The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 346: a sudden assassination attempt

Chapter 346: a sudden assassination attempt

The President is trying, and we are also trying our best to make sure that his orders are carried out. When his orders are fulfilled, that is when the economy will be better, and people will stop starving.

Since the time of the previous President till our current Mr. President, our currency has dropped by approximately 40% and it keeps dropping.

Despite this and a lot of other problems, hes still trying his best to do the needful for the country. Yesterday, he approved another poverty investment bill to help the poor fight the deadly desease of poverty.

This and a lot more things have been done; every eye can see that hes trying, its just the economical state of the country that is a barrier.. The local commissioner took a breath to organize his thoughts.

He suddenly started gesticulating wildly in emphasis to his words. Thats why Ive come today again to emphasize the importance of paying your taxes.

The Minister of Finance has vowed that he will not rest until every citizen of the country starts paying his/her tax, and we are here to enforce it.

2 days, you only have 2 days remaining. If you do not pay, you will have to answer to the police and not me.

Fraudsters! Murderers!

Some of the locals that still had the strength started yelling in protest immediately, venting their grievances.

They intended to rush forward but the soldiers firmly held them back, even shooting their guns at the air to serve as a deterrence to the frenzied civilians. Not caring about them, the local commissioner smoothly ended his speech.

What a bunch of ingrates; lazy baboons. He cursed under his breath as he started climbing down the podium that was erected for him.

His soldiers quickly converged protectively around him.


It was silent, almost formless, and fast like the wind; the bullet arrived almost immediately after it left the sniper rifle.

Blood blossomed to the shock of the soldiers, and before they could react the commissioner fell down with a thud sound.

Almost immediately after the sound, they reacted. Those that were closer to the commissioner went more closer as they formed a human shield with their bodies to protect him.


Another high-caliber bullet arrived but this time a soldier reacted fast enough. Not caring about his life, the young soldier jumped into the trajectory of the bullet and took it on behalf of the commissioner.

The commissioner has been shot!

The commissioner has been shot!

A commotion started immediately; the soldiers formed a thicker blockade around the commissioner while the nearby civilians immediately started running for their lives on noticing what just happened.

The atmosphere became tense all of a sudden, the escaping civilians had expressions of fear, regret, and anger on their faces as the ones with children covered their children with their bodies in fear of retaliation from the soldiers.

The soldiers despite all the commotion didnt go in pursuit of the assassin; they all formed layers upon layers of a blockade defense around the bleeding commissioner like they were waiting for something.

It took some time of searching before one of them finally brought out a crude exotic energy shield.

Activating it, the advanced tech device flickered a bit before sprinkling to life in its blue glow. They blocked the commissioner with it immediately.

As soon as the shield came to life, the originally dormant soldiers immediately reacted like they have been given a dose of adrenaline each.

They quickly opened a hole through their blockade through which a group of doctors in white rushed in. Bringing out their tools, the doctors quickly stuffed an energy mask on the commissioner's face.

One of the nurses put pressure on the hole inside the commissioners neck, another one gave him an injection, while the others quickly stretched open an emergency bed.

1, 2, 3, now!

They raised the commissioner at the same time before putting him on the bed. After confirming that he had no extreme reactions to the movements, they finally started rolling him away.

As they did, throughout the energy shield remained to block the commissioner from any follow-up attack.

An ambulance was already waiting at the side, half of the soldiers quickly separated from the others to escort the doctors and the commissioner away. The others remained behind.

The soldier with a Sergeant badge among them immediately took the helm. The assassin was spotted in the nearby story building to the east- in the 2o clock direction at the 4th floor.

Team B, storm in from the front.

Team C, standby outside and keep watch for any movement.

Team A, follow me.

With a stern expression on his face, the sergeant cocked his automatic rifle and led the soldiers in his team forward as they quickly took a detour to the back of the story building.

As he moved, the soldiers in Team C and Team A were also already on the move. Their movements were like they were already used to this, even the reaction of the doctors after the exotic shield was erected was like they were used to it.

As the soldiers moved, they roughly brushed any civilian that obstructed their path aside without feeling any remorse.

In less than 2 minutes, the soldiers of Team B arrived at the front of the building. Their team leader did not waste any time, he only nodded at them once before storming inside the building.


The building was used for a supermarket. Seeing soldiers storm inside all of a sudden, both customers and attendants were spooked as they started screaming immediately.

Not paying attention to them, the soldiers quickly located the stairs before scaling the building.


Clark gulped down the remaining contents of his beverage and stood up. He sat in the restaurant throughout the duration of the attack, so he was able to observe everything, probably even more than the Radan soldiers observed.

He was shocked, he didnt expect that an attempt would be made at the commissioners life. He saw the shot and he knew that if quickly attended to, the commissioner would survive.

But his mind was not on that, he wanted to know the assassin. He had a guess; this assassination was probably related to the state of this district and the announcement of the commissioner.

He patted Albert again. Look after Cain, I want to go take a look.

Not waiting for his student to reply, he took hold of his bag and strapped it to his back before storming out of the restaurant.

Its dangerous. Cain shuddered on seeing his client run to the CenterPoint of the commotion.

Dont worry about him. Albert smiled at him before secretly taking a glance at the other customers in the restaurant.

He observed that almost everyone here hardly reacted to the assassination attempt. It was like they were used to it.

He secretly frowned. What exactly is happening?

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