The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 130: the third room

Chapter 130: the third room

This terrifying explosion showed the resources and skill required to create a support-type mechanical soldier. The extremely volatile energy batteries in its bloated form did most of the work in spreading the reach of the explosion.

When the deadly charged energy beam from Clark impacted its round form, it tried to withstand the impact like always. But this time, it was an energy-powered shot, and the force of impact behind it was too much. It overwhelmed its safety limit, and the rest was history.

The impact, its volatile energy batteries, and the tricky angle at which it was shot made its systems react violently in both the chemical and mechanical fields.

The result was, its location directly became a desolate ground. The metal floor in that location quickly melted from the extreme direct heat, while all the mechanical soldiers in the area either melted or turned to scrap metal.

The peripheral heat wave from the point of the explosion was just like the descent of an apocalypse. The systems of all the surviving mechanical soldiers got fried immediately, ending their life prematurely.

Click!! At the same time that the result of the explosion was wreaking havoc, the A. I controlling the countdown time also malfunctioned, as it directly fell from 8 minutes to 0 seconds remaining.

This helped the allied group of soldiers, as they all hastily sprinted into the corridor. Captain Oxford activated shields around his armored form, as he waited for his last remaining soldier.

Boom!! Clark was finally hit by the explosion, after being hit initially by the shockwave from it.

Whoosh!! His figure streaked backward with speed like a spaceship without a pilot, as his armor grew red hot from the heat in its surrounding.

[Ding!! Masters armor just suffered 12% damage, Masters armor just suffered 5% damage,]

Consecutive damage reports were reported to him via his implant, but he could not hear a thing, as the sound from the explosion completely dulled his senses.

The sound entering his ears, made him feel like a battalion of soldiers were singing and beating war drums in his head. Sweat filled his body despite the protection of his armor, as the heat affected his body condition enormously.

His body grew extremely hot, as the heat made him suffer from hemorrhagic stroke. His eyes rolled back from the shock before he directly fainted from the extreme negative status of his body.

A high-grade soldier fainting from heat seemed ridiculous on normal circumstances, but that was just the degree that the heat reached. He fainted, after only 2 seconds of coming into contact with the explosion.

Having fallen unconscious, he was not able to control himself, as his figure continued flying backward with speed.

Captain Oxford was already prepared before this. On seeing Clarks speeding form, he ran forward a bit as he jumped, aiming to land at an elevated metal platform by the side.

Bam!! He quickly straightened his legs, as he used them to hit the side of the metal platform with force. The force propelled him backward, as Clarks speeding form finally reached his position.

He grabbed Clarks hot form in mid-air, as he applied force to adjust their forward trajectory. His applied force did the magic, as both figures successfully streaked with speed directly into the open door.

Boom!! Boom!! Boom!! The explosion finally took over the whole room, but it was unable to enter the corridor as an extremely durable force field prevented it from crossing over.

Bam!! Bam!! The soldiers cleared the way, as the red-hot figures of Clark and Captain Oxford finally landed on the metal floor of the corridor with loud bam sounds.

They quickly moved forward to the 2 figures, while hurriedly bringing enhanced fire extinguishers from their military bags. They went to work immediately, as the red-hot sheen on their Captain and Clarks armor finally cooled down.

Captain Oxford felt weak and a little dizzy, as 2 soldiers came closer to help him up. After steadying his steps, his eyes finally cleared completely as he turned to look down at Clarks unconscious figure.

Clark was the only reason that they escaped without suffering any further loss of resources, or even sustaining an injury.

None of them would have died if the battle was allowed to go on the normal way. But their resources would have been almost completely depleted, which was a set-back they did not want to experience.

A high-grade soldier without his weapon and gadgets was countless times less effective in battles. Even the legendary Aragan the Conqueror, once said that high-grade soldiers needed their equipment to perform at their best.

