The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 452: desert scorpions

Chapter 452: desert scorpions

Hearing the loud cacophony of screeching sounds, the tourists felt their hearts skipping a beat. Despite feeling the urge to go on the run and escape immediately, they forced their fear down and waited for the experts verdict.

As one, all of them including Clark turned their head to look at the lady mercenary and Mr. Sandstorm to get a word from them.

The lady mercenary now had a serious expression on her face as she let her mechanical drone go forward to scout. For Mr. Sandstorm, the local simply leaned closer to the sandy walls and listened.

Screech! Screech!

As the screeching sounds increased in volume, his face suddenly clouded over as he seemed to have detected something. Despite this, he didnt say a thing yet as he waited for the mercenary to give her verdict.

The lady mercenary was silent. While listening to get clues, she watched the holographic projection that was before her sternly to see the enemies.

From the vibrations already going through the tunnel passageway, she guessed that these predators already surrounded them from the top, below, sides, and everywhere.

Despite this, she still focused on the vision of her mechanical drone.

Amid the tense atmosphere, her eyes suddenly constricted as the scene being shown by the drone changed. The sight was from a few dozen meters away from their current location in the tunnel.

In the shown location, a hole was already torn through by the predators to get access inside the tunnel. Right now, the tunnel was filled with predators.

Scorpions, scorpions filled everywhere.

She couldnt estimate the exact number of scorpions at a glance, but all she knew was that they were freaking plenty, probably hundreds or even up to a thousand considering the fact that the screeching sounds was now coming from everywhere around them.

Without even needing to contemplate it, she made her decision. She made the holographic projection big enough that the other tourists saw everything, so she didnt have to explain too much.

Well be rushing through them before they emerge completely. Run!

Her thought process was that if the scorpions all came out and surrounded them, they were dead meat. Her plan was that before they came out completely, they rush through them now and escape.

No one opposed her plan, not that they dared, they unconditionally gave their consent and moved at her signal.

Mr. Sandstorm activated the familiar energy shield, using it to cover the whole team in the process as he ran after the lady mercenary at the front.

The other locals who already pulled out their weapons followed while still maintaining their circular protective formation around the tourists.


Just a few seconds after they moved, a powerful muscular tail shot out of the ground, stabbing and tearing about a quarter of a leg out of one of the tourists.

They didnt expect the scorpions under them to emerge so swiftly, they were caught completely of guard which led to this error. And another thing became evident immediately, this strange scorpion was an exobeast.

Seeing such huge scorpion creatures left even the experienced Mr. Sandstorm a little flustered, this was a first for him.

This was his first time meeting this mutated scorpion species, which was not too surprising as there were numerous strange mutated creatures in the world of gold that were not in the archives of expedition companies yet.

Tu! Tu! Tu! Tu!

Immediately after the first tourist was stabbed, giving him a severe injury, the locals surrounding them reacted as they immediately turned their gun aim and shot rapidly.

Those that had melee weapons nimbly and warily went closer to it, trying as much as possible to avoid its poisonous tail while looking for a breakthrough point to strike at it.

Unlike other mutated creatures in the Sahara, this strange scorpion monster clearly didnt have a good defense as blood blossomed immediately after the bullets touched its skin.

Before the locals and the bodyguards could attack it again, it tore a hole through the desert floor with its tail again before rapidly burrowing away like an ant, leaving the tourists dumbfounded.

Dumbfounded in this sense was exclusive to the tourists minds, their physical bodies were having an entirely different reaction.

Immediately after the first tourist was stabbed, they instinctively escaped farther from that position while continuing their escape. 2 tourists grabbed their team member that was stabbed and continued escaping.

They knew in their minds that a monster that could breach the shield in one strike though temporarily was definitely an exobeast, this only sprouted the desire in their hearts more to escape.

For the past week, the term exobeast was already their greatest nightmare.

They activated their exotic armors without caring for its energy expenditures, and under the protection from their bodyguards and the locals, they rushed forward at their 2-leading teammates.

For the next few seconds, none of the scorpions appeared which verified the notion that the previous one was an exobeast.

This period of safety was just the calm before the storm, the scorpions got to the surface of the tunnel the next moment.

Boom! Boom!

Multiple poison tails hit the spiraling walls of the tunnel, digging through and emerging from different parts of the tunnel as they aimed at the tourists.

More prepared this time, the tourists suffered the impact but they suffered no injuries as the joint defense of their exotic armors and the exotic shield minimized the impact of the blow to the lowest possible rate.

The tails injured no one this time, but the danger already arrived. The tails poked and curved around the sandy walls of the tunnel, then they pulled hard, enabling the scorpions behind to emerge out in the open.

1 scorpion, 2 scorpions, 10 scorpions, 50 scorpions

Screech! Screech!

Compared to the scorpions that appeared in the lady mercenarys holographic projection, these were smaller but their number was the real deal. And now, the team was already surrounded.

Before the scorpions could stabilize and focus on their prey, a whip already lashed out widely at them as a sword stab swiftly followed.

Seeing this, the lady mercenary no longer held back as she erupted powerfully. Her metal whip ripped through the flesh of the scorpions, tearing them apart before they could close the distance and attack with their poisonous tails.

She reduced her speed, matching it with the pace of the others in the expedition team as her left hand propelled her exotic whip while her right hand swiped her light sword left and right.

The other warriors who were in the expedition team cooperated with her, fighting hard as they killed the scorpions, babysitting the other tourists who hid behind them at the same time.

Scorpion heads and tails fell before their feet in droves.

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