The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 347: a weird lady assassin

Chapter 347: a weird lady assassin

Getting outside the restaurant, Clark quickly did a sweep with his eyes to survey the area before making his decision. In just a look, he quickly deduced that something was wrong.

The assassins are more than 1.

As soon as the ambulance started moving, it was subtle but he saw 2 shadows move after it at almost the same time from the corner of a hidden alley.

He originally wanted to go to the building and look for the assassin himself, but knowing that they were more than 1 left him hesitating. These 2 guys could kill the already half-dead commissioner if left alone.

He didnt hesitate for long though; he had no obligations to save the commissioners life. He would rather satisfy his curiosity. Turning around, he bolted forward in the direction of the story building where the shot came from.

Unlike the deduction of the Radan soldiers, he had a more accurate and precise observation.

The assassin who shot the bullet was indeed on the 4th floor, Clark spotted him in the 3rd room to the right and precisely the 8th window to the right also.

As he sprinted forward across the street, he found it right to disguise himself. He was in a foreign country, not the Spartan republic, and he came here with a forged identity.

If the countrys military forces noticed that he was a soldier, the first thing that would come to their mind was that he was a terrorist that needed to be taken down. This was when his mask came into play.

The mask that he got from his mission during his time in the Mediterranean Sea, he hardly found opportunities to use it in the past but this did not mean that he forgot about it.

He smoothly retrieved it from his bag before putting it to his face. He tapped the side of his head softly, then his face slowly morphed to that of someone else.

The face on him was now darker, skinnier, and sterner. Throughout this transformation, he did not stop one bit as he quickly got to the location of the building.

Unlike the soldiers, he didnt go in through the front door. His multi-purpose boots released a barely noticeable pulse as he quickly jumped at the buildings walls.

His boots became magnetic, allowing him to have a firm grip on the walls like a wall gecko. Quickly stabilizing himself, he rapidly started scaling up the building straight to the 4th floor.

In less than 30 seconds, he got to the window where the assassin shot the bullet. Inside the room, he saw a scared couple huddling themselves in a corner while covering themselves with a blanket.

Shifting his gaze, he saw a hole in the middle of the room, a beautiful feminine body on a black tight vest and trousers beside it, a chocolate face partly covered by a ninja-like veil, flowing long hair, a gun, then

Bam! Bam!

Clark removed his head on time as the 2 bullets whooshed past his face. He didnt want to reveal that he had exotic armor, so he reverted to the ways of his cadet days, the old way without armor.

More careful this time, he peeked into the room again. The lady on black was gone, he only saw dust in the room and the still shivering couples.

Cursing, he quickly jumped through the window inside the room. Not even looking to evaluate the danger, he jumped straight down through the hole that was in the middle of the room.

Bam! Clang!

Already anticipating it this time, he reacted before the bullet came out of the gun. Holding his custom-made dagger horizontally, the bullet was easily deflected to the side.

He turned his head to look only to see the astonished eyes of the female assassin. She was clearly shocked at his ability to block her bullet so accurately with a dagger, he even felt a little fear emanating from her.

Despite all the emotions in her mind, as an assassin being astonished did not slow her down, she kicked the nearby table up to block her opponents view before bolting towards the door.


Clark quickly followed after her, but hearing the dull sound he looked down. What he saw made his face turn ashen immediately as he dived forward to take hold of the grenade.

Rapidly turning his body, he took hold of the grenade before throwing it outside through the window. It took 2 seconds intervals before it exploded.

Heaving a sigh of relief while feeling anger for the assassin now, Clark tried to go after her again but he was greeted with something else. Seeing him, the Radan soldiers misunderstood and immediately opened fire.

Tu! Tu! Tu! Tu!

His dagger was faster as he used it to deflect the first few bullets before jumping to the side the next moment. Before the soldiers could storm into the room, his eyes rapidly scanned around for a place to hide.

The bathroom!

When the soldiers stormed into the room, they only saw a black shadow afterimage fading into the nearby bathroom.

Quickly forming a common raid formation, they advanced steadily to the bathroom. With a click sound, one of them opened the door before they all rushed in the next moment.

Their eyes stared at emptiness, no one was in the bathroom. Quickly noticing the cut metal bars of the bathroom window, the team leader rushed closer and looked down.

The assassin was already down, and he was looking back at him. when their eyes clashed, he felt anger.

Go down! He roared at his soldiers.

Clark chuckled when he felt the anger in the young soldiers eyes. Ignoring the clearly incompetent soldiers, he sprinted forward in the direction that the assassin escaped to as transmitted by his drone.

From what his drone transmitted to him, he knew that all the local police force and military units were mobilized already to this location. Despite this, he didnt want to leave until he saw the assassin clearly.

Before continuing his pursuit, he first sent a message to Albert to take his exotic car and leave the district with Cain.

From the little information that he learned from Cain; he knew that the soldiers could decide to detain his student if they didnt capture the assassin. They could use him as the scapegoat without any feeling of remorse.

After sending the message, he turned and sprinted into a corner that led to a more remote alley in the district.

The alley also had fewer houses than the other sides, Clark wondered why the assassin would come to a place like this instead of crowded places if she wanted to escape.

What a weird lady assassin.

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