The Bootlicking Antagonist Only Wants to Survive, but the Female Lead Refuses to Follow the Usual Plot

Chapter 119: kind hands

Chapter 119: kind hands


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The surgery had been going on for four hours, and Xu Xuejiao still hadn't come out.

Jiang Shihan had fallen asleep leaning against the wall.

Lu Chengwen was on the phone when suddenly, a long sword was placed on his neck.

"Lu Chengwen!" Hua Xueqing's voice trembled.

Lu Chengwen raised his hands, slowly turned around, and met her gaze. He suddenly smiled, "Xueqing, you've gotten prettier."

"Don't call me by my name!" Hua Xueqing glared, the sword tip pressed tightly against Lu Chengwen's neck.

Lu Chengwen took a deep breath, "Are you going to kill me?"

"What else?"


Hua Xueqing felt like Lu Chengwen was crazy. At this moment, he asked why?!

"You tricked our young master, causing him to be beaten to a pulp with multiple fractures twice in two days. If I don't kill you, who will I kill?"

Lu Chengwen looked at her, "You know what your young master came to Xuecheng for, right?"

"Of course."

"Good. He wants to unify the four major families, to swallow them up. After unifying Xuecheng, he wants to unify the North and become the richest person in the entire North. Is that right?"

"So what?"

"As the head of the four major families in Xuecheng, should I just give everything to him when he asks? You're a person from the martial world. If I want your head, would you obediently give it to me?"

"Of course not, you idiot!"

"Not only would you not give it to me, you would fight me to the death. At this point, this is a war between you and me, right?"

"That's right!"

"Good, then since it's war, shouldn't it be that if I attack you, you're allowed to fight back? Or should I say, if I attack you, you will inevitably fight back, regardless of whether I allow it or not?"

"Yes, of course."

"Then the outcome of victory or defeat depends on who has better skills, whose skills are higher, whose speed is faster, whose strength is stronger, and whose performance on the spot is better, right?"

"That's true."

"Then why are you trying to kill me?"

Hua Xueqing didn't understand what he meant, "What are you talking about? You hurt our young master!"

Lu Chengwen said, "He and I are at war! It's a business war. If I don't hurt him, he'll swallow us whole! Swallowing up the Leng family, the Lu family, the Xu family, and the Chen family! He came to clean us up, are we not allowed to fight back?"


"So we're in a fair duel. He can find beauties like you to help him, and now and then there are the Four Great金刚s to help him. What about me? What do I have? I have nothing but money! Is that fair?"

"Sorry, that's because you're incompetent! If you're incompetent, don't blame the heavens or curse your fate. It's only right for you to be cleaned up!"

"Well said!" Lu Chengwen clapped his hands, "He has everything he wants, while I have nothing. About a month ago, I was still a senior lickspittle. Leng Qingqiu was annoyed by me, Xu Xuejiao hated me, Chen Mengyun hated me... Except for my parents, Zhao Gang, and Chen Moqun, no one else was on my side."

"But in the past month, Long Aotien hasn't gotten any advantage over me. Do you know why?"


Lu Chengwen pointed to his temple, "Because I'm smart! Your young master wants to plot against me, so of course I have to fight back. Is it my fault that he's stupid? It's like two people fighting. The one with better martial arts skills is defeated by the one with weaker skills, and not just once, but he still wants to go after the one with weaker skills and settle the score. Is that reasonable?"

Hua Xueqing was stunned.

This logic made her head spin a little.

Lu Chengwen smiled slightly, "If he had the ability, maybe our four families would be wiped out and taken over by him soon. He said himself that he wanted to make me a beggar living on the streets. I ask you if he wins, and I become a beggar, who will stand up for me? You? Will you take your sword and go to your young master, scolding him for being a bad guy, and causing my family to be ruined?"

"You...this...although what you said makes sense, but..."

"But what? He's trying to hurt me, and he's blaming me for failing?"


