Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 401

401 Marcel’s Triumph

Elijah didn’t know how he got home, but he sure arrived safely and the first thing he did upon returning was to go straight to his cabinet and pulled out a bottle.

He wasn’t a drinker. No, he has never loved drinking even though his brothers loved it and had taught him that on occasions. However, he never liked the idea of drinking because he loved having a clear mind.

He was a natural-born genius and geniuses don’t like doing stupid things like getting drunk and waking up with a hangover the next day. What was the point of it? Hence, when he did drink, it was in moderation. But right now, Elijah was sure he didn’t have moderation in mind when he poured that drink into his glass and downed it entirely.

The unfamiliar warmth burnt down his throat but he didn’t care, if anything, he needed a distraction, something to take his mind off the pain that was searing deep into his chest right now.

He had always been careful, doing and having things in moderation. However, the first time he decided to have a bit of fun, it cost him, Arianna. He only wanted to taunt Marcel, mess around with him a little. Having gotten his way since he was little, Marcel suddenly became an interesting rival and he wanted to beat him the same way he defeated his other opponents.

His victory must have gotten into his head because he joked around with one thing he shouldn’t have messed with in the first place, Arianna.

Elijah chugged down the second round of his drink when he realized how he messed up his only chance of rescuing Arianna at Big Joe’s wedding – and later funeral. Instead, he played around and missed the chance he could have used and gotten her out easily.

Instead, he chose the harder way, which was worth it and more fulfilling in the end. But then, this path was proving more difficult and complicated than he thought, not to mention that he just saw the love of his life kissing his enemy.

At once, Elijah drank straight from the bottle instead, the liquid burning down his throat but he didn’t care. Right now, anyone could cut off his arm and he wouldn’t care. He needed the pain, the distraction. But the drink was the only distraction he could think of, so he decided to drown his sorrows with it.


Elijah was going through the stages of heartbreak and at the moment, denial was at its strongest. He returned to that moment and there was no way Arianna could have kissed Marcel, perhaps Marcel had forced himself on her.

However, he knew what he saw, and if anything, Arianna has been eager to return his kisses. No, maybe Marcel had threatened her or something, after all, it wasn’t uncommon in their industry for Mafia dons to use their female captives for their pleasure. But then, Elijah dared to say that Marcel had looked at Arianna with affection.

However, in the next minute, he was pissed off. How could she have kissed Marcel? Was she seriously going to be with the man who kidnapped her? Was she good with being a slut? Or had she been a slut all this while and was just pretending with him?

No, no, this was all his fault, Elijah broke down in tears. He missed her terribly and was mourning and grieving the loss. He should have been more careful with her. He had promised to keep her safe, however, he broke that promise. He shouldn’t have involved Arianna in his games in the first place.

He already imagined their future together. If Marcel hadn’t separated them on that day, they would have left the country and settled down by now. Who knows, she would be having his child already?

No, all of this was Marcel’s fault, Elijah raged while grabbing hold of the bottle tight. He took another swing of his drink but the content of the bottle was empty and he stood up, staggering to the cabinet where he picked another one.

He opened it and took a long drink, his head throbbing with a faint headache. He was buzzed now but didn’t want to stop, no, he would drink himself to stupor. That was the only way he would be able to sleep tonight. Being intelligent was a blessing and a curse at the same time. Even while drunk, he could think clearly the scene today – Marcel’s triumph.

Perhaps it wasn’t too late.

He could still rescue Arianna and make her like him again. Marcel was her kidnapper, she seriously couldn’t have forgotten him – Elijah – and fallen in love with him. Maybe he would kidnap her as well and make her fall in love with him all over again.

Elijah went over the memory of the first time they met. He had been taken aback by the scene when she tried to unmask him. He had been so angry then, thinking that Ruth had violated their rules, only for his gaze to fall upon her and he forgot how to breathe.

Those kind hypnotic green eyes had captured his soul the first time they met and he knew inwardly that she was the one for him. He knew then that he couldn’t lose her and must have her.

So no, he couldn’t lose her to Marcel. That would only happen when he’s dead. Elijah had always found it stupid when men fought over one woman but now, he understood.

He understood it finally now. Because when she’s worth it, you fight for her – even to the death. Marcel can only have Arianna over his death. It was time he focused on his mission here in the first place.

He took another drink when his doorbell rang and his brows furrowed. He wasn’t expecting any visitor nor was he in a perfect state to fight if it was an enemy. He could barely stand.

Nonetheless, he grabbed the empty bottle and staggered over to the door. However, looking through the peephole, he found out that it was no one else but Adele. What was she doing here?

Elijah could have ignored her there, but then, what gentleman left a lady hanging outside?

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