Captain Oxford could only thank his God that a force field prevented the explosion from coming into the corridor here. If the explosion reached here, his life and that of Clark would have been in danger.

The still rumbling sounds coming out of the room they just escaped from, indicated the destructiveness of the explosion.

He was sure that the room was now only a shadow of its former self. All the metal structures in the room were probably already melted by now, if not directly evaporated.

The temperature in the room was probably a few thousand degrees, as they still felt some residual heat emanating from the room into the corridor.

He decided to leave Clark at the corner there to rest, as he also found a corner to rest. The other soldiers also found a corner to rest, as the battle took a lot from them.

After a little over 20 minutes of rest, Captain Oxford finally woke up again to see the dimly lit corridor. The grey dull colored walls made him quickly recall his memories, as he decided to sit up after going through them.

He already recovered most of his vigor and strength, so he decided to rest some more. As he rested, he analyzed the current situation of their allied group.

5 minutes later, Captain Jack also woke up. On seeing this, Captain Oxford drew nearer to him, as both captains quickly started brainstorming on how optimistic their chances of leaving alive were.

As they both discussed, they were startled as the familiar bold glowing line of text quickly appeared again on both walls of the corridor.


[Ding!! Initiating eradication procedures to wipe out all threats Eradication procedures initiated, activating the fried corridor plan... Fried corridor plan activated, initiating in 10 minutes. 10: 58]

All the soldiers, except Clark, were startled awake from the sudden glow in the corridor. In a mission as dangerous as this one, soldiers were not expected to sleep deeply if they loved their lives. Clark didnt wake up, only because he fainted.

After reading the glowing notification message on the wall, and seeing the countdown timer ticking down, their faces turned dark. They had no idea what the hell, fried corridor plan was but it surely did not sound inviting.

Prepare and pack up your things quickly, were leaving. Captain Oxford said immediately, as he advanced closer to wake Clark up.

After exercising a small amount of effort, Clark finally woke up groggily as he rubbed his eyes to adjust to the dim lighting of the corridor.

He was still weak, but he immediately understood the urgency of the situation after a short summary from the Captain. With a little help, he was able to stand up, as they started rushing over to the next place the corridor led to.

After a little over 5 minutes, they finally came before the door leading to the next place. They hesitated for a few seconds, before finally storming in as they formed their battle formation quickly.

Click!! Whoosh!! The sound of their weapons swinging around and aiming around to find any target reverberated, as they all stood orderly in their original bow and arrow formation.

Silence pervaded around the room despite the way they stormed in, indicating that this room was exactly like the 2nd one they just scaled through.

They did not scatter the formation yet, as they all looked around first to take in the surrounding of the room. This seemed just like the last room, but they had to confirm first.

The room was of the same size as all the other rooms, but unlike them, there were no mechanical parts littered around the room. And there were no metal platforms in the room like the others.

This rooms atmosphere was completely different from the previous 2. The walls were not metallic grey like the others, but they were painted with a purple color to enhance its outward look.

Metal, glass, and energy chairs were placed in different corners of the room. A huge library was placed in the middle of the room, making it very conspicuous to the eye.

These small but subtle differences painted this room as a room used by scholars compared to the other 2. It was less barbarian, and its surroundings were more pleasing to the eye.

Under the orders of Captain Oxford, the soldiers followed his well-laid-out plans as they slowly poked around to see if any mechanical terror would suddenly appear. After doing this for 5 minutes without any reactions, they heaved a sigh of relief as they finally confirmed their temporary safety.

Like the last time, Captain Oxford ordered for a thorough sweep of the house to check for any hidden compartments, traps, or any clue.

The soldiers quickly went to work, as they started scouring around the corners of the room. Like the last room, the exit was hidden from view, so they had to also look for it.

Captain Oxford ordered the soldiers to not act impulsively when they find the exit, that he was to be informed before any action is taken. As the soldiers started their search, he steadily walked forward to the conspicuous spot where the library was located.

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