"Don't but me! You should go back and ask your young master if he's got problems with his brain. Advise him, tell him that Lu Chengwen's brain is 300 times more useful than his, and he has no chance of winning in Xuecheng. If he's smart enough, he should start over somewhere else, that would be better."

" seems like you're right..."

"Of course I'm right! The short one has to admit it and stand up after being beaten. That's the rule of the business game. He lost to me, it's his incompetence. He connects with this person, connects with that person, controls this, manipulates that, did I say anything? Did I say you can't do this, that you can only play it straight?"

"Indeed, you didn't."

"Right? So you shouldn't..."

"I shouldn't confront you, this is entirely your fault."

"Your young master is..."

"He's asking for it, bringing it upon himself."

"So you should..."

"I should go back and tell him that you're very smart, and he's no match for you."

Lu Chengwen clapped his hands, "Put the sword away, what kind of scene are you making?"

Hua Xueqing felt like something was wrong, but she couldn't tell what it was.

She came here with a fierce attitude, now she's like a little kid, aren't you having a lot of question marks!

Her cute look is still thinking about the underlying logic here.

Lu Chengwen directly put his arms around her, "Look, as long as your young master wants to eat us up, we'll fight back, until he doesn't want to eat us up anymore, then we have no grudges against him, right? He goes his way, we go ours?"

"Also! If he eats up our four families in the end, then it means he's capable, and at that time, we can only obediently admit defeat, right? So, the outcome is either that he successfully unifies Xuecheng, or he gives up on unifying Xuecheng. This is all about business, there's no grudge."

"Even if two people are dueling, they have to sign a life and death contract, no regrets about life or death, right?"

Hua Xueqing nodded, "I understand."

She turned around, facing Lu Chengwen, clasped her fists, and bowed, "I was disrespectful just now, please forgive me. Xueqing may be stupid, but I still know about courtesy, righteousness, integrity, and shame. Please punish me! I have no complaints!"

Lu Chengwen quickly grabbed her hand, "I won't allow you to say that, who doesn't make mistakes?"

Hua Xueqing suddenly felt like her hand was electrocuted, and she quickly withdrew it.

She suddenly felt a strange feeling about Lu Chengwen.

Thinking about all the things that had happened between them, she felt so shy, her heart beating wildly.

"I...I'm going back, I...I still have to take care of the young master, I...I'm going..."

Lu Chengwen didn't breathe a sigh of relief until he saw her turn the corner ahead. His legs were weak, and he leaned against the wall.

"Damn it, it's a good thing it was Hua Xueqing with her bad brain. If it was Luo Shiyin, she would have killed me. No, I have to get Tie Tuo Wang and his brothers to protect me."


Early morning.

The door to the operating room finally opened, and Xu Xuejiao walked out, exhausted.

Jiang Shihan immediately went over, "Ms. Xu, how's my mother?"

Xu Xuejiao took off her mask and smiled tiredly, "The surgery was successful. She's fine. Rest for a while, and she can be discharged after a period of recovery."

Jiang Shihan was filled with tears of gratitude. She hugged Xu Xuejiao tightly, "Ms. Xu! Thank you! Thank you so much! Wuwuwu..."

"Okay," Xu Xuejiao patted her back, "Everything's alright now, why are you still crying? Wait a bit, the nurses will take care of her wounds, and then you can see her."

Lu Chengwen walked over and saw that Xu Xuejiao's face looked terrible.

After almost ten hours of surgery, it was too hard for a young woman.

"Thank you."

Xu Xuejiao glanced at him, "We had a deal, no need for thanks."

Lu Chengwen knew she was still sulking, and he smiled, "You're exhausted, take a rest."

"Come with me."

Xu Xuejiao returned to her office, threw her surgical gown, mask, gloves, etc., into the trash can, and then went to take a shower.

After coming out, she was wrapped in a bathrobe and sat down on the sofa in front of Lu Chengwen.

