The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 451: a week later

Chapter 451: a week later

[Sand Warrior Recognized!]

[Rank: Expedition Team Captain.]

[Authority: 2G Authority.]

[Order Received: Desert mechanical pipe opening]

As soon as the last word appeared on the glass wall, the wall jerked loudly then it slowly opened with creaking sounds accompanying it.

Cautiously, Mr. Sandstorm took a step outside. After confirming that nothing happened to him, the lady mercenary finally came out, taking back her position as the strongest tourist on the expedition team.

As soon as these 2 people came out, the other 7 local guides followed before the remaining tourists finally came out.

As soon as they came out, the glass wall of the mechanical pipe shut close softly. The next moment, the gray metallic color of the pipe slowly faded, making it seem like it was erased from the void.

It became camouflaged in brown golden color to look exactly like the surrounding golden sand that formed ring shapes through the tunnel.

This time, probably after the ordeals that they had already gone through, the expedition team was more cohesive.

Apart from the lady mercenary and Mr. Sandstorm who led at the front, the other local guides helped the other tourists to form a circular defensive formation. They were now all super alert to react quickly to any sudden danger.

As they moved carefully with Mr. Sandstorm still probing the surroundings, Clark took this opportunity to quickly observe the area.

He didnt reveal much of an expression nor did he panic when he woke up to see the lady mercenary in the morning. He knew that she didnt see who intruded on her private space, the best she could do was to be alert against everybody.

With a single glance, Clark got and registered all the sight of this tunnel in his head.

Underground in the hot Sahara was still dominated by sand, the only difference was that the genius locals of this region somehow made a tunnel pathway through the boundless golden sand.

The sand was folded, rolled, and they curled around the walls in circular patterns to form what seemed like a spiraling staircase.

With this ingenious design, the sand was able to be trapped to the walls with only dust falling down slightly on the sandy ground. Seeing this sight, not only Clark, all the tourists were amazed.

They were amazed, but not for long. They still remembered the horrifying scenario already painted into their heads by Mr. Sandstorm.

During this time of their observing the surroundings, Mr. Sandstorm and the lady mercenary already completed surveying for any danger.

Without a word, both of them took the lead as they started rapidly moving through the tunnels. The remaining tourists of the expedition team immediately followed behind them.

They all already had their weapons drawn to fight any monster that may suddenly appear. This way, they quickly left the region of the metal pipe and went deep inside the tunnel passageway.

In minutes, they disappeared.


A loud screeching sound reverberated through the sandy walls of the underground passageway. And inside this passageway stood the expedition team led by Mr. Sandstorm.

Unlike a week ago when they just entered the underground passageway looking innocent and neat, the expedition team already changed a lot.

None of them died despite going through this monster-infested region for a week, but they looked like entirely different people. They now looked more like cave barbarians than rich humans.

None of them was still dressed luxuriously, their clothes already either torn on different parts or were stained completely by the fog-like dust or were stained by the blood of the monsters that theyve encountered.

The only complete piece of clothes that were still on their body was the mechanical hijab. Despite the suffocating dust and the attacks for the past one week, the hijab only looked slightly worn out.

Their eyes no longer showed the innocence and naivety they had when they just came. They didnt immediately turn to those of an expert, but their eyes now had a vibe like those of veterans who had encountered a lot.

If they came as tourists, now they were bonafide adventurers. Even the Casanova youth changed a lot, now obediently standing closer to his bodyguard than ever before.

They didnt suddenly become stronger, but they now knew how to be cautious and make use of others. They were now experts at hiding behind those that were strong in the expedition team.

During the past week, danger upon danger was their daily encounter.

They already encountered so many ambushes from conventional and strange desert creatures that they were now numb to it.

Compared to the terrifying ambushes that left them at the point of death and despair, a group of animals that directly revealed their presence on seeing them was a milder challenge to overcome.

As another screeching sound reverberated which confirmed the presence of the predators, the expedition team finally reacted. They reacted like veterans.

Clark and the other tourists reacted in a calm but cowardly manner, rushing towards each other as they huddled in the middle. The bodyguards hired by the wealthier tourists and the locals formed a circle around them.

Mr. Sandstorm stood with them but the lady mercenary already rushed out, she moved like the wind and struck like a viper.

For the past week, she has been the pillar of the expedition team and this time was no exception. She took the stage as bravely as a lion.

As she rushed forward, a huge tail dripping with a purple sizzling liquid suddenly penetrated out of the ground, shooting directly at her.

Seeing this, she simply activated her exotic boots, then she jumped up and stumped at it. As the creature connected to the strange tail shrieked in pain, her long mechanic whip appeared and lashed out.

The whip turned sharp like a dagger with fire raging around it. It easily penetrated through the wall of sand, forming a huge hole amid blood flying about as the monster below finally came out.

The monster struggled to come out after being hit.

As it struggled out, it revealed its enormous body to the spectating tourists. It was a huge scorpion that defied science, towering at a size of nearly a meter tall.

It tried to attack with its poisonous tail again, but a strike from the mercenary cut it off for good. Amid it shrieking painfully, the mercenary stumped down with her powerful boots, crushing it to death.

Before the tourists could heave sighs of relief, the next moment, a cacophony of screeching sounds reverberated through the tunnel. It was like a thousand scorpions were strangely screaming together this time.

Screech! Screech! Screech!

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