The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 181: giving the thief a nice beating

Chapter 181: giving the thief a nice beating

Everyone was so focused on what their Major was handing over to his follower, that they all failed to think about the repercussions of when an all-purpose emp device was activated.

What brought them more surprise and questions, was that how did their Major know that someone was hiding within their midst.

Their expressions changed from surprised to shocked, then to disgraced and humiliated, when the small figure of this mischievous thief who gave them so much trouble was finally unrivaled due to his failing and fluctuating armor system.

The youth in question was also surprised, as a horrified expression quickly overtook his face on seeing so many eyes suddenly turn to focus on him.

The scenario was not supposed to be like this!!

Unlike what was expected of a now notoriously infamous thief, he was a handsome boy with blonde hair tied to form a manly bun like those of the ancient attacking footballer, Erling Haaland.

Despite having youthful features, his slightly buff muscles, clearly outlined six-packs and nicely chiseled chest could not be ignored. With his nice physique added to the equation, most girls could easily run heads over heels for him, only the weirdos though.

The emp device that was just activated was made according to the standards of a high-grade country, so most, if not all of his equipment and gadgets were affected, rendering him incapacitated.

As the original police-busting thief situation gradually turned into a show cinema, Clark already burst forth at the first moment from his position with his usual breakneck speed.

Like the others, all his equipment was also shut down by the emp device, but his high-grade armor was just like the thiefs, it was fluctuating between normal and malfunctioning.

As it was also high-grade equipment, it was trying to withstand the impact of the emp devices interference. Only his outrageous implant completely survived the aftermath.

He arrived before his target immediately like the wind, as his already outstretched arm swung his spear out like Aquaman, the ocean masters trident of authority.

Despite the speed that he moved at; this youth proved not to be just a spoiled brat from a high-grade country, but a highly skilled one as he reacted instantly.

Surprisingly, this brat also wielded a spear for battle. But unlike Clarks, it was a significantly thinner spear that was optimized for swift battles. Brightly lit mechanical circuits were all over its slim metal body.

Bam!! Bam!! Bam!! The first exchange of blows quickly began, as loud metallic sounds paired with sparks from the collision of exotic metal flew out like fireworks in a night sky.

No matter how talented this thief was, it was not beans to get to Clarks current level and proficiency. This was an apprentice arrogantly challenging the master's situation.

After only 15 seconds of swift exchange to test out each others limits, Clark already deduced his opponents level. This brat was fairly strong among the 2nd rank high-grade soldier realm.

After getting the information that he needed, he upped his ferocity immediately as his opponent quickly became overwhelmed by the sheer power of the blows impacting him.

As a prodigy back in his country, the thief was proud to be a 2nd rank high-grade soldier at such a young age, so seeing an equally talented soldier like Clark prompted him to test his strength out. That is why he made up this scenario.

But the outcome now, it was severely disappointing and confidence cracking. He felt like a kid that was receiving a spanking from his raging mum, what a disgrace.

This guy is really a freak; I have to escape immediately.

Seeing their Major trashing the thief, all the soldiers standing around remained at their positions as they watched like cheerful children who came to a theater to watch their best actor live on stage.

As the fight continued, Clark was already secretly shocked, as the resistance offered by this soldier impersonating as a thief was beyond his expectations.

Why was such a talent wasting his time to impersonate a thief? He was completely speechless. If he was not wrong, if he was older than this boy, it would not be more than 2 years.

What a misplacement of priority. This boy really needs a spanking to change his orientation.

Despite the shock that he felt, he did not relent as he beat the hell out of the naughty kid.

5 minutes later, his opponent finally surrendered as he laid sprawled all over the floor with small lumps of clotted blood all over his face, earning admiration from the countless soldiers who watched the blood-boiling action spectacle.

Yo, please it's ok, I already surrendered. I admit that I bit off more than I can chew this time. Im sorry for targeting your city, you know Im just a kid, look at my smooth and chubby face. Please let a helpless child go home.

Despite his twitching lips, Clark kept a poker face and ignored the shameless declaration of this brat as he advanced to meet him while questioning him with a stern face.

What gave you the courage to steal a Spartan Generals car? Do you think Sparta is easy to bully?

