The Elysium Across Deep Space

Chapter 143: Killing An Alien

Chapter 143: Killing An Alien

Wang Xuan's initial assumptions were off. These weren’t the native inhabitants of this mysterious land. Astonishingly, they were extraterrestrials hailing from the vast reaches of the unknown cosmos! These strangers seemed to know a lot about the land, indicating that they were not just any visitors.

Previously, explorers from the New World had discussed the possibility of distinct races deep within the mysterious land, leading Wang Xuan to a narrow frame of mind. But this revelation, although startling, also provided Wang Xuan with a sense of relief. A weight lifted from his shoulders.

Engaging with natives in a bloody conflict would have been a tragedy even if he won in the short term. On such an exceptional planet, the depth of potential power among its indigenous inhabitants was hard to estimate. Now, he felt emboldened. If these ten strangers sought to hunt them down, he had no qualms about defending himself, even if it meant a fatal duel.

"There's no threat of endless native retaliation or inscrutable sects seeking revenge. It's just a clash between beings from different worlds," he murmured to himself. In this context, he too was an alien.

Even though his spirit was somewhat lifted, Wang Xuan remained alert and took the situation seriously. These beings, albeit young, were masters of their craft and would certainly pose a significant challenge.

Silently, Wang Xuan navigated through the woods, hunting. So far, he'd only identified three of them. Weren't there supposed to be ten masterful opponents? Had the others not arrived? His search yielded no further insights.

The forest was deep and riddled with strange creatures. Stealthily, Wang Xuan tailed the three, looking for an opportunity to strike.

One of the extraterrestrial beings voiced out, "The first rule of survival here is to kill any humanoid on sight. But these primitive earthlings don’t seem to pose much of a threat." His words dripped with disdain for the people of the New World.

Among the trio, the sole woman was particularly vigilant. "The man with the unique mental energy is curious," she commented. "Even if he isn't from any extraordinary origin, it's best to tread carefully."

Wang Xuan couldn't decipher their words, but through his psychic sense, he grasped the gist of their thoughts.

"Zhuo Yang warned us against hasty moves," one of the men whispered. "He suggested we trace their path to ensure no powerful members lurk among them, possibly fearing the man with pronounced psychic strength."

In hushed voices, they continued their discussion. Zhuo Yang and some of their group had chanced upon rare herbs and would be lagging behind.

"We might be overthinking this," one mused. "These earthlings appear feeble. Our team of ten could've easily overwhelmed them."

"Let's regroup first," the other advised, urging patience.

Their condescension towards the new star inhabitants was evident, yet their cautious maneuvers hinted at a grudging respect for Wang Xuan's potential. He remembered their earlier retreat at the mere detection of his psychic aura.

Their routine was predictable: they'd scatter briefly, then quickly reconvene. Seeing an opening, Wang Xuan chose to act, wary of the remainder of their group catching up.

When a towering silvery-furred creature darted past, the trio momentarily dispersed. Wang Xuan seized the chance to close in.

In a blur of motion, he lunged with his gleaming short sword, aiming for a swift beheading of one of the men. Simultaneously, his left hand, shaped like a blade, was ready to strike if needed.

The target, possessing lightning-fast reflexes, narrowly sidestepped the lethal blow, but not entirely. The blade nicked the back of his neck, causing blood to gush dangerously close to a vital artery.

Undeterred, Wang Xuan pressed on, sword and hand poised for another onslaught.

The alien combatant, evidently a Grandmaster in his own right, displayed an uncanny mastery over his movements. Each evasion was marked by systematic training, defying common expectations of physical prowess.

Incredibly, he managed to avoid Wang Xuan's sword, which had aimed for his heart, by deftly sidestepping to the left. However, dodging Wang Xuan's left hand proved far more challenging. With a powerful swing, Wang Xuan's blade-hand met the top of the man's head, producing a deep, thunder-like resonance, as an unexpected flash of light burst forth.

Surprisingly, a luminous halo appeared around the intricate protective gear the man wore on his head, shielding him from the full brunt of Wang Xuan's attack.

