Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 402

402 A stronger Distraction

“Are you going to hit me with that?” Adele asked, noting the bottle in his hand. The guy was so God damn paranoid that she was thankful she hadn’t bent down like she did the first time and almost got killed.

“Nice intro,” He said, gesturing for her to come inside dramatically. Elijah didn’t need to ask Adele what she was doing at his place again because she was obviously his boss and liked doing whatever she wanted.

Adele came in while he attempted to shut the door, however, the moment she stepped close to him in the short narrow passage, she scrunched up her nose and sniffed him, her brows furrowing immediately, “Did you drink?”

He grinned stupidly, “What do you think?” He raised his bottle, “Am having a party. You’re invited, by the way, it would be nice to have a female companion,” He added sluggishly, “One with more brains than boobs,” He hinted at Cindy yet unintentionally referred to Adele’s small chest.

Adele glared at him and would have given him a punch or two if he wasn’t wasted right now. So she said to him, “Thank your God that you’re drunk,”

“I’m not drunk,” He denied it, pointing to his chest while struggling to stand, “I’m a genius, I would know if I was drunk.”

“Oh really?” Adele tilted her head to the side, a hint of mockery in her tone, “Genius indeed,”

And then without warning, she reached out and kicked him in the thighs and Elijah yelped in pain, hopping on one foot and because he lost his balance, fell to the ground.

Standing before him, Adele sneered, “Certainly, a genius who is not drunk would know to have faster reflexes and coordination. Even a limp could do better than that. ” She insulted him, her tone cold as she returned back to being the authoritative boss she was.


“Get up,” She commanded.

But Elijah snorted, “This is my home,” He pointed out that she had no authority here.

“Really?” She drawled with a creepy smile while her face grew darker, “Should I make you?”

Elijah gulped, there was a reason why he avoided women like her. Control freaks could end your life in a twinkle of an eye. So he was up on his feet in a flash. Even his drunk brain reacted.

She gave him a sweet smile, “Good boy. Now follow me.”

And he did, without a word.

However he groaned inwardly,

“Kill me already,”

Adele went back to his kitchen and halted in her steps, recalling the scene where he kissed her hours ago and they promised never to let it happen.

Why was she even here? Adele had no idea. But then, she didn’t have anything left to do since today was her day off at work. So she decided to make use of her free time and check up on him. Aziz got shot because of her and she had to make sure that he was fine – even if that means visiting him two times a day.

Well, as they agreed like two grown adults, it was not happening again, and right now, he was a drunk mess and she had to take care of him. Yeah, you can think of it as her gratitude. You know, she’s paying back her debt to him. Adele hated owing favors to people.

Pushing the image to the back of her mind, she walked over to the well-stocked fridge and rummaged through it, pulling out a pack of frozen chicken.

“Chicken soup should do the magic, don’t you think so?” She asked, looking over her shoulder as she closed the fridge, heading to the kitchen Island where Elijah leaned against.

She stood across from him, holding his gaze and waiting for an answer to her question.

Elijah groaned irritably, “You leaving me alone would do the magic,”

“Hard pass,” She retorted, playing with the chicken.

Elijah rubbed his temple, he shouldn’t have opened that door for her. He should have just left her standing outside while she rings the bell over and over again, and then she would leave when she gets no response in the end. But no, he decided to be a gentleman because that’s the way he was brought up – respect and honor women. Wow, his Papa must be brimming with pride wherever he is.

“You don’t even know how to cook.” He blurted out and regretted it at the last minute when he felt the tension in the air and of course, her murderous black eyes.

But to his surprise, the blood lust diminished and she stared at him intensely as if trying to figure him out or something. Adele said to him, “What’s got you all cranky? This is not like you. Not to mention you’re drunk?”

“I’m not drunk.” He frowned at her.

“Are we going to taste that theory again?” She was smug.

“You’re not worthy to be my opponent, I don’t hit women.” He said.

“Ooh,” Adele was excited at the hint of a challenge she sensed in his tone, “I like the sound of that, but don’t tempt me to turn this into a duel and your kitchen, of course, our wrestling ground. However, you’re changing the topic, Aziz,” Her eyes flickered to him, “Why are you like this?”

“Because your cousin is currently playing house with my girlfriend and I’m helpless to stop that except maybe to kill him and get her back,” He didn’t dare to say that to her.

Instead, he turned the other way and said, “Don’t everybody have their shitty days. Well, here’s mine.”

Adele left the chicken in that position and walked over to him, Aziz watching him the whole time. She leaned beside him, “And you think drinking is going to solve that?” She asked, brows raised.

“No, It doesn’t,” Elijah admitted,” The drink would probably drown it out, but probably only for today while I’ll wake up later with a blood-curling hangover.”

“So how’s it going then? Has the alcohol drowned out that sorrow in your heart?” She asked curiously, watching him the way a child would do to a fascinating show.

“No, it didn’t. If anything, I feel much more horrible now than ever,” Elijah shook his head, confessing the truth. Why was he even telling her that? He had no idea.

Great, it must be the alcohol fumbling with his head. He hoped he wouldn’t end up revealing his identity as well because the drunk was making his tongue lose. No, this was dangerous. He had to leave before he said something stupid.

However, the moment he turned around, she took his face in her palm and brought his attention back to her again. Brows raised, he looked at her in puzzlement with a hint of caution, but she only caressed his cheek saying, “Maybe, it’s because you need a bigger distraction.”


But before he had the chance to say a word, she closed her lips over his.

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