The Bootlicking Antagonist Only Wants to Survive, but the Female Lead Refuses to Follow the Usual Plot

Chapter 120: A loyal minister would rather die than serve two masters

Chapter 120: A loyal minister would rather die than serve two masters

Hua Xuenin returned to the villa, squatted beside Long Aotian's bed, looked at him, and fell into sadness.

Luo Shiyin breathed a sigh of relief: "What's wrong? Did you succeed?"

Hua Xuenin shook her head.

"I told you not to go, wait until the Young Master recovers. Don't leave the Young Master's side easily in the future, it doesn't matter whether you chase that Bronze King or not."

"I know I was wrong."

Luo Shiyin touched Hua Xuenin's head: "It's okay, the Young Master is blessed, he will recover."

Long Aotian looked at them weakly: "Lu Chengwen, is he dead?"

Hua Xuenin shook her head: "I can't kill him."

Long Aotian was taken aback: "What do you mean? You can't beat the Silver King?"

"No, the Silver King wasn't there."

"That's not right, he doesn't have any masters under him, only the Silver King can barely fight you."

"I can't kill him."


"He's right."

Long Aotian stared wide-eyed, unable to recover for a long time: "What is he... right about?"

Hua Xuenin explained: "Young Master, you want to swallow their company, right?"


"Then they have the right to resist and not let you swallow their company, right?"


"So, this time it was Lu Chengwen who was smarter than you, that's why he played you in the palm of his hand. The root cause is that you are too weak!"

Long Aotian struggled to sit up in agitation: "What did you say?"

Hua Xuenin continued to explain: "It's like two people in a duel, comparing who is better in kung fu, now it is obvious that Lu Chengwen is better than you. Of course, this is just an analogy, what you are comparing is IQ, brain. Judging from the current situation, it is obvious that your brain is simply not working."

Long Aotian forgot to be angry, his mouth moved for a long time, but he couldn't utter a word.

Hua Xuenin continued: "So, you want to swallow the four major families, so it is reasonable for the people from the four major families to cheat you, because you made the first move, but you are not as smart as them, so..."

Luo Shiyin hurriedly said: "Xuenin, you are tired, go to rest."

Hua Xuenin turned to look at Luo Shiyin, and said very sincerely: "Don't interrupt me, I want to explain this matter clearly to the Young Master, Lu Chengwen is right."

"Okay, okay, the Young Master understands, he understands, go and rest."


The Northern Kingdom Xuecheng branch of the Great Organization.

The strategist bowed slightly: "Subordinate pays homage to the rudder master."

The rudder master sat on the throne, his whole body seemed to have lost a lot of weight.


His voice was low as if he was about to hear the news that he had been diagnosed with a terminal illness.

The military adviser sighed: "I've seen it, the Young Master, he...may not make it through tonight."

The rudder master didn't make a sound for a long time, and after a while, he asked, "Where's the Silver King?"

"He's gone into hiding, and I can't get through on his phone."

"Why... why is this happening?"

The military adviser said: "Now I can only pray that the Young Master will be lucky."

"Lucky? Fate? Which one do you think he can have?"

The strategist said depressedly: "He used to have both, but I don't know what happened recently."

The rudder master said: "Send the Black Guards, kill Lu Chengwen, even if I die, I will drag someone along. Just a rich second generation, he cheated me out of more than 10 billion, kidnapped my three capable assistants, and beat the Young Master to death in Xuecheng... If I die, he won't have a good time either."

The strategist said: "There is news, please wait a moment, rudder master."

After a while, the strategist came back very excitedly: "Rudder Master, congratulations to the rudder master, the Young Master is fine, his condition has stabilized!"

"What's going on?"

"Another one of the Young Master's guards arrived and brought the top-grade Great Sun Returning to Heaven Pill. After the Young Master took it, his injury has stabilized."

The rudder master opened his mouth wide, exhaled heavily, and then sighed: "Even so, we are dead. The Young Master was seriously injured by our people three times, this grudge will never be let go. It's a pity that our branch is now... alas."

The strategist said: "Rudder master, there is another good news."

"There is...good news?"

"Yes." The military adviser said with a smile: "I just had a personal call with the Young Master, and he... also thinks this matter is embarrassing, implying that none of us should tell it. In this way, this matter Only a few of us parties know about it. The Young Master has not lost face, and naturally, we have not made any serious mistakes."

"Really!?" The rudder master stood up abruptly: "That's great! That's great! I was still thinking, after such a big incident, the head office will send someone to kill us, now it's alright, great, great!"

"But the Young Master also made a new request."

"New request?"

"Yes, he... wants another 10 billion."

The rudder master sat down on his buttocks, then immediately ejected, clutching his buttocks: "Damn it! Damn, hemorrhoids!"

The strategist said: "Rudder master, I know we have no money, but we must do this. This is the last chance to reconcile with the Young Master."

The rudder master burst into tears: "Where can I get him 10 billion? Where can I get 10 billion? I'm about to sell my underpants for money! Our branch has been operating for decades The money I saved is all invested in it!"

The strategist thought for a while: "Otherwise, we can borrow money from someone else?"

"Borrow money? Ten billion? Who to borrow from?"

"Of course, we borrow from whoever has money," the strategist said with a smile.

"Then who has money?"

"Lu Chengwen has money."

The rudder master was taken aback: "He? Why should he lend us money?"

The strategist shook his fan with a smile and said: "He went too far this time, I don't believe he's not afraid. Besides, he has now subdued the three kings of silver, copper, and iron, so he's not worried about our retaliation. The rudder master issued an assassination order just now. A person like Lu Chengwen thinks that his life is more precious than anyone else's. Not to mention 10 billion, even if you ask him for 30 billion, he will obediently hand it over to save his life."

