The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 304: the dragon military division is in

Chapter 304: the dragon military division is in

As Clark walked in the direction of the huge gate, he deactivated his camouflage device, bringing out his original look. He felt that it was strange how the road safety officials believed his identity so easily after seeing his badge.

Heck! He was looking like a teenager then!

It seemed that the Vatican citizens really held him with high esteem now, the road officials were so sure that no one had the guts to impersonate him.

He only hoped that something like this would not be used to plan a scheme against the city in the future, it would be awful.

Putting that aside, he looked on at the wide territory before him and the giant gate that announced the majesty of the military division.

Standing proudly at the center of the huge gate was a giant emblem of the Dragon military division. It was of a red dragon soaring through the sky with red fire revolving between its extremely long and sharp spear-like teeth.

Ironically, this was Clarks first time coming here too. He had to admit that the emblem was iconic though, the designer did a perfect job.

He already saw the headquarters of the military division in a virtual form before, but the physical form gave a different vibe entirely.

As he walked forward, 2 military vehicles were already coming out in his direction. Even before he got there, the scanning devices of the military division already sorted out his identity.

As soon as the 2 cars stopped, Corporal Cinnabar who Clark was already familiar with, and 3 other soldiers came out to meet him.

Welcome to our base, sir. All 3 soldiers saluted.

Thanks. Clark stopped and took a good look at the territory occupied by the military division. Youve got a beast of a connected construct in here.

We still have a lot of ways to improve, sir. The Corporal smiled.

The conversation was stiff, but it was effective. After complimenting them for a few more minutes, Clark was finally led inside the military division by the entourage of 3 soldiers.

Inside the military division was full of activities, bringing some nostalgic memories back to him. Some soldiers were already returning from their various outposts, making the atmosphere inside more boisterous.

In just a look, he deduced the basic layout of the division base.

Some soldiers were currently walking in the direction of the mechanics workshop to get their weapons fixed, others engaged in different leisure activities, while some sparred in an arena that was built at a corner of the military base.

Overall, the military division was currently a hub of activities. Hardly could a soldier be seen who was idle, they were just like a colony of ants, working tirelessly.

As the car that he sat on drove forward, due to his inquire, Corporal Cinnabar was currently giving him a deeper and more professional overview of the military division base.

Compared to the Python military division where he served a few years ago, this was lacking in many ways. It could not be helped; Beiger City was far more developed than the current Vatican City.

The Dragon military division lacked both in the area of territory, the overall number of soldiers, and the overall number of high-grade soldiers. They also lacked in almost every other minor statistic.

Compared to the Python military division during Clarks time there that housed 20+ high-grade soldiers, the Dragon military division had only 13 high-grade soldiers.

It was much when compared to other private military organizations, but this was a military division owned by the government. It was pretty inadequate to safeguard a whole city.

After taking part in a small tour throughout the military division base with his entourage of 3 military cars, Clark was led to the biggest building in the base.

As soon as the Corporal took him to his office, Clark asked him to call for all the high-grade soldiers of the military division. It seems that they already knew of his arrival as everyone arrived in less than 2 minutes.

He didnt beat around the bush. After everyone arrived, he told them his reason for coming here. Unlike what he expected, they were not very surprised.

The Corporal cleared his throat before speaking. Sir, we already suspected it to be honest. With the kind of tension now in the city, it is hard to not suspect that something was being brewed in the dark.

But this was just one of our conjectures, we never knew that it was true until you just confirmed it.

Oh! That was the only exclamation that Clark made. If you guys already knew, then that simplifies things by a lot.

He threw a bunch of papers on the table. This is my battle plan, go through the papers and give me your answer. I would have loved to give you more time to contemplate your next action, but we dont have much time.

Unlike the local military forces that were controlled by the city, military divisions took orders only from the Spartan army.

Clark could not order them around. If they saw that the battle plan was not feasible, they could decide to not participate and there was nothing that he could do about it.

Despite all these limitations, he was confident though that they would accept. That was their job in the first place, protecting the city was what they were assigned to do.

It only took a few minutes before Corporal Cinnabar dropped the papers back on the diamond-plated table.

He took a deep breath to digest what he just read before speaking. Sir, this is a really comprehensive and well-thought-out plan. If you really have so many reinforcements, then I have no basis to chicken out.

The Persian tigers organization has always been our nemesis, any opportunity to wipe their forces from the face of the earth and teach them a lesson is welcome to me.