Oh, sorry. Is that why youre angry? It's ok, I just found it weird why an old pal like that would have such luxurious stuff, so I took it to wrath justice for all the youths around the world.

And being a General, I guessed he would be too ashamed to personally go after a young soldier like me, and I was right. The brat replied with a completely innocent look on his face.

Hearing this, despite his poker expression, Clarks mouth twitched again more fiercely. He could only wonder how this bloke could still speak such nonsense with all his current broken teeth.

He displaced this to the back of his mind, all this could be attended to later, now it was officially capturing this brat that was paramount.

After reaching the youths position, he brought out his handcuffs before stretching his hands out to take hold of his captives raised hands. As he did this, he suddenly paused on receiving an instruction from his implant, but it was too late.

[Ding!! Energy signatures matching those of a super high-grade country device detected. Master, take cover immediately.]

Before Clark could perform any meaningful action, he suddenly felt a strong pressure force hit his exposed stomach, launching him back like a deflated balloon that had no direction to escape to.

Eat that, bitch!!!

The youth suddenly yelled after this happened, before jumping up with smooth movements into his power bike as its strong engine quickly ignited like a hibernating dragon that was just awoken.

Broom!! With his left middle finger lifted to show mockery and to indicate that he won, he quickly changed gears as his powerful bike rode out of the building like a beast on a rampage.

The unprepared soldiers were completely caught off guard, as the captive they thought was already captured quickly escaped from their grasp in less than 20 seconds.

A compressed pressure-filled air launcher, with standards of a super high-grade country.

Shit, I forgot that this thief was a spoiled brat. How could I think that he only had equipment at the standards of a high-grade country?

Despite admonishing himself, Clark was not slow by one step as his exotic car already detected what happened and moved a step faster. As soon as it arrived at his front, he dived inside immediately while not forgetting to take the emp device along.

Zoom!! Like another hibernating dragon awakening, the car let out its own growl-like mechanical sound before bolting after the thief in tight pursuit.

The dazed soldiers finally realized what happened, as they all entered their military cars and bikes before following in pursuit.

This brat actually still had tricks up his sleeves, such a sneaky bastard. With such curse words frequenting their mouths, they strained their cars capacities to keep up with the 2-speed demons.

Phew!! I succeeded; I finally escaped his grasp. What a frightening 2nd rank high-grade soldier, where did this freak come from?

Despite already getting on his precious exotic bike, the young thief was still freaked out from the result of the battle that he just fought. He had never been trashed that way by a same ranked high-grade soldier.

F*ck, you already trashed me, cant you leave me alone? He cursed again while quickly accelerating faster, as he heard the distant sound of the intimidating exotic car going after him.

Despite his current situation, he could not help but think of how good it would feel if he could steal that exotic car also. What a nice ride it would be.

Clark was shocked again for the second time, as his car was taking so long to catch up with this tiny power bike despite him blasting it at its maximum output.

What a frightening bike! This brat is really freakishly rich. I have to listen to Monkey hand's advise and upgrade my car soon, most of my opponents have kinds of stuff of the same grade these days.

He wanted to snipe this brat down with his 2-form gun badly, but he knew that was not a good decision.

He already decided not to use his gun on arriving, and his decision was further finalized after confirming that the thief was a young brat like the General predicted.

His intention was not to kill him, he intended to capture him.

Screech!! His feet suddenly smashed hardly at his cars breaks, as the car came to a slow gradual stop while its thick enhanced tires left clear marks on the tiled road.

Due to his distraction, he almost just used his car to hit and destroy a building at the roadside. And it seems this brat still had hopes of escaping, as he just entered a narrow underground passage that his car could not enter.

Suppressing his irritation, he quickly gave an order through his implant that was carried out immediately by his soldiers.

2 minutes later, one of the military exotic power bikes drove quickly to his location before coming to a stop. He jumped into it immediately before firing swiftly into the narrow underground passage.

This was his first time handling an exotic bike, but he already felt the sensation during his cadet training days, so it was not too unwieldy to him.

As their Major pursued the thief through the underground passage, all the soldiers obeyed his orders as they spread out in all directions around there to device another encirclement.

The whole area around the underground passage was placed on lockdown, as soldiers roamed about like chickens scuttering about in their poultry.

Today, they were capturing the thief by all means.

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