The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 184: terrorist attack

Chapter 184: terrorist attack

For the first time since Clark got his mansion, he sneaked out of the large building without informing any of his workers. He was only able to do this because his keen personal assistant was not around.

After successfully getting out of the mansion, he picked up his military bag that lay on the floor before trudging down the street road.

Good morning. The people who passed him greeted him with cheerful faces, despite not knowing him.

He responded to their greeting with a smile also, before he continued walking down the road. Not long later, he finally came before the subway where a line of public transport vehicles was already lined up.

After thinking for a moment, he decided to take the underground railroad public bus. He quickly paid to the driver, before boarding the bus with the other row of people who intended to take public transport.

As soon as he sat down at the edge of the bus, he rested his head back and took in the fresh morning air greedily down his lungs. He finally felt like a human again, as he heard the nonstop chatter of the passengers.

People exchanged greetings with broad smiles on their faces, while cute children followed their parents while also greeting elderlies with cuter smiles as they boarded the buses.

Because of his mask, he was not recognized as he already configured it to another face. Through this, he was able to experience again how life was for him when he was still just a normal human and not a soldier.

He was just like these people, the only difference now was that he had more luck, but this did not make him any different. He was still as much of a human as they were.

This realization surprisingly brought him more calm than he expected, as his smile became more genuine and wide.

He hummed with a playful shake of his head, following the music that blasted from the buss sound amplifiers as it finally started moving forward after being filled with passengers.

Chatter filled the bus as girlfriends discussed while chuckling with their boyfriends, children cheekily asked their parents' silly questions that left them speechless, old fellows talked of their life experiences, while siblings discussed cheerfully.

Seeing, and experiencing this scene was completely different. Experiencing this up close, Clark felt like everywhere was filled with life and vitality.

His eyesight mysteriously became clearer, and his brain worked more actively. He felt like he just got rid of invisible shackles that were originally holding him down, he now felt free.

10 minutes later, the bus finally stopped as he alighted from it with more precise steps. He came down from the bus a different being than the one he originally was.

His smile grew wider as the large signboard of the church greeted his sight. He nodded inwardly to himself, before stepping forward into the church premises with more confident footsteps than usual.

Entering the church, he was surprised as others were also there. Despite his surprise, none of it showed as he quickly located a seat in the middle of the church.

After sitting down, he used his implant to access the internet to know why there was service today. He quickly got his answer, as it seemed that there was a church program today.

After getting the information he wanted, he no longer paid attention to it as he started listening and following the procedures of the church service.

Everything moved forward like a movie to him, as activity after activity was quickly completed in rapid succession. A smile adorned his face, as a group of children starred in a small drama session.

Unknowingly to him, he already spent more than 2 hours there, but he didnt feel it. Instead, he felt a feeling of tranquility and peace engulf his being.

As the church service was slowly drawing to a close after the sermon by the pastor, he already told himself that his decision to come here to self-reflect was the best.

Shortly before the closing announcement, as the church official took the stage, he suddenly felt his danger sense tingle a bit. He felt it, but he overlooked it due to the peace in his heart.

To him, as he was in a church, there was no danger here. Despite him deliberately ignoring it, the feeling kept growing stronger, until it finally left him irritated.

His eyes reluctantly left the church official, before slowly looking around to search for anything out of place. Seeing nothing, he already wanted to curse himself but a change finally came.

Crack!! Crack!! As the service went on, 2 black bags suddenly appeared from the windows at the very top of the church building.

Seeing this, an ominous feeling rose deep in his heart which was quickly confirmed with the next notification of his implant.

[Ding!! Master, act immediately. Highly energetic explosive materials detected inside the 2 black bags.]

Whoosh!! Clark acted immediately after hearing this, as he grabbed his bag from the chair at the side with his left hand while his right hand quickly unzipped it and dipped inside.

Surprise showed in all the church members' faces, as they looked with puzzled expressions at the actions of this man.

Clark paid no attention to them though, as his right hand finally emerged out of the bag with his 2-form gun in tow.

Machine gun.

He whispered, as the gun obeyed immediately and morphed into its machine gun configuration. With smoother movements, his hands opened up the gun before emptying its current bullets.

He replaced them with special new bullets, before finally wielding them and aiming at the 2 bags.

Bam!! Bam!! 2 consecutive gunshots quickly sounded as 2 bullets left the gun muzzle the next second, flying at the target while carrying a conspicuous trail of wind pressure behind it.

Poop!! Like the sound of champagne being opened, the bullets hit the 2 bags before unleashing their load without hesitation.

The wind suddenly blasted out behind them, as it carried the 2 bags back through the same hole in the window that they were sent in.