He stood up. The Dragon military division is with you, sir.

Seeing the serious expression on the Corporals face, Clark smiled. Good! I promise that you will not regret it, and besides, thats not all the reinforcement that well be getting.

He didnt explain further, leaving them with the benefit of the doubt and over-thinking. This was a strategy that he already mastered.

After completing what he came here for, he finally stood up to leave. This time, the military division provided him with a car to leave which was driven by a young soldier.

By the time that he got back to his mansion, the day was already dark and the time was 8:05 pm. He spent a lot of time outside today, but he did not regret any of his movements by a bit.

The day was well spent.

As soon as he took the first step into the mansion, he saw King and Albert coming in his direction. These 2 guys have grown unimaginably close in just a few days after knowing each other, he narrowed his eyes in suspicion.

He could feel it, a headache was coming. His danger sense was ringing.

Before the 2 smiling devils could reach his position, he took a sharp turn before they could react and bolted into the building. He rushed directly to his room and locked himself in.

Plopping down on his bed, he exclaimed. I escaped!

What a day!

Clark slept straight to the next day before waking up. Waking up to a bright new day after having a goodnights rest left him feeling energized, he felt that he could do anything right then and now.

Despite the energy coursing through his veins, he reined himself in. For the first time in years, he had a normal schedule for his day.

Slipping down from his bed, he went to the bathroom to have a nice bath. After being subjected to the cozy luxuries of his bathroom, he came out feeling even more refreshed.

As he got himself dressed up in casual clothes, he heard a knock on the door. He didnt even have to think to know who it was. After sliding his trousers in, he opened the door.

With the diligent Rose by his side, his day went much more smoothly.

Following all her advice for the first time, he left the room the next moment to have the nice dishes prepared by the mansions shelves.

After filling his stomach to the brim, he caught up with King and the others to spend the time a little. They discussed their history together, a story that never got old.

As soon as he got bored by the conversation, he slipped away. Feeling guilty all of a sudden that he was a bad teacher, he sought out his student to have his first proper teacher to student lecture with the kid.

Of course, it was super awkward but it was efficient too. What mattered was that he successfully passed knowledge across.

He was still in the process of coming to terms with his new status as a soldiers teacher, but he knew the drill which made it much easy- act like it and you will soon become it.

After sending the kid off to train which Albert was grateful for, he also took hold of his training kits and went to his special training room.

He recently ordered a fresh batch of custom-made weapons, some that he hasnt even used before, he needed to practice to get in tune with those types of weapons before the real ones came.

Rose already got substitutes for him to train with after she heard of the custom-made weapons, making things much easier for him. As soon as he entered his special training room, he started the never-ending grind again.

As a Sergeant, he did it. As a Corporal, he did it. As a Captain now, he was still doing it. He knew that also in the future even if he became a Commander, he would still do it.

Scholars said learning never ends, but for them soldiers, training never ends. Only the relentless trainers become the peerless experts.

After hours of rigorous training that left him all exhausted and lying down like a bag of bones, Rose came to visit him. After she helped him with his post-training recovery, she placed another necessity in his schedule before him.

Though he felt tempted to ignore the schedule written by her and focus on his training, he stopped himself. He knew that the schedule was the best for his current situation.

He already got a lot of reinforcements for the upcoming attack, but he was not satisfied yet. He wanted more reinforcements, the plan needed more fleshing out, and a strategy to keep the commoners safe needed to be drafted.

He had a lot of things in his mind to do, he just didnt have the luxury to rest for a moment.

Under Roses guidance, he contacted his commissioners to discuss the plans further. With King giving him valuable input, he tried to make the plan more perfect and impeccable.

This became his schedule for the next few days; sleep, wake up, take a bath, eat, teach, train, delve more into the attack plan, then sleep again.

In such a manner, days rolled past like the pages of an eBook. It seemed far away before, but it was now the day that Clark was waiting for.

Today was the day that Bennys strap of cloth would be laid to rest by the Spartan army. Today was the day that all the brave soldiers who sacrificed their lives in the last mission would be laid to rest.

It was a day of honor! It was a day of remembrance!

[Guys, I'm sorry for the super late chapter. I'm justified this time though, yesterday was my birthday, so I had to enjoy my day. I literally had to write this chapter in the middle of the night, I'm sorry for any glaring mistakes.]

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