Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 341

341 [Bonus chapter]Be My Boyfriend

Marcel tried to take a good at this female but some sort of haze covered her face and he couldn’t see anything. It was a dream anyway, so he didn’t try hard to remember.

Having achieved his mission, young Marcel turned to leave only to hear, “Hi handsome.”

His brows raised at once and he turned to look at her puzzled, pointing at his chest, “Me? Handsome?”

“Umm,” She wasn’t ashamed to admit it, looking at him with the sparkle in her eyes.

Eyes? He tried to see what they looked like but he couldn’t view anything beyond that haze. It was as if some sort of mental block was stopping him from seeing what he wanted to know. The only thing he could distinguish was her red hair.

At once, Marcel cleared his throat and asked haughtily, “So, what do you want?” Although he didn’t show it, Marcel was still joyous inside that she thought he was handsome.

“I just want to thank you for helping me find Ronney,” She said to him.

“You don’t need to thank me, just take care of your dog properly, bad people are everywhere.” Marcel indirectly referred to himself. He knew from a young age that his family did bad things. And so did him.

“Sure!” She accepted his instructions happily, giving him an “OK” sign.


Seeing there was nothing left to do, Young Marcel was ready to go, “In that case, I -”

“What is your name?”

Marcel frowned, what does she want with his name?

“You don’t need to know.”



“Please. Please.”


“Please. Please. Please.” She fluttered her brows alluringly.

“I said, no!” Marcel was sterner this time and almost startled her, even Rooney whimpered.

His name was a bit personal to

him because it was a symbol of his identity, and lineage – that he wasn’t exactly proud of. What if this stranger recognized his name and began to fear him like the others?

“Sorry,” He said.

But she pouted her lips and looked the other way, grumpily.

Young Marcel was burdened with guilt when he saw her sad face. It was his fault that she was this way. He was already ruining their time together. Maybe, all he was ever good at is destroying things, that must be his superpower.

However, the young girl he thought was sad, suddenly looked up at him with her mischievous eyes saying, “In that case, if you’re sorry, why don’t you be my boyfriend?”

“W-what?” Young Marcel almost choked on his saliva. He then looked at her in disbelief, “You dumb girl! How could you say such things? Also, what do you know about relationships?” He was flustered.

“Hey, I’m not dumb!” She glared at him.

“What do you know then?” Marcel challenged her.

“Relationship is for people in love,” she answered, proudly.

Marcel shook his head, “You’re a spoilt child! How does a young girl like you know all of this stuff?”

“I am not a spoilt child and I’m seven years old. I read lots of books and there’s a granny in my street who tells me all I need to know about love!” She said animatedly, hugging Rooney to her chest with a dreamy expression.

She went on, “Even my daddy says I’m very smart for my age and how I’m special. I can spell all of my names, and I have all of my father’s numbers and the housekeeper’s in my head in case I get lost. My dad told me that in case I miss my way. Then I shouldn’t wander in lonely, but public places where bad people can’t get me easily.

“Then, I can identify a police station or a phone booth and call him or simply charm a kind stranger into lending me his or her phone that I can use for the call. I know my house address and can read the multiplication table offhand from one to ten times. Am I not smart?” She asked, her free hand on her chest while the other carried Rooney.

Young Marcel wanted to burst into laughter, he just found this incredibly funny, however, he was able to control himself. He simply told her, “There’s a huge difference between being smart and intelligent. But you’re too dumb to know that, and I’ll call you ‘Dummy’ from now on!”

“And I’ll call you ‘Stray’ as well!” She announced.

“Huh? Stray?” His brows furrowed. That didn’t make sense at all. Well, it didn’t make sense by calling her dummy as well when she was acting her age. She was just too cute and he liked ruffling her feathers.

“Yeah,” She nodded, “Just like Rooney who lost his way earlier, you look lost as well. So Stray would be the perfect name for you!”

“Whatever,” Marcel rolled his eyes, he couldn’t be provoked by her childish tactics. His father taught him to be in control of his emotions all the time.

“So tell me,” The pretty yet annoying girl was tugging at the sleeve of his shirt that had dirtied from spending the night here. Wasn’t she even repelled by his sight? He looked dirty.

“Would you be my boyfriend?”

Marcel looked at her, stunned. Why does she like him that much? Thanks to that, he couldn’t help but ask her, “Why do you want me to be your boyfriend? What do you even see in me?” He wasn’t even worth it. Marcel wondered if she would still hold him in the same light when she learns who he was.

“Well....” She rubbed her chin thoughtfully, “First of all, you’re kind. You helped me find Rooney.”

But Marcel countered that statement in his head. He didn’t find the dog, it came to him and neither was his kind. He has done bad things – things she wouldn’t even be able to imagine.

“Secondly, you’re brave! Rooney likes to bark and bite at strangers, but you completely tamed him!” She said it like she was going to give him an award for that.

No, he wasn’t brave else he wouldn’t have run away from home. Also, why did that weird dog like him? He didn’t do anything special.

“Also, you’re handsome!” She announced coquettishly, looking away as a blush stained her cheeks.

Marcel blushed as well but he was quick to compose himself. The girl was really bold and this was the first love confession he was getting from a girl. A young, pretty, dumb girl.

“So come on, be my boyfriend already!” She grabbed his hand and surprisingly, he didn’t jerk back and actually liked it.

“You don’t have to love me immediately, Stray. You look like you’re lost, but don’t worry, I’ll help you find your parents and there’s an empty house down the street where you can stay for the moment. I would have taken you to mine but my father doesn’t like strangers and sends them away. But don’t worry, I’ll sneak out of the house with lots of food and other goodies to keep you company. What do you think?”

And just like that, Young Marcel agreed to the relationship because of food and shelter.

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