The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 131: the super dog program

Chapter 131: the super dog program

The huge square-shaped library covered a significant part of the room, enhancing the scholarly vibe it exuded. Its internals was divided into 2 rows and 4 columns, all filled with books of different sizes.

Captain Oxford finally arrived at its front, as he extended his hand outward to caress its smooth surface. After admiring its smooth wooden curves for 2 seconds, his attention was finally drawn to the books stored inside.

With one glance, he immediately knew that this library was for research purposes. All the books that his eyes scoured over, their titles were all related to biology and research.

In this age of exotics and technology, physical libraries are a rare sight as practically everything can be done online through your implant. Despite this abnormal sight, he was not too surprised as he was able to guess the reasoning of the original owners of this military base.

Though working online was more convenient, it was also far more vulnerable to hacks and virtual intrusion. For extremely confidential information and research data, most big organizations prefer keeping hard copies to prevent them from hearing stories that touch.

He was not a scientist nor an engineer, he was a soldier. He did not have the patience to start reading any of the books here. The sight of so many books was already putting him in a bad mood, but he kept his patience as his life and that of his soldiers depended on it.

After focusing a little, he was surprised as he found a book that was separated from all the other big books in its own separate column. Though it was very inconspicuous, he was able to see it thanks to his high perception

He decided to start his search with this, as something in hand was better than ten in the bush or even nothing. He unsheathed his sword, as he got prepared to strike at the thin energy shield protecting the library.

With one decisive but forceful swing of his sword, the shield protecting the library disappeared with a pop sound.

Using such a low-grade shield, indicated that the people here did not expect any intruder to breach into the base. Well, they were wrong as groups of soldiers just did.

He extended his hands forward, as he finally took hold of the book that was isolated from the rest. After seeing it at a closer range, he was immediately able to deduce that it was a diary.

SUPER DOG PROGRAM, this was the first thing that greeted his sight, as he finally turned the diary to its front page.

His eyes immediately narrowed in alarm on seeing this title. He did not know why, but his instincts were just screaming danger to him as he continued staring at this seemingly harmless diary.

From this title on the front page of the diary, he was able to deduce that this room was probably another research room.

Is this room the room of the special biological research team that the other diary talked about? He could not help but make this connection, as the super dog program sounded like something biological.

He suppressed his randomly flying thoughts, as he finally settled down in one of the chairs at the side to read the diary. He quickly got engrossed in it, as he forgot his surroundings to better immerse himself.

Nov 13, 2163. Im so angry. I thought I would be part of the main biological research team with such good grades, but I was brought to take part in this backward research team. Such obvious bias, the favorability is just too much..

I want to be part of the scientists that will make history. But life is not so easy going, I guess Ill just focus to do my best in the Super dog experiment program.

March 2, 2164. Yes!!, we finally succeeded in creating the first super dog. Im so happy, I finally made some important contributions to the research department.

Mr. Parkinson personally congratulated me. He said that with this breakthrough, the speed of the main biological research team would increase exponentially.

June 16, 2165. Im so tired. Despite performing different sophisticated research for 2 good years, we are still not able to control the intelligence of the super dog.

Jan 5, 2168. Jesus!!, Im so scared. The Seafarers alliance finally discovered us; we are so dead. Oh!!, my research, my everything. I dont want to leave any of them behind, but the guards are coming to take me away

Captain Oxford exhaled, as he stretched his body to relieve his stiff joints. Unlike the first diary he read in the 2nd room, this one was intact so he read only some of the parts he thought were important.

In the other parts, he just skipped them as time was not on his side. Even if he spent a whole day reading it, he was not sure if he would be able to finish it.

Though only about 40 minutes passed, he felt like he just time traveled between worlds, and thousands of years already passed. He was happy as his speculation was right, this was one of the side research bases of the biological research team.

The only thing he did not understand was the super dog that was emphasized on various occasions repeatedly. What is this super dog?

He could not extricate himself from thinking about this seemingly dangerous operation. Super dog was definitely not an operation about breeding pet dogs, it was definitely something else.

The saying that the unknown was the most dangerous was simply perfect for his current mood. He felt a faint sense of danger that he could not explain since he entered this room.

