Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 342

342 Know About The Girl

Marcel woke up with a startle, looking around his environment to discover that he was still in the car and they hadn’t reached their destination yet. He let out an annoyed sigh having been caught off guard by the dream. Only that this wasn’t a dream.

He could remember it now, how had this particular memory slipped into his subconscious? It happened when he was young and he had forgotten all about it until he dreamt of it today.

That was the period his mother had died and he had been so appalled by the thought of living with his father alone that he ran away from home. He had planned for a long time to run away with his mother anyway, but the woman took off first before him. She went to a much better place and Marcel was so jealous of that.

However, he couldn’t be the only one left behind, so Marcel flawlessly planned his escape and just never expected that Victor would interfere. His cousin found out about his escape plans and wanted him to take him along.

“Two is better one. We would run away together and just as promised, leave happily ever after!” The boy had a fool’s dream.

Marcel knew Victor suggested following him out of loyalty and not because his family abused him. No, he had always been jealous of Victor for having a loving and perfect family unlike his. Victor’s family was normal and his father didn’t beat his wife. They were peaceful. So peaceful that he was envious.

Thanks to that, Marcel knew he couldn’t bring Victor along, that would only break aunty Carmine’s heart and Victor was her only beloved son. She couldn’t afford to lose him. He had to go alone, Marcel decided upon that in his heart.

Unfortunately, Victor was too instinctive and annoying. As if sensing he would leave him behind, the boy offered to hold onto the money bag. That bag contained all the money Marcel had saved up as he had promised his mother just so they could leave here.

Marcel told Victor to wait so he could check out their escape route and his cousin stubbornly held onto the money as a guarantee that he would be back knowing that he wouldn’t be able to escape without resources.


However, Victor underestimated Marcel’s craziness and burning desire to escape his father. He took off without the money. His father had taught him how to survive in a desert, he would surely survive in a foreign place without money. The cash his young self had on him was only enough to send him out of the city and from thenceforth, rummaged in the dirt for food until he met her.

Marcel scoffed at the memory, his brows drawing together intensely as he tried to remember what he looked like. All he could remember was her red hair. Now he thought about it, seems like he had a thing for redheads since he was young. He just didn’t realize it until now.

Just as the little girl had promised, she provided him with a place to stay. It was an old, abandoned house and people hardly visited there because they thought it was haunted. Apparently, the family who once lived there happily had been murdered in their sleep by their eldest son. All of them died except the youngest sister who had been with the aunt for the holiday.

What would drive a child to kill his own parents and siblings. The town folks had claimed that a demon who lived underneath the house must have possessed the boy and made him commit those abominable crimes. And so, everyone avoided the house saying that it was cursed.

But then, that brave little girl made the house that the whole town avoided, her sanctuary. The house was her playing ground and she temporarily took up residence. That was when Marcel began to respect her. She never failed any of her promises and brought him food, drinks, and delicious snacks as she promised.

She even stole her father’s clothes and used scissors to cut them to his size so he could wear them after he had washed up. The hip area of the pants was enormously loose on him, so he used the torn piece and made them serve as a belt.

The young girl treated him so well that it hadn’t been hard for him to agree to the marriage. To thank her for her help and make her happy as well, Marcel picked up a bread tie and formed it into a ring, “With this ring, I declare you mine. You are not to love other boys, but me alone till we grow up and get married for real.” He said.

He remembered the way her eyes had lit over the ring. It might have not been made from silver or gold, but it was genuine and she wore it throughout the day happily.

Because she had not given him a ring, the girl had promised to introduce him to her father the next day. Since they were now engaged, he was no longer a stranger and her father deserved to know about his son-in-law. How cute.

But then, Marcel didn’t get to meet his would have been father-in-law because his father’s people found him and took him away before he could say goodbye. He didn’t even get to know her name because he called her “Dummy” the whole time while he remained “Stray” to her. Perhaps, the universe knew their time with each other was short and let it be that way.

Although it was in the part, Marcel couldn’t help but wonder how she was doing now. She was probably married now having forgotten her engagement to him. How childish! They were dreamers then. Unfortunately, adulthood didn’t offer such luxury, no wonder he forgot all about it.

Moreover, the decision to leave he made that day cost Victor and he didn’t like to remember the events surrounding that period. So it wasn’t surprising he doesn’t remember what the girl looks like anymore. Moreover, it was years already.

Even at that, Marcel couldn’t help but want to know about that girl? Was she living well? Does her husband know she promised marriage to another when she was younger? He smiled inwardly.

One thing was for sure though, If they do meet again, they both would have a good laugh over this memory.

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