Taken aback, Wang Xuan recognized the sheer force he had just unleashed. His entire form gleamed with a subtle golden hue, and his hand vibrated intensely. The power of his Gold Body Technique was evident, and its combined force with his blade-hand was truly fearsome.

Finally, with a resonating thud, the protective gear on the man's head caved under Wang Xuan's relentless assault. The man was thrown back, partly due to Wang Xuan's strike and partly from his own momentum. A visible dent on the back of his head bore testament to the severity of the blow.

Yet, displaying resilience befitting a Grandmaster, the man remained alive. He quickly rebounded, proving his exceptional vitality. To an ordinary observer, it would seem monstrous – who could continue fighting after such a grievous head injury? However, despite his undying spirit, his movements were slightly staggered.

Wang Xuan couldn't help but be awed. Compared to this formidable foe, the Moonlight Bodhisattva seemed almost inconsequential. Despite giving it his all, shining with that enigmatic golden aura, Wang Xuan hadn't managed to decisively defeat his opponent.

Undoubtedly, the mysterious protective headgear played a role. At a glance, it appeared ornamental, but its radiance and intricate patterns suggested profound hidden powers. This was the first time Wang Xuan had encountered such a marvel.

With no hesitation, Wang Xuan charged forward, his figure reminiscent of a soft golden streak, aiming to deliver a finishing blow to his adversary. From a distance, a female extraterrestrial figure emerged, dashing forward like a swift ray of light, clearly attempting a rescue.

Recognizing the urgency, Wang Xuan was determined not to falter again. If both of the alien allies regrouped, the unpredictability of the situation might intensify. As he lunged forward, he deployed his psychic domain. A misty glow emanated from his forehead, aiming to assault his opponent's mental consciousness.

But yet another surprise unfurled. The protective gear atop the opponent's head, displaying an emblem of a bird, seemed to come alive. It emitted a blurry luminance, apparently acting as a shield against the psychic onslaught.

Aghast, Wang Xuan thought, "Such intricate and fine headgear can produce this effect? Surely, it must be a treasure!" Observing that each of their kind wore such gear, he realized that this was not good news for him. No wonder these beings seemed so nonchalant about his psychic prowess; they had a unique protective tool safeguarding their minds.

However, the ethereal glow from the bird emblem dimmed. The gear, previously dented by Wang Xuan's blade-hand strike, was compromised. Both sides of the battle were filled with unforeseen twists.

The alien man, in evident pain, groaned. He had started to spew a kind of true fire from his mouth, aiming to incinerate Wang Xuan. But now, the fire failed to propel forward. The earlier sparks that had fallen onto the ground had scorched a piece of blue stone until it glowed red-hot and nearly melted.

Wang Xuan's expression shifted. One of these beings was hard enough to combat; a group would be insurmountable. Without a moment's delay, he lunged forward, swinging his short sword.

With a swift motion and a splattering sound, the bronze-like blade sliced through the alien's neck, and the head dropped to the ground. Despite the swift unfolding of events, filled with surprises, Wang Xuan had managed to defeat his foe.

But his trials were far from over. The approaching female, with her face contorted in anger and screaming in fury, looked hell-bent on avenging her fallen comrade. As she neared, she unleashed her own psychic energy, attempting to infiltrate Wang Xuan's defenses.

A smirk played on Wang Xuan's lips as he pushed his psychic domain forward in retaliation. However, in an instant, he sensed deception. While his attention was fixated on the female, another figure had made its move.

Having stealthily closed the gap, this third entity suddenly sprung into action. Almost soaring through the air, the figure reached Wang Xuan, with both hands already pressed against his back.

With a sigh, Wang Xuan acknowledged the prowess of the trio. Their seasoned battle experience and terrifying combat instincts put them in a league far above the Moonlight Bodhisattva, who in comparison seemed like a fragile sprout shielded in a greenhouse.

