The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 274: an unforgettable journey

Chapter 274: an unforgettable journey

There was no way that the soldiers could cross all the distance and leave the Everest territory in a single day, so King followed as their escort to safeguard them in the case of any danger.

He already promised Clark, so he was going to make sure that they were safe before going back.

From the original combined allied squad of hundreds that came here together for the mission, only 12 soldiers survived and only 11 were now going home, Clarks status was unknown.

As they traveled across the snow-filled peaks, Diana frequently looked back as a lot of things went through her mind, making her feel complicated, sad, and even slightly relieved.

This mission, well, what could she say? It changed her a lot, she learned a lot of things, she experienced a lot of things, she felt the happiness of having nice companions, she also felt the sadness of losing a loved one.

Though she was now outwardly stable, she knew that deep in her heart, she still had not gotten over Bennys death.

She didnt know what to feel at all, she didnt know what to do after she got back to the Spartan republic.

She felt that when her life was finally leaving its monotonic state and becoming a little spicy, the world turned on her, viciously showing her a cruel reality that she was still reluctant to accept.

From the way that King explained to them, her feminine senses were able to detect that he held back a lot of information from them.

She didnt make a fuss though because she detected that he had no hostile intentions. Maybe Clark was really in a coma, maybe he was right, maybe he was wrong, she didnt know.

All she knew was that this mission was finally over, and they secured both the main mission target and a mouth-watery amount of loot.

When Dickson came back, he gave Clarks bag that was filled with loot to her. She was sure that even if they didnt get the main mission target, this alone would have made the higher-ups commend them.

She felt grateful to Dickson for his benevolence and everything.

In this mission, she made new friends- Dickson, Anna, and even Josh.

Till now, she still couldnt predict Joshs thought process at all. Perhaps, a few months from now if she was told that a revered 3rd rank high-grade soldier could act like this, she would have slapped the person who told her.

Now...! Not only was Josh extremely easygoing, after getting close to them he revealed his selfless side.

She always chuckled on remembering their first encounter when he bulldozed into their ranks, spanking the first few soldiers unconscious like he was a raging bull.

When he was finally subdued, his personality change was still so peculiar to her that thinking about it only left her speechless.

When he told them that he stalked them for over a month only to prove himself to his cousin, Diana was pretty sure that her brain short-circuited for a second. What the hell!

She felt that it was funny, but she could understand the rationale behind it a bit. She also didnt think that she could enjoy living in a country where none of her efforts were appreciated.

Though Anna was the one who indirectly caused the death of her boyfriend, she was not angry at her. As Clark said, Benny made his choice.

Despite all the experiences, as the only 2 females second in commands of the allied squad, they had a certain affinity towards each other. They were good friends already.

Before meeting Dickson, Anna, and Josh, she still remembered the unforgettable moments that she spent with Major Clark and Benny.

The mid-night snack that they had to enjoy themselves when they were stuck in the extremely large cedar tree. The memorable conversations, the jokes; all these flashbacks made her eyes tear up.

The time that they spent in the forest was probably the most memorable period of this mission journey.

She always thought of herself as a cold lady, but her cold heart melted for the first time after entering the forest. She got a boyfriend for the first time in her life, and a good superior also.

Major Clark was the best and most considerate leader that she had ever served under, she would never forget his intelligent decision-making, care for subordinates, and insight.

For Benny, she was sure that she would never let go of the attachment that she had for him after staying together for so long.

When she left here, she was not going to get another boyfriend.

If the only boy that succeeded in melting her heart died in the end, then it meant that she was not made for romantic relationships from the onset.

When she got back to the Spartan republic, she would remove every distraction and focus on her main career as a soldier.

After spending time with Benny, she was sure that no other male would be as attractive. They will always seem lacking to her, so she just deleted that spot for romance from her heart.

As soon as she made this decision, she felt like she just laid down a load.

She now felt calmer, her thoughts smoother, and she appreciated the cool atmosphere more.

Dickson and Anna stayed close to each other as they followed the group across the mountain ranges rambling across before them.

From time to time, Dickson would incline his head to steal a glance at his fiance, prompting lots of complicated emotions to bombard his mind.

He still felt worried about Clark but he believed King, which brought his mind some much-needed peace. Now, he just wanted to focus on his fiance and shower her with all the love that he could muster.

