The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 379: a showdown between the radan army and assassins

Chapter 379: a showdown between the radan army and assassins

The minister is dead!

All the assassins of the old warriors club heard this word reverberating on their head in echoes of various alternating frequencies and this seemed to have lit a hidden spark on their heads.

They didnt think deep into it to process it or to even understand it, they directly reacted according to the plan like it was already instinct to them. Captain Drake brought out a grenade and threw it down.


No fire or explosion was seen or heard; only thick gray gas surged out and immediately diffused the air after the grenade made a sound-induced by its lid popping open.

The Radan soldiers held their noses to avoid inhaling the gas while rushing inside the gas center to look for the assassins, but they saw no one. The assassins were gone as swiftly and efficiently as they came.

This is when they finally came to their senses. The leader of this protection mission, one of the 2nd rank high-grade soldiers had a grave expression on his face as he brought a communication device to his mouth.

He exhaled. The minister is dead; the assassins are on the run.

Got it.

Outside the laboratory building, inside the public development headquarters, all the guards in the headquarters were already aroused and were out after the information of the assassination spread.

Under the leadership of the few unit leaders, they hunted the assassins that they could see after searching through the headquarters.

6 assassins were now fighting against this horde.

Under the leadership of a slippery assassin with a thin spear, the 6 assassins managed to battle all of them to a standstill despite the huge number difference, nullifying all their advantages.

The minister is dead!

As soon as Albert heard this, all complacency left his face and as one, he and the other 5 assassins changed their battle technique immediately.


6 grenades were thrown down, and thick gray gas quickly started diffusing the air from 6 different directions. By the time that the guards could take countermeasures against it, the assassins were gone.

Outside the public development headquarters, the commotion that was originally in the streets started being thwarted at such high efficiencies that could create goosebumps.

Seeing the heavy military vehicles speeding through the road from the direction of the presidential villa to the public development headquarters, all the civilians became as meek as lambs on the slaughter ground.

Immediately after the news of an assassination attempt got to the presidential villa, Commander Cable ordered one of his Captains to go thwart the efforts of the assassins.

Having been given all the authority that he needed; the captain mobilized a significant number of soldiers before immediately rushing in the direction of the public development building.

As soon as the first group of military vehicles stopped, soldiers, trouped out and rushed into the headquarters in organized units.

In the skies, 3 helicopters hovered as sniper units had their sniper rifles trained on the ground in search of the assassins.

A tense atmosphere immediately descended on the public development headquarters as the gloom of a battalion of soldiers being mobilized spread, the nearby civilians were directly petrified.


The captains expensive boots made a loud noise as he stepped out of the military vehicle that convened him.

He was dressed in the trademark blue and white uniform of the Radan army, his military badge proudly adorned his uniform on his left chest.

He had a stern expression on his face as he brought out a device from the military vehicle. After activating the device, electromagnetic waves mixed with high-luminous waves spread across at the speed of light.

His eyes suddenly shone brightly. Theres an underground rail at this street, go bomb it to shreds immediately.

Yes, sir.

The soldiers who he addressed saluted and immediately went to fulfill the order, they all had a serious expressions on their faces.

After giving this order, he turned to face the helicopters hovering in the air. Minister Nani is dead, bombard the laboratory building and environs.

Yes, sir.

The soldiers piloting the helicopters accompanied their words with actions immediately as their turned the weapon armaments of the helicopters to face the laboratory building, then the destruction started.

Boom! Boom!

Amid the loud explosive sounds being made as the helicopters bombarded the area, the captain raised both his hands and 2 teenage soldiers immediately came out of the military vehicle.

After handing his weapons to him, they went back inside.

He brought his huge electric rifle to his face and blew at its muzzle, then he strapped it to his back. After this, he felt his exotic spear. He flexed the weapon some more before finally moving inside the headquarters.

An elite group of soldiers tightly followed him in.

With the scanning device with him, he didnt need to search blindly before he pinpointed the position of the assassins. Around a certain radius, the scanner could vaguely present a picture of everything to him.

From a walk, he started jogging, and from a jog, he started sprinting.

He circled 3 buildings in the headquarters with his elite group of soldiers still following him, then he suddenly held his rifle properly and aimed.

Electric sparks converged around the rifles muzzle before it shot out something that seemed like a silvery blue bolt of lightning mixed with thunder.

The ground was directly breached, revealing the escaping assassins that were under it passing through another underground route.

Before Albert and the other 5 assassins could comprehend how they were discovered, they felt a spear surrounded by a hot force field slashing down at them from above.


All of them dodged, but Albert who was originally at the front of the group suffered the brunt of the damage. His exotic armor was breached as blood flew out from his chest, but he survived the blow.

We met a 3rd rank high-grade soldier.

Being someone who sparred with his master almost every day, Albert was super familiar with the strength of 3rd rank high-grade soldiers so he reported it without hesitation.

As he reported it, all 6 of them were retreating too. Before a 3rd rank high-grade soldier, who was ready to kill them ruthlessly, they had 0 chances of surviving in a head-on battle.

As the Captain was about to continue forward in pursuit, he suddenly stopped after being warned of danger by his intuition.

A high caliber bullet paired with a bright blue energy beam suddenly appeared, raking through the metal walls as easily as a hot knife cutting through butter.

Seeing this, his eyes narrowed and he suddenly looked at the air.

There, he saw a black vested assassin falling down towards him. His face was partially covered by a black veil, he had a number 10 headband on his forehead, the most eye-catching fact was his 2 sharp swords.

He immediately raised his spear to parry.


He felt shocked as the power transmitted through the swords to his spear pushed him backward, a lot of thoughts went through his mind as he felt suspicious immediately.

Who are you?

Clark did not pay attention to him as he turned to his student.

Escape, now!

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