The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 303: a visit to the dragon military division headquarters

Chapter 303: a visit to the dragon military division headquarters

Clark took public transport back to Vatican City. Since his parents death years ago, this was his first time entering a train.

Because of a lot of coincidences that were induced by his special identity as a soldier, he hardly stays in the country. For the few times when he stayed, he always had other better modes of transportation.

Casually activating his camouflage device before entering the train, he was able to make himself look like a gangster teenager, making the other passengers feel repulsed at his presence.

In recent years, he hardly noticed it but he was now a celebrity. In Vatican City, he was practically the hero of every citizen. They looked up to him as a leader and as the one to give them comfort.

He didnt hate being treated and looked at like that, but experiencing repulse from people now became a new special experience to him. He basked in this feeling.

By the time the train got filled with passengers and started moving, it was already towards the late afternoon. Another day was almost over for him, the days were now counting very fast.

Though the day was fast, he was satisfied as he already fulfilled almost all his plans for coming here to the Spartan army today.

The only unfinished plan was the quest to look for a mechanic who could design and build mechs. He knew that asking that would make the Professor look weirdly at him but he still bit the bullet and asked.

From the reaction of the Professor, he could not detect if he didnt know or he did know but he couldnt stay behind. He was not ready to receive his long boring lectures again, or his weird antics.

It felt weird and funny at the same time. Most soldiers of the Spartan army were unable to talk to the Professor casually due to respect, but after taking a bath in his weird antics, he spoke as casually as possible with him.

Monkey Hands!

Till today, the Professors real identity was hidden from him. Who the f*ck was he? He didnt know, but one thing he knew was that the Professor was not Spartan-born.

Taking his mind from that, he turned his attention to his preparation for the upcoming battle. During his time in his mansion, he has not rested for a bit, he always engaged diligently in his daily practices.

During his training sessions, he took some time to also delve into virtual mech piloting.

Compared to the last time when he did it with Emily and his then other teammates, he noticed a change but he was not sure if it was because of the bean quadrant enhancer.

He already fused with the enhancer but still, there were a lot of secrets hidden within it that he could not understand yet.

He was just groping blindly in the dark without direction, thats why he wanted to get a new mech by all means. At least, with the real thing, he could finally confirm if Professor Granit scammed him or he was for real.

For his new self-created technique, he still needed a lot of practice to have basic mastery over it. Compared to his Dragon breaks the ranks, this was on a whole other level of its own.

He had a lot of room to improve before the battle, he just wasnt sure how much he would improve. Nothing was predictable, a complication may arise suddenly without notice.

With the combination of his current personal strength and the batch of custom-made weapons that were being created for his use, he was confident of inflicting damage on the terrorists that they would never forget.

Thinking of the custom-made weapons, his hands itched.

When he finally got his hands on those little devils, he was sure to wreak mischief with them. In the end, money was still the answer to almost every problem faced by a soldier.

After going through his plans again, he finally rested his head on the wall of the train. He already did a lot today, he wanted to use this opportunity to rest his brain.

As his eyes gradually became heavy, falling under the influence of sleep, he suddenly felt a jolt in his brain.

Opening his eyes wide, he exclaimed. Ive not met with the Dragon military division yet!

Irritated eyes turned to his direction immediately, directing hostile gazes at him. Feeling the stares pricking at his skin, he coughed awkwardly and tucked his head in the cover of his seat.

As soon as the stabbing stares retracted, he finally returned to what made him exclaim. He felt like giving himself a harsh slap to the face right now.

The last time that he had a meeting with his commissioners, he told them to focus on the local military forces that he would inform the Dragon military division himself.

Since then, till now, hes completely forgotten about it. He could not blame himself too much though, the past few days have been super hectic for him.

After coming to this realization, he altered his plans immediately. The Dragon military division was a crucial pivot in his plan, they had to know about the attack as early as possible for them to implement their best preparation.

Though he was feeling a little lazy right now, he noted consciously in his mind that he would visit the military division headquarters immediately after returning to the Spartan republic.

After taking note of this, he tried to search his mind to know if he was missing any other thing. After confirming that everything was ok, he finally rested his head again and fell into the sweet embrace of sleep.