The rudder master's face darkened: "Damn it since we're going to look for him, we can't just let it go with 10 billion! We have to get all the money back! Ask him for 20 billion!"


The rudder master nodded: "In this way, there is a turning point in this matter."

"Of course."

The rudder master was a little embarrassed: "Our organization has a clear rule, that is...we are not allowed to extort money in the secular world, and we are not allowed to rob ordinary people of every penny, so blatantly..."

"Rudder master, you are confused, we are going to borrow money, not rob! We have signed an IOU and notarized it at the notary's office, so he is not afraid that we will renege on our debts. In name, it is just a commercial loan, not Robbery, let alone robbery."

"Will this work?"

"This is the only way out for us now. As long as Lu Chengwen is frightened and he obediently pays the money, everything can be solved easily."

"We... can't do anything to him if we borrow his money."

The strategist said with a smile: "Do you need it? The rest is a matter between him and the Young Master. I don't believe that after all this, the Young Master will let him live. When he dies, the money..."

The rudder master nodded: "Okay! That's settled!"

The strategist cupped his hands and said: "I'll let the Gold King prepare now and leave tonight!"

"Wait a minute!"

The rudder master couldn't bear it anymore: "That is to say...of the four of us, three have already run away with Lu Chengwen, can't you...leave me one?"

"Rudder master, you know that the Gold King is the most loyal!"

"Yes, I know, I don't doubt him, I'm doubting the world right now. There have been too many strange things lately as if everyone who gets involved with Lu Chengwen immediately loses their IQ and follows him. I...I really can't take it anymore. I've been taking antidepressants lately. My doctor told me to go out for a walk recently, breathe fresh air, do more things that make me happy, develop hobbies, and Don't be too anxious about my career..."

"Take care, rudder master!"

"I want to take care of myself, but this is our last chance. I decided to go out in person."

"Rudder master! Not!" the strategist said, "We have clear regulations in the "Great Organization's Detailed Rules for the Management and Execution of Tasks by Branches", which clearly states that unless it is a high-level, major task of S-level, the rudder master Level characters are not allowed to show up, otherwise they will be demoted and detained, and their power in the world will be deprived for life!"

"But I can't let go now! Things in the gang have piled up, and I don't have enough manpower. If the Gold King runs away with Lu Chengwen again, I'm going to sell my ass!"

The strategist thought for a while: "I'll go."

"You go?"

"Yes, I'm going to meet this Lu Chengwen. I want to see if he's Nezha with three heads and six arms, or Monkey King who is making a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace."

The rudder master nodded: "If it were you, I would be more at ease."


Lu Chengwen summoned the Silver King and Yuan Fang overnight.

These two were directly dumbfounded.

Standing behind Lu Chengwen were the Copper King and the Iron King.

Lu Chengwen looked at him calmly: "Do I need to explain to you?"

The Silver King's face turned green: "Okay, thank you."

Lu Chengwen recounted the whole process, then shook his head: "I'm sorry, I have no choice but to do this, if I don't do this, Long Aotian will kill me. And a lot of things today are beyond my plan, I won by a fluke."

The Silver King felt a violent churning in his chest.

The signboard he was most proud of was smashed to pieces by himself.

His elite persona completely collapsed.

From now on, when his name is spread in the Jianghu, he will be an idiot, a super invincible spiral idiot, who was played by Lu Chengwen so badly that he has no way out.

"Could it be that I want to be like the Copper King and the Iron King and be Lu Chengwen's lackey from now on?"

The Silver King thought about it in his heart, but he blurted it out accidentally.

The Copper King said: "What are you talking about!? Weren't we lackeys in the Great Organization?"

The Silver King clenched his fists: "I would rather be a shattered piece of jade than an intact tile! I am an elite in the Great Organization, a backbone, a high-class person who wears suits, and ties, rides in luxury cars, and lives in hotels! I... My annual salary starts at one million, how could..."

"Damn!" Lu Chengwen laughed angrily: "Money? Ask me how much I pay them?"

The Iron King said: "Our brothers have a monthly salary of 100,000 yuan, and all food, clothing, housing and transportation expenses are reimbursed. 100,000 yuan is pure profit! Even so, each of us was given a house and a car."

The Copper King said: "The three of us, on the first day we followed Mr. Lu, each of us got a guaranteed net worth of 20 million. After completing the first task, Mr. Lu added another 10 million, hehe, now the three of us are all worth tens of millions."

The Silver King blurted out: "Impossible! How could you be worth so much money!?"

Lu Chengwen could see that the Silver King was different from the two of them, the Silver King...likes to enjoy life.

You have weaknesses, so I'm not afraid that I won't be able to subdue you.

The Silver King was still waving his fists, shouting angrily: "You have ruined my reputation. Now that you are all here, I will kill you all at once! None of us will have a good time!"

Lu Chengwen said: "You are a smart person, you should know that you have no way out."

"Bah! A loyal minister would rather die than serve two masters! I have been well-read in poetry and books since I was a child, and I also know the meaning of loyalty and righteousness! Today, I can break my head and bleed, even if I am smashed to pieces, I will not be afraid. To be upright in the world! Yuan Fang, let's kill these ungrateful guys, and then capture Lu Chengwen alive and hand him over to the rudder master!"

Lu Chengwen looked at him: "You and Yuan Fang, each have a net worth of 50 million and an annual salary of 5 million. In addition, I will give you a seaside villa and a Porsche sports car."

The Silver King knelt on one knee: "My lord, your godson pays his respects!"

The Iron King fell directly to the ground.

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