The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 275: 3 months training it has started

Chapter 275: 3 months training it has started

Huff! Huff!

Clark was dressed in dirty white clothes, panting heavily as he climbed his way up a slippery slope with a heavy load on his shoulders.

An extremely long iron rod was on his shoulders, supported by his beefy muscled arms. At both ends of the rod sat 20 heavy exotic metal drums, all 20 drums were filled to the brim with water.

Clarks face was strained in a frightening frown as his legs shook fiercely, his face sweating waterfalls. His white clothes were now tightly attached and stuck to his skin due to his sweat.

His eyes were only facing upwards, his face stern as he tried his best to keep his foot on the slippery slope.

After exerting all his effort and draining himself of all energy, he finally managed to take another step, and then, he got stuck!

His legs were now shaking and wobbling at an extremely rapid frequency, his face turning from frightening to most-frightening as his backside shifted backward a bit to stabilize himself but it didnt help much.

All his veins sprouted out over his body, his head bulging as he tried hard to stabilize himself but his leg was already moving backward bit by bit.

His face went white.


Ah! F*ck! Master, I hate youuu!!


His legs slipped backward as his face quickly fell forward and hit the hard glacier-filled slope hard due to the sudden change in his center of gravity.

Crack! The iron rod fell also and hit his shoulders as sounds of bones snapping and breaking reverberated. Pressed by the rod to the slope, he finally started sliding backward.

When he hit the leveled ground, his eyes were already seeing stars and pain was all over his body.

Blood seeped from his body, his face, and everywhere as he lied down with the heavy rod still over him like he was dead.

A few of his teeth were lying around due to the sheer force with which his face hit the glacier-filled slope, his back seemed crushed by the weight of the rod but no one was coming to his aid.

The next moment

[Hello! For hating your Master, you have an extra lap to climb today.]

Ah, thats unfair! Forcing the blood down his throat, he forced his head up and quickly protested with his face still bloody.

[For arguing with your Master, another lap for today.]

Shit, f*ck yo, f*ck me.

[For cursing at your Master, another lap for today.]

Clark finally fainted.

[Hello!] [Clark!]

Getting no response, the voice chuckled a bit.

[The boy is beat. Thunder, go carry him to the healing pool.]

[Yes Master!]

The next moment, a figure appeared out of thin air at where Clark collapsed on. After removing the heavy rod from the pitiful soldier, he aimed at Clarks leg to drag him away.


A whirlwind kick suddenly struck outwards at this moment, sweeping his legs from the ground and catching King off guard for a moment but he quickly improvised.

From how smoothly he reacted, it was clear that this was not the first time that such a scenario happened.

I hate you, King, I hate you. Why did you bring me here? I want to go home!

Shouting angrily, Clark launched himself at King as they started a fierce brawl immediately. A jab, a hook, an uppercut, an overhead kick, a whirlwind kick, fists, and kicks shot out as both soldiers became bloodied.

In the end, after leaving a few injuries and bumps on Kings face, Clark finally fainted for real, blood seeping out of every orifice in his body.

Sighing exasperatedly, King grabbed his right leg before dragging him away like a sack of animal bones.

[He keeps getting stronger and stronger, but he has not broken through yet. In an even battle, I think itll take long before I can defeat him now.] King complained in an awed tone through the network.

[Hes improved a lot but dont tell him, itll only make him unnecessarily proud. He needs pressure to improve and thats what we should give him, its my obligation to make him as powerful as possible.]

[Until he starts his sublimation process, we cannot praise him.]

King hesitated. [I hope all these are worth it though. He seems really battered this time; dont you think this is going too far?]

[I think this is not even enough, hes the chosen one. Get him to the healing pool fast, he still has a lot of training to finish today. Until all his attributes get to the legendary 100%, the sublimation cannot occur.]

[At least, thats what Arnold prophesied.]

Dragging Clark into the cave, King found the special blue glowing healing pool before dumping his battered body inside it.

As soon as Clarks body touched the water, his skin visibly rippled as the water of the pool started seeping into his skin through the injuries.

It was slow at first, but the speed gradually increased as his pale face started regaining some color again after just 5 minutes.

In 10 minutes, his skin started glowing in a blue color as the injuries started sealing themselves up. His white blood cells were stimulated as they worked overtime to clot the injuries.

Cells died and new ones were produced at a rapid frequency under the influence of the water. From the speed, it was clear that Clark would be completely healed in just 30 minutes.

This started 3 months ago.

The same day that King left to go look for Diana and the others, Clarks new master drafted and arranged a brand-new training schedule for him immediately.

At first, it was much more restrained so Clark eagerly accepted the plan as he also wanted to improve. After remaining stuck in the 2nd rank high-grade strength for some time, he yearned to break through his bottleneck.

And he was curious about the strength of an Elite-grade soldier.