With the boisterous sound of activities sounding around him, Clark quickly deduced that he was now in a city. Blinking his eyes open from his sleep, he recognized this region of Vatican City immediately.

To his surprise, almost all the passengers were down already and none of them deemed it right to inform him.

He felt like choking. Was his current appearance so bad?

Seeing that he was up, some of the passengers secretly pointed hands at him while gossiping among themselves.

That ruffian! Hes supposed to be in the sewers, I dont know why the officials allowed a gangster like him into the same speed train as us.

See his hair standing like daggers, do you think hes nuts?

Shhh! Lower your voices, maybe hes the train drivers bastard son. Cant you see the slight resemblance?

Clark felt like crying at this moment, most of these gossipers did not even see it decent to lower their voices. Ignoring their intense gazes, he quickly slipped out from among them and blended with the crowd.

After confirming that no eyes were on him, the first thing that he did was to change his appearance again.

This time, he changed into a handsome teenager with short golden hair. As soon as he implemented this change, he felt goosebumps as a few female faces turned in his direction immediately.

Are you guys f*cking all-seeing?

Before anyone could make a move, he slipped away again.

As he walked casually, a dilemma presented itself before him. Though it was without his consent, Rose already bought some luxurious non-exotic cars in his mansion to reflect his current status.

He complained to her on seeing them, but secretly he loved the sleek appearance of the machines.

Now, he was in the dilemma of whether to return to his mansion and take one of those cars or to take a taxi. Surprisingly, none of these options clicked with his brain at this moment.

He decided to do something that he secretly dreamed of when he was younger. He decided to act a little gangster-like, some people already saw him as one a few minutes ago so why not indulge himself?


The poor teenage boy and girl fell unconscious immediately after a slight tap on the neck by Clark. After searching for 2 minutes, he choose these 2 mischievous teenagers that were doing weird things in a corner.

Before choosing, he already made sure that he evaded the citys surveillance system. He didnt want to see tomorrows news headline being like- Captain Clark turned thief.

Smoothly retrieving the bike key from the young mans pockets, Clark donned the helmet before placing himself comfortably on the bike.

Before he left, he easily hacked the young teenagers account and sent 100,000 Spartan credits in. At least, with that, the young man would be grateful for this encounter rather than be resentful about it.

He went into the corner as a pedestrian, he came out as the ghost rider.

With his superhuman reflexes, he flexed the poor bike in a way that it has not experienced before since it came to existence.

With a loud revving sound of an overstressed engine, he practically flew into the road, overtaking cars and other bikes alike like they were turtles while he was the cheetah.

As he cruised across the road, he felt his head become loose and carefree again, relieving him of the stress of the past few days.

The feeling of freedom surprised him; this was a new experience. He secretly noted down in his head to at least be taking a few hours from his schedule to do things like this, they help a lot. This was what he deduced now.

Of course, the road safety officials went after him due to his over-the-limit speed but he quickly left them behind like the snow pokes they were.

Though he enjoyed this, seeing the road safety officials drive so clumsily made him dissatisfied. Vatican City was not up to the level that he dreamed of yet, the city still needed to develop in a lot of ways.

If road safety officials had bikes and cars of such low quality, then a lot of criminals could easily escape pursuit so long as they had better quality machines.

Albert was a perfect example of this scenario.

He made a note to improve on all these after hes dealt with the terrorists. He would place this as a city trend to the 5 commissioners during the next leaders' meeting. Well, that was as far as he could go.

Putting all these thoughts aside, he pushed the bike a little further to the limit, prompting it to jerk and emit fire from the exhaust before raging and sliding across the smooth road at a faster speed.

4 minutes later, he arrived at the headquarters of the Dragon military division. He didnt go in immediately, he waited patiently until the road safety officials arrived.

As soon as the first one came to meet him with a glower on his face, he showed him his badge, causing the poor fellow to freeze in place.

Leader! The middle-aged man saluted immediately, quickly followed by the others.

Clark clapped the fellow on the shoulders. You guys were good, but you need to brush up on your skills. Youll get better rides soon; I hope you have the required skill to handle them then.

Good luck. He turned and walked in the direction of the military division the next moment.

The road safety officials were left stunned in place, joy practically vibrating from their uniforms.

The fellow who came out first had a dreamy expression on his face.

He touched me!

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