Hearing the sudden gunshots, the church already became chaotic as the church members panicked. Despite this, they could not help but look at the 2 black bags that slowly flew out of the church.

Why did this man shoot at the bags?


Their questions were answered in an instant as the energetic bombs finally exploded loudly, causing frightening domino effects while spreading its destructive red-hot fire without restraints.

The church roof was engulfed by the fire immediately, as debris and fire started falling down, painting the sky with the perfect depiction of gloom and destruction.

The fire spread wildly through the air to nearby houses like it had sensing tentacles to detect destruction targets.

As the humans finally reacted after understanding the situation and started screaming, Clark already activated his armor and went to action. He could only thank God that he brought his bag.

He opened his bags wide, before throwing their contents into the air without hesitation. Guns, armors, shield generators, and various other gadgets floated in the air as gravity reacted slowly to their appearance.

Tu! Tu! Tu! Tu! His machine gun, shot out pressure-filled bullets like raining popcorns, as they impacted all the energy shield generators while leaving the others unscathed with immaculate precision.

Before the fire, debris, and collapsing ceiling could fall down to submerge the church members, his energy shield generators quickly activated after being transported to all corners of the church through his bullets.

Bam!! Bam!! The church building collapsed, but the members remained safe as the mysterious stranger saved them all through his shield generators.

Tu! Tu! Tu! Tu! Before they could relax and rejoice over their survival, another set of bullet fire suddenly erupted from the sides as a group of armed roughly dressed soldiers stormed into the church while shooting wildly.

Seeing these people, Clarks eyes narrowed as he finally understood what happened. Rage quickly took over him, as he stormed out in retaliation to meet these petty soldiers.

He picked up his second 2-form gun, wielded them on both hands before spreading rampage within the midst of the terrorists.

Tu!! Tu!! Tu!! Tu!! He moved swiftly while rotating his hands, as his 2 guns spewed out fire and bullets like raging dragons, both in their machine gun configuration.

The soldiers around him died in droves like chickens, as blood and gore quickly took over the floor of the originally clean and well-polished floor. None of the shabby armors that they wore could withstand his wrath.

After wiping out this small squad, he did not stop as he rushed outside immediately to face the further destruction that was being wrath by the terrorists.

Seeing the Vatican citizens running around in panic like headless sheep, while the Persian tigers terrorists reaped their lives, anger blazed in his heart as his inner demon was fully unleashed.

His implant understood him and quickly presented the battlefield in a 3d form to him, as he ran directly to where the terrorists were the densest.

He started a bloodbath immediately, as his dual 2-form guns strained to keep up with the stress that was being subjected to their exotic frames. They vibrated like heavy-duty machines, spreading their bullets of death.

As soon as Clark stormed into their midst, over 200 terrorists died immediately, thereby attracting all the attention of the others.

They all turned their attention to face this troublesome soldier, as this was not included in their plans. Despite their focused fire, Clark shrugged it all off as he killed at least 5 terrorists every second.

After identifying the executioner that was leading this group of terrorists, he quickly ordered one of his 2-form guns to take on its sniper configuration.

Using a tightly packed group of terrorists as his propelling platform, he moved swiftly like a phantom, stepped on them before jumping up to get a better shot angle.

Boom!! Before the terrorists could react, with an ear-splitting sound, a bullet was released immediately. They could not track its speed; the only evidence of its passage was the head of their executioner that already turned to blood and water.

Clarks outrageous 2-form gun in its sniper configuration succeeded in sniping the executioner to death, despite his armor that was completely still intact.

After the death of the leading executioner, 3 others that were originally hiding quickly came out with the intention to take him out. This did not faze him though; he just saw them as more troublesome prey.

With smooth movements, his other 2-form gun quickly morphed into its sniper configuration also. He ran to meet them while aiming at their foreheads.

Despite the concentrated fire from 2 ranged 1st ran high-grade soldiers wielding exotic guns, his armor withstood it all and stood strong like a thousand-year-old mountain.

To the horror of the executioners, the last shot at their leader was not just a one-off thing. With 2 consecutive shots, the 2 ranged soldiers brains were blasted off, leaving behind only an empty bloody neck.

The only melee-oriented executioner watched this with complete horror now evident on his big wild face. Despite his intention to escape, he could not as another shot ended his pitiful life.

After doing this, Clark finally turned to face the subordinate terrorists with a gaze similar to that of a shark looking at prey. The anger in his eyes was palpable.

Seeing this, the terrorists shuddered as they finally knew that they met someone that was beyond them. Despite their numbers, they had no confidence as they all separated and ran to various destinations without hesitation.

Want to escape? Not in my watch, not after you killed so many innocent Vatican citizens. Die!!!

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