The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 378: the minister is dead

Chapter 378: the minister is dead


As soon as Clark landed on the underground floor, the impact transmitted to his body made him arrive at a ton of deductions immediately. This underground route was recently dug, and it was a rail just like the one he came through.

As his brain made all these discoveries, his eyes were already alert as he rapidly surveyed the overall layout of this underground escape route.

From the corner of his eyes, he saw what he was looking for. A mini-train just like the one he came on was currently moving into the distance, and a group of soldiers armed to the teeth sprinted forward with it to protect it.

Behind the mini-train stood another group of soldiers. From their stance, they were clearly ordered to stay behind and to intercept any assassin that was able to get here.

Seeing Clark break into the underground rail so swiftly not long after they came down here, the soldiers were clearly shocked.

Taking advantage of their shock, Clark rolled twice before standing up, now his back faced the walls of the underground route. His multi-purpose boots erupted in a blue glow, then they suddenly stuck to the wall.

Seeing his actions, the soldiers pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Before the convergence of bullets could get to his position, Clarks hands suddenly touched the wall, and just like a wall gecko, he scaled the wall with superhuman speed, dodging all the bullets in the process.

Before they could adjust their aim, his multi-purpose boots carried him through the air with such speed that he arrived before them in just a little more than a second.

Then he plummeted, his sword still with its forcefield slashed down with him as a soldier was immediately divided into 2 equal parts. 3 consecutive slashes followed, and 3 other soldiers lost their heads.

His eyes were cold, ruthlessness shining from their depths as all his attention was focused on getting through all the obstacles and arriving before the minister.

The soldiers were not completely helpless before his bullying. They were elites, despite not being able to match his strength, they still caused him problems with their teamwork and gadgets.

Two 2nd rank high-grade soldiers suddenly appeared, they pooled their strength together and brought out a heavy device.

Seeing the device, Clarks eyes narrowed as his intuition warned him of danger. In his dilemma, the device was activated.

The air squeezed and hot air was suddenly pumped out at such speed that Clark was caught off-guard, the pressurized air pushed him backward, making him lose his previous momentum.

Despite the speed, he was able to land on his knees but when he raised his head, an exotic grenade was flying through the air towards him.

His eyes narrowed into slits and without hesitation, he threw one of his daggers at it and jumped backward. The dagger accurately struck the grenade in mid-air.


The explosion from the exotic grenade spread the fire rapidly through all the corners where the small battlefield was, scorching a few of the soldiers in the process as they were thrown into chaos for a moment.

The still standing soldiers did not help their burning counterparts, their eyes were still alert as they cautiously watched the burning fire.

Suddenly, a black shadow jumped out of the fire. Having anticipated it, they all opened fire immediately but Clark didnt stand on ceremony this time as his movements became as fast as the wind.

He didnt even dodge again, metallic ringing sounds reverberated in the cold underground rail as the bullets dropped harmlessly after coming into contact with his exotic armor.

His 2 swords swiped across and 2 heads followed. The two 2nd rank high-grade soldiers dodged at the last moment but 2 of their subordinates paid the price.

The 2 soldiers had shock and unwillingness in their eyes as the color being reflected in their eyes slowly dimmed.

The remaining soldiers were horrified at the speed and technique that Clark just revealed, they became even more horrified as the assassin disappeared under their watch.

Stealth! The 2nd ranked high-grade soldiers recognized it immediately.

Even more, alarmed now, they tried to search but Clark was nowhere to be found again, he directly mended with the shadows. They finally felt panic.

Their attention was drawn away when the ground suddenly started vibrating,

A metallic drill head first appeared from the ground, following it was 3 other assassins. With Captain Drake as the leader, the 3 assassins rushed into the midst of the soldiers with the sole purpose of causing a commotion.


Both parties collided without hesitation.

As the mini-train moved forward, the expression on the ministers face gradually turned from confident and disdain to shock and fear.

He guessed that the old warriors club would attack today, but not even in his dreams did he think that theyll bring such experts.

Lunatics! What came over them? He was now really afraid.

Move faster! Move faster!

He yelled, making the soldiers protecting him feel even more spooked by the situation. Seeing their comrades dying steadily behind them, they felt bad but they didnt dare stop sprinting with the mini-train.

Suddenly, a cold face supported by a calm head appeared above the mini-train. Half of the face was covered by a black veil, and the top of the head was covered by a black band reading 10.

His body was firmly supported to the top of the underground route by his hands and feet that stuck to the feeling, the figure emitted a feeling like he was a spider who could move unimpeded in a ceiling.

By the time a soldier finally noticed the eerie figure above them, he already struck. The soldier couldnt even shout in alarm before dozens of daggers fell down, penetrating the top of the mini-train.

The minister had an anxious expression on his face, thinking of what was happening outside as dozens of daggers suddenly appeared before him, a tangible magnetic field surrounded them.


Before his eyes could blink, the daggers attacked. They slashed left and right through his face at superhuman speed, then they retreated back through the hole that they bore through the top of the mini-train.

The ministers face first showed a crack, then it fell apart like a lump of goat meat that was sliced into shreds by a butcher.

Clarks cold voice sounded in the comm. The minister is dead!

When the soldiers finally reacted to what happened and looked up, the face was gone. They reflexively raised their guns and shot at the air, but the bullets harmlessly flew randomly.

The assassin disappeared as eerily as he appeared.

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