The Boss of the Apocalypse Disguises Himself As a Cannon Fodder Female Educated Youth

Chapter 73: empathetic

Chapter 73: empathetic

Chapter 73: Being considerate

Jiang Xiuqing hugged her and cried with joy, "An Ning, An Ning, fortunately you are back in the city. Your father, your brother, I, and I can finally let go of this big stone in our hearts, woo woo woo..."

Jun Ning patted her back and comforted her softly, "Mom, don't cry. In fact, it's not a bad thing to go to the countryside to exercise. As the old saying goes, the edge of a sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold. You Look at me now, am I getting better and better?"

Jun Ziru also advised his wife, "Xiuqing, don't cry. Aning is right. After this period of training, she has become better. This is a good thing. As parents and brothers, we should all be happy for her." Thats right.

Jiang Xiuqing stretched out her hand to wipe her tears and said with a smile: "I'm happy, but I'm so happy that I couldn't help crying. It's really hard for my family, Ningning..."

Seeing that his wife slowly calmed down, Jun Ziru asked Jun Ning with concern, "Ning Ning, did you get this job by yourself?"

According to normal circumstances, educated youths who go to the countryside must train in the countryside for at least three years before returning to the city.

Furthermore, you must have a recruitment quota in the city and a receiving unit before you can return to the city.

Jun Ning has just been away for more than a year, and he will definitely not be able to come back in the previous year unless he returns to the city due to serious illness.

Otherwise, if you go back to the city without a valid reason, you will most likely be labeled as "you do not actively support XX work, you are a backward element" and so on.

A year after Junning went to the countryside, Junziru immediately started looking for people to help him find a formal job in a good company.

Its just that its very difficult to find a job now, so Junziru spent a few months looking for one, and then he got the idea.

But he didn't expect that this kid Junning was so good. He found a way to return to the city and found a job. It's really good!

Jun Ziru also wants to know, how did this child get the return quota in such a difficult environment?

Jiang Xiuqing, Lao Er and Lao San also wanted to know the answer.

They all wondered if this child was so young, so he had no connections.

There are familiar uncles and aunts here in Yangcheng. Who can she know in Yucheng?

That must be the textile factory recruiting workers, and Aning passed the exam himself.

Unexpectedly, Aning shook his head, chuckled and said to them: "I didn't pass the exam, I got in through my connections. I'm just a temporary worker. I thought I'd go back to the city first. It doesn't matter if I'm a temporary worker." .

Gentleman frowned slightly, "Temporary worker? Doesn't that mean that if they want you in the factory, they want you, and if they don't want you, they can fire you at any time? This job is unstable!"

Jun Ning nodded calmly, "Well, this is indeed the case for temporary workers."

Jun Ziru and Jiang Xiuqing began to feel sorry for her again, and they also blamed themselves a little. It was because they didn't move quickly enough to find a job for Aning, which made her suffer a lot.

Jun Ning knew what they were thinking when he saw the expressions on their faces.

She quickly explained to them, "Mom, Dad, don't worry. The biggest benefit of this job is that it can help me return to the city."

"By the way, there is one more thing. I want to tell you that my job was found for me by a cousin named Xie Ning from my mother's Xie family."

Upon hearing this, Jun Ziru immediately asked her with a serious face, "Ning Ning, how can you be sure that she is your cousin? What if she lied to you?"

Jun Ning smiled and replied: "Dad, cousin Xie Ning is now the big boss of Hong Kong City. She is very capable. The textile factory and commercial bureau in Yucheng, as well as the Zhou family in Yangcheng, all want to cooperate with her. Let her provide supplies from the port city." Jun Ziru felt a little relieved when he heard that his cousin Xie Ning was cooperating with the unit, and that the Zhou family in Yangcheng was also cooperating.

Jun Ning saw that his expression softened and continued to explain to them.

A few days ago, cousin Xie Ning came to see me. I was quite suspicious of her at first. I wondered if she was really a relative of my mothers side. I also wondered if she had any bad intentions.

"But she did look a little bit like me. Later, I went to the Yucheng Textile Factory and the Commercial Bureau with her. I saw that these units wanted to sell her face and provide her with guarantees, and I believed it. her."

Then, my cousin told me that she wanted me to work in the textile factory and be her liaison with the textile factory and the commerce bureau, so that she would feel more at ease here, and the textile factory would also feel more at ease with her.

"The salary of a temporary worker in the textile factory is not high, but my cousin will also give me a salary. She said that based on the salary of a Hong Kong employee, she would give me 1,000 yuan a month. In addition, she would also give me the good benefits of a Hong Kong employee. .

Hearing that her cousin was going to give her a salary of 1,000 yuan and benefits, Jun Ziru, Jiang Xiuqing, the second and third sons were all shocked.

Jun Ziru and Jiang Xiuqing began to worry again, had their children been deceived? How could such a good thing happen?

This is simply a piece of cake in the sky!

Such generous treatment is several times better than that of the director of a state-owned machinery factory!

Jun Ning saw the worried expressions on their faces and knew that they were thinking wrong again.

She picked up the handbag placed next to her and said to them with a smile: "The things in this handbag are all given to me by my cousin. By the way, there are also the things I sent back last time. Have you eaten them?" Is it tasty?"

The second brother Jun Chengzhi, who works as a chef at the state-owned Liyuan Restaurant, became excited when he talked about the canned food and sausages she sent back last time.

Aning, where did your sausages, canned meat sauce, and apples come from? The taste is really amazing!

Several other people also nodded, "Yes, yes, the food you sent back last time was really delicious. We couldn't bear to share it with our relatives, so we kept it all for ourselves."

The third brother Jun Chengye also asked anxiously: "A Ning, do you still have those things?"

Jun Ning pointed to the big bag and said with a smile: "It's full of food, and it's all the same food as last time."

The second and third children both exclaimed in unison, "Wow, really? Show me quickly!"

The brothers opened their large bag and took out one thing after another.

The third child smiled happily and narrowed his eyes, "Hahaha, there are my favorite sausages and canned meat sauce. It's great. My little Ningning is the most considerate and knows what we like."

The second child also picked up the packed bags of fresh meat with a surprised look on his face, "Hey, there are also fresh pork, beef, and venison. Looking at the quality of the meat, it is definitely the best meat..."

Jun Ning smiled and said to him: "Second brother, you have really good taste. You are worthy of being a chef. However, the weather is hot now. You'd better put these meats in cold water quickly to avoid spoilage. It's a pity that the meat is pretending to be meat." The sealed bag will not allow water to enter and can be placed directly in cold water, which is similar to the effect of the refrigerator."

PS: The progress has finally caught up. From now on, we will resume updating two chapters (4000+) at 0 o'clock every day. Good night ~ Note "The sharp edge of a sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold" comes from the Diligent Chapter of "Warning to the World".

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