Yet, Wang Xuan remained undeterred. Despite the impeccable coordination between the male and female adversaries who sought his downfall, his confidence never wavered. Thanks to his mastery of the Golden Body Technique, he felt almost invincible, undeterred by threats of sneak attacks. What harm could a mere blow do?

Suddenly, like a scorpion tail's sting, he kicked backward, intending to counter the impending palm strike from behind. Both combatants managed to land hits, but the outcomes were drastically different.

Wang Xuan's face displayed shock as his kick hit the man's leg. The impact caused the assailant to tremble, but no sound of breaking bones followed. It dawned on Wang Xuan that he had met a kindred spirit; his attacker had cultivated a protective technique, making his body as tough as iron. Wang Xuan surmised that the attacker had not reached the realm of 'inner sight', but had possibly honed his body using rare elixirs and artifacts.

However, the man who ambushed Wang Xuan, despite his formidable strength that almost approached an indestructible state in commoners' eyes, now wore a ghastly expression. Wang Xuan felt a powerful force pushing him forward as the impact from the terrifying palm strike sent shockwaves through his organs. Yet, he managed to stabilize himself, emerging unscathed.

But the scene behind him was gruesome. The attacker screamed in agony. His hands, which he considered his most powerful weapons, were now bloody and perforated, resembling a sieve filled with tiny holes.

Stunned, Wang Xuan couldn't fathom what had just transpired. When realization dawned upon him, it was almost unbelievable.

Recalling a past event, he remembered rescuing a woman named Zhong Qing from a marshland. She had angrily presented two spiked steel plates which she insisted on carrying. Eventually, Wang Xuan had ended up holding them for her. Later, when he tried returning them, Zhong Qing seemed conflicted, seemingly disgusted that he had touched them. Reading her reluctance, Wang Xuan decisively attached one of the plates to his back. The slender plate only covered a small portion of his back, right above his heart.

What he hadn't anticipated was that these spikes would pierce through the hands of an opponent with a refined body.

It was clear that this was no ordinary alloy.

Astonished, Wang Xuan was taken aback by this unexpected turn of events. Their brief encounter had been riddled with unforeseen twists and turns.

“You…” The man glared at Wang Xuan, enraged. He had never anticipated encountering such a ruthless opponent who would use a protective gear crafted from a rare and secretive metal, designed to inflict severe injury.

He gazed down in agony at his hands, counting a total of twenty-two puncture wounds on the back of his hands, which were trembling uncontrollably. The female companion, who had now caught up, was equally shocked. She knew the man's diamond-like technique was one of the top defensive skills. Yet, the formidable defense had been breached, leaving his strongest weapons, his hands, in a pitiful state.

“Come on,” Wang Xuan taunted, sheathing his short sword. “Let's test our strengths. Hand to hand.” He beckoned, inviting a direct confrontation.

Although the alien man didn't understand Wang Xuan's language, the gesture was clear. His eyes blazed with fury. This was a blatant challenge. Was Wang Xuan mocking his injured state? Even with his injuries, his diamond technique was formidable. Without hesitation, he lunged, wanting nothing more than to crush Wang Xuan then and there.

However, he wasn't just a brute. As they approached each other, he stealthily lifted his right foot, aiming a vicious kick at Wang Xuan's groin. Wang Xuan was no novice, having experienced the man’s deceitful tactics before. He braced himself for the move.

A resounding clang echoed as their feet collided, reminiscent of a thunderclap, with the ground shaking and dust billowing around them. The subsequent clash of their hands was even more explosive, sending shockwaves that splintered the surrounding trees.

While Wang Xuan merely grunted in response, the alien man, although initially fearless, now found himself in excruciating pain. With every impact, the twenty-two puncture wounds on his hands spurted blood, worsening with each blow. The confrontation had opened up new wounds, leading to further bleeding. Overwhelmed by pain and the sight of his mangled hands, he retreated.

Seizing the opportunity, the female attacker lunged at Wang Xuan with a lightning speed, her right hand wielding a curved blade aimed directly at his neck. Simultaneously, a burst of electrical energy surged from her core, lashing out at Wang Xuan.

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