let him wear your protective gear?" He pressed further.

Zhong Qing, increasingly flustered, snapped, "Shut up!"

"Isn't this the same plate you wore on your back?" He narrowed his eyes accusingly at Wang Xuan. "You didn't make her wear the other one, did you?" Staring intently at Wang Xuan's chest, he demanded, "What did you do to my sister?"

His tone and posture resembled someone confronting a wrongdoer. Wang Xuan looked at him, slightly amused. Did he seriously jump to such conclusions?

Zhong Qing, with a swift motion, knocked her younger brother down, wanting to stop his wild speculations.

Lying on the ground, Zhong Cheng lamented melodramatically, "A grown sister is as uncontrollable as spilled water. The ancients were right. Now she's even siding with outsiders against me!"

Even as articulate as Zhong Qing was, she now found herself in a tight spot, too embarrassed to respond to her brother's antics.

Zhong Cheng, trying to divert the conversation, asked, "What is this plate made of? A bee as large as a horse stung me, and its spear-like stinger was repelled by this plate."

Zhong Qing, after ensuring Wang Xuan wasn't jesting, revealed, "It's infused with some Sun Gold."

Wang Xuan was taken aback by the revelation.

Before entering the secretive region, Wang Xuan had seen, with his own eyes, the incredible values the major organizations in the He Star base had set for various rare items. Fifty grams of Sun Gold was worth a staggering five billion New Star coins – an absolutely astronomical sum. Later, he had learned that the weapons of the celestial warriors, the Lie Xian, were believed to contain traces of Sun Gold.

"Little Zhong, you're something else! To have Sun Gold and use it so lavishly!" Wang Xuan was genuinely astounded. For Zhong Qing to incorporate an ingredient that even the Lie Xian cherished into a spiked steel plate was the height of luxury.

"What did you just call me?!" Zhong Qing's eyes widened in anger. She couldn't believe Wang Xuan had dared to address her so informally, hinting that he might frequently refer to her in this manner behind her back.

Zhong Cheng jumped in, his urgency evident, "Wait, what are you both talking about? Sun Gold? Sister, did you sneak into Grandpa's study and misuse his prized material to craft this?"

Wang Xuan connected the dots quickly. Elder Zhong was gathering Sun Gold, likely to forge a powerful celestial weapon! It also became clear that Zhong Qing had unrestricted access to the old man Zhong Yong's study. Wang Xuan's gaze turned to her, imagining the treasures she might know about, like the golden bamboo slips from the Pre-Qin period or the multi-colored jade books. His eyes gleamed with excitement.

In her defense, Zhong Qing argued, "I came here to save Grandpa. Going into such a dangerous territory means I need the best protection possible. I intend to melt it down and return it to him later." She then focused on Wang Xuan, demanding, "What did you call me just now?"

"Da Zhong!" Wang Xuan replied without hesitation.

In his eyes, Little Zhong was a walking treasure trove, a repository of knowledge worth befriending.

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