The Boss of the Apocalypse Disguises Himself As a Cannon Fodder Female Educated Youth

Chapter 72: Home reunion 2

Chapter 72: Home reunion 2

Chapter 72 Returning home for reunion 2

The time is already 10:30 in the evening. At this time, Jun Ziru and his wife Jiang Xiuqing should have fallen asleep.

But for some reason tonight, Jiang Xiuqing always felt as if something was on her mind, and she couldn't calm down to sleep.

Jun Ziru was also disturbed by her tossing and turning and couldn't sleep. He asked her with concern, "Honey, you can't sleep? What are you thinking about?"

Jiang Xiuqing sighed softly, "I don't know what's going on. It seems like there's something on my mind and I just can't sleep."

Jun Ziru held her in his arms and patted her back, "Don't think so much. You've been tired for a long day. Go to bed quickly!"

They have been married for so many years and their three children have gone to work, but they are still so loving and almost never blush.

Jiang Xiuqing nestled in Jun Ziru's arms, her heart full of warmth and tenderness.

This man has fulfilled his promise to her. After more than 20 years of marriage, he has been as good to her as he was before, making her feel happy and sweet all the time.

No matter how many difficulties she encounters in life, as long as he is around, she will feel at ease and she is willing to stay by his side forever.

The turmoil and turmoil in the past ten years made her often feel lucky that her family's work unit was popular and they did not experience misery and painful torture like the family of Junning's child.

Thinking of Junning and her biological father Jun Zian, Jiang Xiuqing sighed again.

Who would have thought that the handsome man Jun Zian, known as a genius and admired and liked by countless people, would one day be sent to hell.

Now the situation is getting clearer, but I dont know if he will come out one day?

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Jiang Xiuqing didn't dare to think about it any more. When she thought of this, she felt particularly sorry for Ning Ning.

Jiang Xiuqing murmured to her husband, "I wonder how Ning Ning's child is doing now? Husband, I miss Ning Ning."

Jun Ziru comforted her, "If you miss her, then let's take some time to go and see her."

They are both very busy at work and have only one day off a week. Sometimes they are busy and have no rest.

Especially for Jun Ziru, who is the director of a machinery factory, he has a lot of things to solve, and it is common to work overtime on weekends.

In the more than a year since Junning went to the countryside, the couple only visited her once. The second and third children missed their sister, so they each visited Junning once.

The boss works in the R&D department of a machinery factory. He also has a heavy workload. Once he starts researching the project, he works day and night.

He also misses his sister Jun Ning, but he doesn't have time to see her.

As the couple was talking, Jiang Xiuqing's ears suddenly perked up.

She seemed to hear a knock on the door, and then she heard Jun Ning's voice outside the door, "Mom, Dad, I'm back, open the door quickly!"

Jiang Xiuqing immediately sat up and said to Jun Ziru with excitement: "Honey, hurry up, go and open the door, it's Ning Ning who's back, it's Ning Ning who's back..."

Jun Ziru also heard Jun Ning's voice at this moment.

Like Jiang Xiuqing, he immediately sat up, quickly got out of bed, put on his clothes, and hurriedly walked out to open the door for her.

The second and third children next door also heard Jun Ning's shouts, and walked out in the same hurry, and walked towards the door with the same surprise on their faces.

Only the boss is not at home. He slept in the research room again today and did not come back.

As soon as the door of the house opened, Jun Ning saw a large family crowded in the door, all looking at her with surprise and smiles on their faces.

When they saw the graceful Jun Ning, they rushed to ask: "A Ning, are you back?" "Ning Ning, are you back?"

Ning Ning, come in quickly, come in quickly.

JUN Ning, who was originally a little nervous, fearing that she would not be able to play the emotional role of the original protagonist well, felt a sore nose and her eyes turned red uncontrollably when she saw the strong feelings the uncle's family had for her.

She said to them in a choked voice: "Dad, Mom, Second Brother, Third Brother, I'm back!"

Second brother Jun Chengzhi reached out and took the bag in her hand, "Come on, give me the things!"

Third brother Jun Chengye also took over her big backpack.

Jiang Xiuqing held her hand, led her to sit on the sofa in the living room, and kept asking her with concern, "Ning Ning, sit down quickly, are you hungry? What do you want to eat? I'll cook it for you. .

Jun Ning smiled back at her, "Mom, I'm not hungry. I came back from dinner."

The family's strong love for her made Jun Ning feel a little unbearable.

How sad would they be if they knew that the original owner had passed away?

I hope she can play the role of the original owner perfectly and not let them find out that the original owner is gone.

Luckily, the original owner's character is partially similar to hers. The only difference is that the original owner's character is softer and hers is stronger.

She can explain her strong personality by saying that she developed it during her more than a year in the countryside.

People of this era have not experienced the era of information explosion in later generations, and most people will not think about reviving corpses.

Except for Fu Jingwei, a guy with equally evil mental power, he only thought of it after discovering the world of space, and he didn't think of it at the beginning.

She stayed in the country for so many days, and no one else noticed anything strange about her.

I hope the uncle and his family won't find out.

Jun Ning's mental power is extremely strong, and she can imitate any small movement.

As long as she is willing to work hard, she can imitate the behavior and behavior of the original owner exactly the same without anyone noticing the difference.

In this world, there are still very few chosen ones like Fu Jingwei who are mentally strong, observant, and have opportunities.

Although Junning said she was not hungry, Jiang Xiuqing still took out all the pastries, candies, and canned fruits bought at home.

Ning Ning, if you dont want to eat, then have some chicken cakes and canned fruit.

Jun Ning smiled and patted her hand, "Mom, I'm really not hungry. You don't have to worry about me. Look at my face, don't I look particularly good?"

Jiang Xiuqing, Jun Ziru, the second child, and the third child all looked at Jun Ning's face and found that her skin was as tender as tofu, her face was rosy, and her eyes were watery.

Jiang Xiuqing looked at Jun Ning, the more she looked at her, the more she fell in love with her, "My Aning is really getting better and better as he grows older, okay, okay, okay, you are living a good life in the country, and we are a little more relieved. Otherwise, my parents and your brothers , I feel uncomfortable."

As Jiang Xiuqing spoke, the guilt in her heart surged up again, and her eyes turned red.

Jun Ning put his arm around her shoulders, "Mom, dad, and brothers, you don't have to worry about me. I have successfully returned to the city and am working in the purchasing department of the textile factory in Yucheng. All food relations and other matters have been moved to Yu Textile factory in the city, I dont have to go back to the countryside anymore.

The family was really surprised and happy after hearing this, "Really? That's great!"

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