Though he could not get it now, knowing that he had the potential of becoming an elite-grade soldier stirred him up to train more seriously and steadfastly than usual.

He fell for the bait; he didnt know that accepting the training plan would dissolve into extremities like this.

At first, it was normal training, just a little more primitive. He carried weights, trained with his sword, ran laps every day, and climbed this same slope that he fell from a moment ago.

A month later, it dissolved into a different thing entirely.

Now, he no longer trained with conventional training resources but resources made from exotic metals.

Every day, he had to jog hundreds of kilometers with 2 of the large exotic metal drums tied to his back.

For his muscles, he was assigned to climb the roughest part of the mountain that led upwards for over 80 kilometers up and down every day. He also beefed his muscles with a special exotic metal dumbbell specially crafted for him.

There was a lot of other specialized training that was made for him, but these were all trivial compared to climbing the slope.

20 of those exotic metal drums were tied to an even heavier iron rod, and he was asked to climb a slope with that. He was not superman for Gods sake!

When his Master first listed these training series to him, he thought it was a joke. He kept on asking and asking but his master just smiled back at him, that was when he knew that he was screwed.

He tried to back out, he no longer wanted it, but did he have the choice? No.

To be sincere, all the excitement that he had after listening to his Masters super story was gone.

All he now felt for the old man was resentment. How can a grandpa like you be so wicked?

The old man just smiled. This is not even my real form, Im stricter if the needs ever call for it. Ask King, he knows me the best. Hes only lucky that hes already graduated from my mentorship.

In the end, Clark could only put up with it and endure.

It was not without gains though. After doing such extreme training for another 2 months, his physique was now extremely intimidating, just like a giant.

His muscles were beefier, his shoulders broader, his arms bigger, his legs sturdier, his chest more pronounced, everything about him improved. This included his attributes of course.

He was now a powerhouse.

The last time which was yesterday that he checked:

Attack Power: 100% Attack Speed: 100%

Endurance: 99% Decision Making: 100%

Stamina: 100/100

Health: 100%

His decision-making directly clocked the legendary 100% after he woke up from his coma due to his fusion with the bean quadrant enhancer, the hellish training schedule helped him to raise the others.

One day, he overheard his Master telling King that he was the strongest 2nd rank high-grade soldier that hes ever seen.

The only problem was that the darn old man would never tell him nor praise him, always being so strict with a stern face.

According to his Master, he only needed his endurance to get to the 100% boundary before he is ready for sublimation. But the darn endurance just refuses to improve despite all his effort.

30 minutes later after King placed him in the healing pool, he opened his eyes to see his body already healed.

He didnt even get a second to rest before his most loathed voice sounded in his mind, he almost forced himself to fall unconscious again to evade this devilish voice.

[Ok, Clark, stand up and go back to training. You still have 4 slope climbing laps today, no one will do it for you so get your ass up and go back there.]

Grumbling in his mind, he stood up angrily and left.

He didnt dare slack at all. The day that he did, he experienced his Masters boundless power first hand. He was just like an ant facing a lion, he was completely squashed without any hopes of resistance.

Going outside the cave, he looked around for King but didnt find him. Of course, King didnt want to get into another brawl with him so he was hiding.

Shrugging like a goat being led to the slaughter ground, he went back to the glacier-filled slope, used one hand to pick up the heavy rod before supporting it with his other hand into his shoulders.

He started the never-ending grind again.

The 1st and 2nd time, he didnt even reach where he got to previously. Falling and losing some more teeth to the slope, he could only pity himself.

The 3rd time was even worse.

For the 4th time, he decided to rest for 5 minutes against the orders of his Master before starting the climb.

He really wanted to do it this time, he was tired of the never-ending training.

With eyes blazing with conviction and determination, sweat falling down his skin like rain, he pushed himself forward to continue the climb and break all his previous records.

He didnt know if he suddenly got stronger or if it was because of his passion, but the exotic drums suddenly seemed a little lighter.

Under the shocked gaze of King and his Master, Clark forged forward, broke his previous limits, broke all conventions, and stood at the zenith of the slope.


The sound was like clapping thunder as he dropped the loathsome heavy rod on the rock, he tried to force his exhaustion back before flashing a grin in the direction of the cave.

He knew that both bastards were watching him like a movie, he had to show them his worth when he finally did the f*cking feat.

I did it, so what now? He asked smugly.

[Pour the water on the floor and climb back down, you still have one lap remaining.] His Masters lazy voice sounded over.

Clark almost choked on his saliva on hearing this. Anger blazed in his eyes, as he was about to lash out, his consciousness suddenly seemed to have switched off.

Everything went blank.

He was still standing but his eyes were eerily vacant, making his body seem like an empty vessel without a soul.

Inside the cave, Elite Commander Titus sprang up from his throne-like chair on seeing this, his eyes gleaming sharply like the sun.

It has started!

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