"My foot hurts, rub it for me."

Lu Chengwen frowned slightly but still started rubbing her foot.

Lu Chengwen applied a little more force, and Xu Xuejiao gasped in pain.

Lu Chengwen was startled, "Does it hurt that much?"

"I've been standing for almost ten hours, what do you think?"

Lu Chengwen felt a bit guilty and began to massage her carefully.

"You worked hard."

"I'm a doctor."

Lu Chengwen was moved.

[Other rich kids wouldn't go through this, only Xu Xuejiao. While others were comparing clothes and shoes, she was following her mentors to participate in surgeries, and it was said she even fainted once from exhaustion.]

[Her fragile body, yet she burst out with incredible endurance and strength for the sake of patients.]

[I should be nicer to her from now on.]

Xu Xuejiao heard Lu Chengwen's thoughts and couldn't help but smile.

"Do you sometimes think I'm cold-blooded?"

Lu Chengwen shook his head, "What I said was just mindless bluster. I regret it."


Lu Chengwen sighed, "It's like cars. There are mass-market brands that ordinary people can afford, as well as luxury brands like Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Ferrari, and even pure show-off sports cars. We can't morally force everyone who makes Ferraris to make tricycles, can we?"

Xu Xuejiao nodded, "One person's power is limited. Even if Xu Xuejiao had eight hands, the number of people she could save in a lifetime is still limited. So..."

"So you only take on high-end clients, focus your positioning, and specifically treat those who are not short of money and are desperate to survive. First, you can create your brand, and second, you can make a lot of money. And I know that a portion of your Houde Group's profits are invested in public welfare, medical care, medicine, education...etc."

Xu Xuejiao said, "You know a lot about our Houde!"

Xu Xuejiao sighed, "To save more people, we must keep the Houde brand from falling. Houde Group mainly operates high-end private hospitals, with hefty fees, basically serving the wealthy. But we've been sharing medical achievements, passing on medical expertise, training medical personnel, and providing cutting-edge medical equipment to ordinary affordable hospitals. To save more patients, we can't rely solely on my enthusiasm, but on systems, sound operations, continuous financial resources, and a strong and reliable brand effect."

"Houde must make money. The more money we make, the more we can do for society and patients. So, I treat wealthy people specifically, and the money I earn goes to support more doctors, nurses, experts, and researchers to save more ordinary people."

Lu Chengwen said, "But you're too black-hearted. As far as I know, the few drugs you've developed are the same in terms of ingredients and process. You just changed the packaging, and they're sold cheap to ordinary people, but expensive to the wealthy."

"Hahaha!" Xu Xuejiao laughed uncontrollably, "Wealthy people are willing to spend money. They spend a bit more for peace of mind, and they don't trust cheap medicines. Of course, ordinary people's medicine will be as cheap as possible."

"You don't make it as cheap as possible," Lu Chengwen said, "You're using my money to sell it at a loss. You think I don't know?"

Xu Xuejiao blushed and giggled, "You know?"

"But!" Lu Chengwen rubbed Xu Xuejiao's calves, "The money you earn in the high-end market is enough to subsidize low-end products. So, to keep you steady, since it's making money anyway, I won't expose it."

Xu Xuejiao looked at Lu Chengwen, "Chengwen-ge, you're a good person, you always have been. Why have you always pretended to be a greedy and bad guy before?"

Lu Chengwen chuckled wryly.

[What kind of good person am I?]

"Are you feeling better?"

"Yeah, it doesn't hurt as much."

"I'll take you home. It's late, you're tired too."

Xu Xuejiao looked at Lu Chengwen, "I fought with my family, you know."

Lu Chengwen looked at Xu Xuejiao, "So that means..."

"Can you still hold me tonight?"

Xu Xuejiao blushed, suddenly shy, and timidly looked at Lu Chengwen.

Lu Chengwen's heart skipped a beat:

[Big Sis, I'm afraid I can't control myself!]


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