Captain, I think I found the door to the next room. He was jolted from his contemplating mood, as one of the soldiers loudly reported his finding.

He put all the unsettling thoughts behind his mind, as he stood up, going to where the soldier found the exit.

On reaching there, he was surprised as the door was not secured by an A. I like the other ones. Though he was surprised, he still followed his plans as he ordered his soldiers to re-enter their battle formation.

Before going forward, he quickly summarized the contents of the diary he just read to his soldiers. They did not have much of a reaction to it, so he just forgot about it.

After settling everything, they finally moved forward orderly, as the door leading forward was easily opened with a slight push.

With all of them staying together in such a tight formation, they were more confident as they calmly but alertly crossed the door over to the other side.

Hmmm. They were all startled, as for the first time they did not enter the already familiar-looking corridor. Surprisingly, this door led them to another room directly.

After looking more carefully, they quickly deduced that this room was not entirely a separate room. The 2 rooms were connected, as the first one seemed to be the study room, while this one was the biology laboratory.

They heaved a sigh of relief again, as no mechanical soldier or anything came out to attack them. This was the first room that they entered that was illuminated by extremely bright light.

After observing the surroundings, a bit, they were able to see that this was a typical laboratory without any abnormal add-ons to impede or attack them.

Throughout their stay here in this military base, all the places they entered were abnormal and unique in their own way, so this came as a fresh experience to them.

The small room was completely filled with the aura of research, as they were able to recognize the microbiology section through the incubators, deep freezers, and clean benches occupying there.

Different optical instruments like stereo and fluorescence microscopes occupied most of the few spaces in the room, making it look cramped up. Unlike the other grey rooms, practically everything here was white, making it look more vibrant and inviting.

They finally relaxed their nerves on seeing this, as under their Captains orders they followed their normal routine of spreading out to poke the surroundings for any reaction.

Being in a clean research lab did not necessarily mean that it was safe. They were still alert, as they skillfully scoured round the whole research chamber for anything out of the normal.

After what seemed like an eternity, a soldier finally found the switch to open the door leading to the corridor.

At this moment, they no longer knew what they were doing. All they knew was to just continue forging ahead, the plan was maybe theyll find a way to leave this military base by continuing forward.

All the soldiers quickly converged, as they came closer to observe the switch that the Dawn soldier showed them. It was a rigid white painted lever, pivoted about by a grey painted fulcrum.

After the last rooms experience, they were more cautious this time. They took their time to set up a sturdy-looking defense perimeter, by forming the complete turtle formation this time.

After getting a defense that satisfied them, Captain Oxford finally ordered for the lever to be pulled down. Being caught unprepared was a situation that they no longer wanted to face in this military base.

After the nearest soldier applied a little force, with a snap sound the lever was displaced downward.

Click!! As soon as this happened, with a soft click sound, a part of the wall opposite them opened up, indicating that it was the hidden door they were looking for. Nothing emerged immediately like in the last room, making them heave another deep sigh of relief.

Clang!! Clang!! They were not able to relish in this feeling of relief for long, as they suddenly started hearing loud and deep sounds of chains falling down from below them.

The deep dropping sound of the chains unsettled them, as all their faces tightened in alarm.

Is this because of the lever being pulled down? All of them speculated their own answers, as they firmly held their weapons while looking around alertly.

Grrrr!!! Before they could think further, a deep predatory growl escaped out of a small opening that was slowly widening opposite them.

They did not know when, but a small opening was suddenly enlarging before them. They had an urge to rush and cover the opening back, but before any of them could move, a massive pair of dog paws emerged from the opening.

Following the appearance of the giant paw, an oversized, ferocious-looking bloodhound dog finally emerged from the opening. It made another deep growl, as its eyes gradually turned red on the sight of the humans.

At this point, the soldiers were already at their breaking point as they all held their breath. Captain Oxford was shocked speechless, as he gazed at the fierce-looking dog with pure horror written on his face.

An exobeast bloodhound emitting the pressure of a 4th rank high-grade soldier, this was the only horrifying thought revolving in their brain at the moment.

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