The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 182: clarks first setback as a soldier

Chapter 182: clarks first setback as a soldier

Broom!! Clarks gloved hands shook to the vibration of the enhanced military power bike, as it advanced crazily like a bull on steroids. His armor already covered his face, so the fierce wind pressure did not affect him.

As he drove in deeper, outside light quickly got cut off away, as the darkness of the underground slowly took over. Only the faint electricity light illuminated the walls and the surrounding.

Seeing that his pursuer was still determined to go after him, the thief said nothing and just squeezed more power output from his crazy bike.

2 figures blew across the underground passage like the raging wind, leaving afterimages and scattered dust behind which quickly merged with the wind on appearing.

With their current speed, the fast and furious squad led by Toretto in the ancient action movie looked just like childrens stuff.

Noticing that despite his speed, his opponent was still a little faster, Clark finally took the level of the pursuit to a different level.

With swift and smooth moves that flowed like water, his left hands quickly detached from the bike before dipping into his armors weapon hold to get hold of his exotic laser pistol.

After so many months of accumulation, his current stash of weapons was basically endless. His money always had a place to burn like water, no matter how swiftly it came.

Bam!! Bam!! Bam!! Red energy-powered laser beams quickly erupted out of the small pistol in its single output configuration, as they all hit the thiefs tiny figure despite the speed and distance with pinpoint accuracy.

F*ck!! The thief cursed on seeing this, as he quickly started a curved zig-zag trajectory riding. He was not to be so easily done in, as he also brought out his exotic pistol to shoot blindly backward in retaliation.

Despite his efforts, his shots were nowhere as effective as Clarks, he was a soldier who focused only on the melee path.

Clarks face under his armors covering was stern and serious, as he smoothly dodged all the misplaced shots while still retaliating like a pro. As he did this, he no longer hesitated to overload the bikes energy output to increase its speed further.

Due to this small advantage that was formed from the overload, the 2 figures that flashed across the underground passage gradually started getting nearer and nearer.

Clarks bike was already bringing out fire from its exhausts, indicating that it was already on the verge of coming apart, but he paid no heed to it. Instead, he kept his full focus on his goal.

As they got closer and closer, the air between them got thicker and tenser as the clash that seemed inevitable slowly drew nearer.

After a lot of calculation, he finally pressed down on the button that his eyes were secretly eyeing since he entered the underground passage. The button indicating nitro boost quickly turned from green to red, after being pressed down.

This seemed to have unleashed a beast as the military power bike quickly pulsed to indicate a large eruption of energy, before flying forward with at least 5 times more speed like an energetic bulldog on heat.

Boom!! The fire coming from its exhausts quickly peaked, as they flew out, spreading terror, which made the bike suddenly seem like the legendary ghost riders ride.

The sudden eruption of speed was so fast that the thief could not comprehend what happened before his opponent reached his point-blank range. He could only watch with wide eyes while trying to perform a quick swerve to the right.

To the current Clark on steroids, this move was just a kid playing with fire.

The 2 bikes quickly hit with a loud mechanical impact sound, as both riders acrobatically jumped out of them while unsheathing their weapons in tacit understanding while still mid-air.

Boom!! Boom!! Boom!! The fire quickly spread tyrannically following a large explosion, as both bikes became engulfed in this high-temperature elemental disaster. Despite this, their 2 riders were not focused on them.

Whoosh!! Before the thief could bring his thin spear out completely, Clarks spear was already streaking forward like the mandate of death.

Spear quickly collided with armor as sounds of breaking bones sounded, while the victim fell to the floor pathetically like a sheep without a shepherd.

After the first successfully knockdown, Clark did not relent after already knowing the true nature of this thief as his spear repeatedly struck down with lightning-fast moves, rendering his opponent temporarily incapacitated.

Shortly after, the thief recovered as he started giving his best to resist the fierce onslaught of his opponents spear.

His face despaired as he noticed the added seriousness and power behind his opponents blows. But despite this, his brain was still very much calculating as he secretly led the battle over to a particular spot.

He was being trashed, but he didnt mind, his armor could weather it all for now. All he wanted was to get to the position that he wanted.

His perseverance was impressive and admirable, but it did not change the fact that he was suffering. In less than 10 seconds, Clarks unrelenting blows turned him from a thief into a pitiful thief. The intensity was just too much.

The next second, he could no longer withstand the fierce attacks as he fell down like a toy that already expended the energies in its batteries to move and perform tricks to please kids.

Hey!! Hey!!.

Please wait, I surrender, I surrender. Wait, I really surrender this time, my ribs are already broken. Bro, have mercy, do you want to kill me? Im just a kid.

Hearing the expected shameless words did not faze Clark, as he made sure to make his next moves as clinical as possible to get the effect that he wanted despite his opponents armor still activated.