For the first time in his life, he confirmed that the world was bigger than he was. Even when his mother died, he didnt have this feeling then.

After getting so close to death and surviving in the end, he learned to cherish his life more. He no longer wanted to delay further, he wanted to tie the knot immediately before he would regret it.

He already made his decision; he would convene with Anna so that they could both discuss when their marriage ceremony would commence.

He badly wished for it to be done here and now, but he knew that there were procedures to follow. He didnt want to marry his love secretly; he wanted the whole world to know about it.

Feeling the heat emanating from his side, his hands reflexively moved outwards as he hugged Anna closer to his side.

Anna flashed a smile at him which he reciprocated.

His world seemed brighter all of a sudden.

Life is beautiful!

Josh had a lot in his mind as he followed this group of companions back. After spending over a few weeks with them, he would be lying to himself if he said that he was not reluctant at this separation.

This was the first group that he tagged with and helped who actually appreciated him back.

He felt a fuzzy feeling whenever he remembered Diana thanking him. This was a memory that he would never forget, it was his best moment already since he emerged from his mothers womb.

Perhaps, for other soldiers, they craved fame, power, and riches, but for him, he only craved appreciation.

You dont know the importance of something until you lack it. Appreciation is something that other soldiers receive daily thereby neglecting it, but to him, it meant the whole world.

Not once, not twice, he already contemplated the decision of following Diana to her country many times but he knew that it was just fantasy thinking.

He could decide to retire from the Marianan army and render his citizenship there null, but what should he do after that?

He was born in Mariana, his root is in Mariana, his childhood friends are in Mariana, his career was born and bred in Mariana, he just didnt know how life would be without Mariana though it was currently torture to him.

He wanted to become a Mercenary or even start up a Mercenary group countless times, but at the last moment he chickened out.

Perhaps, it was cowardice, or even because of an inferiority complex, he just didnt know. Indecisiveness was a weakness he knew that he had, he just couldnt improve on it.

Well, meeting such nice people is already a blessing for me. I think hoping for more is now greediness, I should be satisfied.

Deciding to stalk Clarks squad deep inside the great Himalayan peaks has proved to be his most important decision since he was born, he would enjoy it till the end now that it still lasts.

Sighing, he increased his pace to keep up with the others.

King was already feeling bored as he escorted the few survivors to a place safe enough where he could finally be sure that they would get home.

As an observant soldier, he already noticed the complicated mood that was spread among the soldiers after traveling with them for 2 weeks already.

He was too lazy to snoop around like a thief, so he didnt know the specifics.

All he knew was that this group of 12 was now closer and more cohesive. He was sure that even years from now, these 12 soldiers would still remember themselves and this mission no matter how far they were from each other.

Putting this aside, the main reason why he was bored was that the journey was not as eventful as he expected.

Through his guidance, they bypassed all the dangerous animal kingdoms.

Only some foolish lone exobeasts and a certain horde of beasts attacked them but with him around, these small fish were easily dispatched.

At a point, they saw another group of soldiers that were returning home like them but were unfortunately entangled in a brawl with the beasts of an animal kingdom.

The soldiers were horrified as they saw a 3rd rank high-grade soldier get ripped to pieces before their very eyes. The squad was annihilated by the beasts.

Suppressing their shock, they wisely took a detour to cross this animal kingdom. After 2 weeks and 2 days, they finally scaled-down the Himalayan peaks and touched normal ground again.

The soldiers were all feeling nostalgic.

Its been an eventful adventure. Dickson took Joshs handshake. I will miss you, Captain Josh. We all will, and we are grateful for all the help that you rendered to us.

Thank you, Captain! Diana, Anna, and the other soldiers saluted him with respectful expressions on their faces.

Ah, its ok. Josh hastily waved his hand. I hope that Clark comes back home safely, Good luck.

He finally turned and walked away. His back was straight but the others could still detect his fluctuating emotions, he soon disappeared from their sight.

King, thank you too. Without you, we would have all died in this mountain. Dickson turned to King while extending his right hand for a handshake.

King smoothly took it. No worries bro, take care.

Please take care of Clark. Diana finally spoke softly.

I will. King flashed her a thump up.

They finally separated, King going his way, Daland soldiers going their way under Dicksons leadership, while Spartans went their way under Dianas leadership.

The journey was finally over.

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