The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 185: military mobilization

Chapter 185: military mobilization

Clarks anger at the death of so many innocent Vatican citizens pushed him to the limit, granting him boundless endurance as he pursued every single terrorist that came for the attack to the ends of the town, not letting any one of them escape.

Blood and gore followed him everywhere he went, as the now leaderless and hapless terrorists could hardly put up any resistance to his massacre. His enraged self was unstoppable.

Due to his actions, this modest town at the corner of Vatican City became a town laced with blood and dead bodies of terrorists.

He never felt exhausted once as he hunted the terrorists, the overflowing anger fueled him and granted him mysterious endless stamina to go round the village without any signs of fatigue.

Boom!! His 2-form gun in its sniper configuration emitted smoke from its muzzle, as through his implant he confirmed the kill of the last terrorist who came for the attack.

It took him 32 minutes, and 20 seconds to hunt down and kill all the terrorists. After this, he finally paused to look at the aftermath of the terrorists sudden attack.

The attack was so sudden and unexpected that he had no time to think immediately, all his previous actions were done by instinct according to the situation. He felt like he just rode in a train that had no breaks.

It took him a few seconds to calm his still rapidly beating heart, before concentrating to look at the current status of the town.

From where he was, he could see the church which served as the first breakthrough point of the terrorists. That was where it all started. Looking from there outwards, his face could not help but dim a bit.

His shield generators still covered and protected the members of the church, so none of them were injured or dead. Despite this, the church building was already razed to the ground from the explosion and its follow-up shockwave.

Only the church was this fortunate, as all the nearby houses were also razed to the ground, but unlike the church, their inhabitants suffered severely from the consequence.

The 2km area around the church already turned into an area of desolation, death, and mourning. He could hear the loud cries of the lucky survivors who lost their loved ones from his position.

After his implant did a short frequency scanning, he already confirmed that over 200 individuals from the town died in this small-scale terrorist attack. He felt lost and clueless all of a sudden.

How did his going out to reflect on his life suddenly turn into a terrorist attack that bled so many lives?

He felt overwhelmed. As his brain processed all these, his body carried him forward subconsciously without his consent.

He moved forward, going back to the direction of the church while looking at the shocking aftermath of what just happened.

As he passed, his brain grew more and more numb as he saw middle-aged men and women that were shot dead mercilessly. He could still see the panicking and unwilling expression on their faces.

In another direction, he saw a woman who held a small blackened substance while wailing her heart out.

Seeing this, he was confused at first, but his heart became crushed when he made out the frail figure of a small girl from the burnt and disfigured substance held by the devastated woman.

What is this? How can humans be so merciless to their own kind?

He was completely shocked by the lengths that these terrorists went to in these short 40 minutes duration of their attack.

All these were not the end of the gruesome sight, in other directions, he saw a young boy who protected a girl that seemed to be his girlfriend by hugging her to prevent the flying bullets from impacting her.

His motive and effort were commendable, but life was not so easygoing. The bullets succeeded in penetrating him over to his girlfriend, they were both dead.

Seeing all these and feeling the gloomy aura of death in the air, before Clark reached the location of the church, his heart already went through a storm of emotional swings and shifts.

At first, he felt crushed with pity for the unfortunate dead, it later turned to regret of not being able to protect them, before finally turning to boundless hatred for the terrorists.

Since when he was a kid, he always heard of the tyranny, ruthlessness, and viciousness of the Persian tigers' organization, but this was the first time that he experienced it firsthand. And he was angered.

After getting into the church, he paid no attention to the crying church members who were still huddled up in fear under his shield generators.

His bleeding heart no longer felt anything, only the hunger for vengeance against the innocent dead filled it. He was ready to go to any lengths to deal a significant blow to the unbridled terrorists.

He quickly approached where he dropped his bag, picked it up before pressing a red button at its corner which quickly turned green.

After doing this, the bag responded immediately as it let out a strange blueish black magnetic field that pulled the nearby scattered equipment, weapons, and gadgets to it.

All the gadgets quickly converged orderly before being arranged back into the bag. As they were arranged, Clark quickly took notice of his encrypted communication device that was flashing a white color.

He quickly stretched out his hand to take it, as the flashing meant that he was receiving an ongoing call. After taking it, he unlocked it before quickly answering the call.

The first thing that came to him was noise and commotion, which quickly settled the next second.

Sorry for the noise Major, this is from the Vatican strategic intelligence military unit. We have a situation; a large-scale attack was suddenly initiated by the regional Persian tigers organization base.

Hearing this, his brows creased further as he did not expect that this was not the end of the attack. This did not make him pause though, as he quickly replied.

Understood, give me a location.

Oh, thank you for your help, sir. We are having trouble containing them as they planned well for the operation. We still have control of the situation on land, but the situation on the sea is in their control.

The nearest location is

After Clark got what he wanted, he no longer tarried as he sped up the arrangement of his gadgets. He swiftly changed into his military attire and multipurpose boots before storming out of the church.

As he ran across the dilapidated street, he did not forget to inform the local police force of the town to dispatch immediately and try to curb the aftermath of the attack.

He already ordered his car to come, but it would take a while for it to get here, and time was the commodity that he was severely lacking. He had to take matters into his hands this time.

His brain was already on overdrive, as he thought up ways to intercept the terrorists and deal them a good blow. After filtering the less relevant ideas, he quickly devised a plan.

He picked up his encrypted communication device again before putting a call through to his soldier followers. It didnt take long before their leader answered, with a respectful tone.


Yes, sir. Im listening.

Good, I want you to mobilize all the boys and come to the location I will send to you immediately. Take out all your exotic cars and come, leave nothing behind because you need them all.

Before coming, I want you to go to my room. I already granted you temporary access to it.

After entering inside, locate my armory that is at the corner of the room. The A.I would not bug you, I already granted you access.

When you open it, I need you to bring the 5 military bags that are kept at the very top of the armory row of shelves. Dont you dare tarry, I need you and the boys here immediately.

Yes sir.

After getting ready to move, call the Dragon military division. They will explain the current situation to you and also tell you my current location, be fast.

After saying this, he did not wait for his subordinates yes sir answer again as he kept the encrypted device and added more speed to his movement. It did not take long before he came before the artificial water pathway that led to the sea.

On getting to the large exotic made bridge, he made a sharp turn to the right before diving straight down into the large water body.

Splash!! His body disappeared with the splash sound inside the water, stirring it up roughly. It took a minute before the raging water calmed, but he could not be found again.

Deep under the water, he finally used his multipurpose boots again for the primary purpose that it was made.

With a large sound, the boot powered like a rampaging overloaded speed boat as blue energy erupted from its soles, making the already dark blue sea look bluer.

Boom!! With the sound of a sonic boom disaster, the boot jerked before propelling him forward with astonishing speed. He crossed the water pathway immediately like a meteor and arrived at the sea.

After doing this, he did not slow down but instead, he moved even faster as he set his direction to where the terrorists were showing water superiority.

A gleam representing his danger mode seemed to flash past his eyes for a moment as he flashed forward across the sea like the ancient legend from the movie; the ocean master, Aquaman.

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