Crack!! Ahhh!!!

Loud bellows filled with pain suddenly reverberated around the silent underground passage, as Clarks well-timed grabbling attacks smoothly did their intended purpose of breaking the thiefs leg bones. He wanted no funny escapes again.

After polishing his skills for so long without breaking through, he already learned some other martial techniques from the Spartan armory that could help him in special situations, like this one.

Clang!! As soon as he finished his first deed, his hands did not stop for a moment as they quickly moved to his military backpack and retrieved a metallic case.

Before the thief could comprehend what was happening, the metallic case quickly opened and revealed its inner content before lashing unto him like a diving viper.

After one deep scan, the device quickly determined its targets size and other information before expanding to the sides to form a kind of protective metallic shield around him.

After restraining and covering the target carefully, an opening finally revealed itself to show the captured target.

This was a restraining device that Clark got originally from one of his Spartan army missions, he did not know that it would come in handy here.

After doing all the mischief that he wanted to the one who started it, he finally stretched his back to stand straighter, slightly clapped his hands to remove unseen dust, before turning his stern eye to look his target directly in the eye.

You like running, huh?

Despite the question directed at him, the thief had no leisure to answer as he squirmed weakly on the metallic tiled passage floor.

His face was twisted in pain, as an expression of hate and anger finally covered his originally mischievous one. Never in his dreams did he think that this Major could go to such heights when he already guessed his identity that he came from a high-grade country.


He cursed inwardly, as he started regretting his stupid decision to play around with this trick. The pain from getting all your joints for movement broken was not beans.

This was originally just playing, why taking it so seriously? He felt like crying literally, but no tears came out as he didnt want to disgrace nor lower himself to this soldier.

After trying hard to curb the biting pain and removing the fearsome expression from his face, he finally turned to face his pursuer.

Is there a need for such harsh measures? I already surrendered.

Clark paid no heed to what he just said, as he went closer to the metallic restraining device so that his target could see his face more clearly. He wanted to intimidate this kid this time.

I can see that youre the gutsy type, but thats just childs play before me. Youve seen the strength that I exerted against you, that was me still going easy against you. You dont want to see the real me in battle.

Now, I want you to answer me sincerely. Whats your name?

Horny chocolate.

Clarks face twitched despite his efforts to calm it as black lines came all over his dark-toned face, making him look like a cactus fruit colored with black stripes.

This brat was really impressive as a soldier, it was already clear that all the pain that was just inflicted hardly affected him. Clark took a deep breath to calm himself, before making his voice deeper to show how serious he was.

Do you think Im playing here? You dont want to try me, kid, you don't, but forget that. Now, give me a good answer or Ill start my career in torture using you. What are you doing here in the Spartan republic?

I like you.

Seeing Clarks face that kept on twitching and constricting, the thief could hardly contain his amusement despite the pain he was currently feeling. He finally spoke out again with a chuckle.

Bro, I actually commend your effort in trying to capture me. Youre among the best braves, I like that. But thats not enough to capture me, try again later, bye-bye

Seeing the growing grin on his opponents face, Clark suddenly felt uneasy as he quickly deactivated the restraining device while storming closer to personally restrain this brat.

His reactions were fast, but he was still a step too late.

The road floor where the thief laid suddenly opened up, revealing a surprising large dark hole beneath it as he fell down freely with the same sly smile on his face.

To him, you may have broken my bones and won the battle, but I won the war. He brought the battle to this location for a reason.

Clark quickly caught the edges of the road to stabilize himself from falling into the pit along with this maniac, before finally standing up with a stunned expression on his face.

The brat still escaped.

He was completely surprised. He thought that with the restraining device, everything was under control but he forgot about the floor. Not that he expected such preparations from the brat though.

This was probably his first major setback and defeat from a same ranked soldier since he started his career, the feeling left a bad taste in his mouth. He was still in disbelief.

Major, dont worry, I wont target your city again. Im coming for you next time. The thiefs loud but slowly fading voice suddenly echoed out of the dark pit.

Hearing this, Clark quickly snapped out of his daze as his expression darkened again.

Do you think because of this, Im easy to deal with? His instinct reactions to challenge from a peer lit up, as unknowingly to him, he already took this thief as a silent challenger.

At this moment, his encrypted communication device suddenly lit up again, as a call from his soldiers came through.

Abort the mission, the target escaped. He was sure that the thief escaped this time, so he did not want to unnecessarily burden his soldiers despite how it would stain his reputation.

After saying this, he requested another bike before cutting the call connection. After doing this, he finally started reflecting on the experiences from the pursuit that he just engaged in.

In the locations where the soldiers and policemen of Vatican City were posted to intercept the thief, they were all surprised after the news from their officers came.

What, the Major failed to capture the thief???

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