Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 212

212 The Calm In His Tempest

Mimi was gone, the bomb was dropped on Victor as soon as he woke. At first, he thought she was abducted or something, like Draco taking her away to punish her for punching her.

But when he saw the pillow he was currently hugging, Victor knew she was fine. She obviously went through a great effort not to wake him. And for some reason, that pissed him off.

Mimi should have waited for him to awake, it was not like she had a job to attend to – he was her job, her teacher. He could easily decide to give her the whole day off.

Or she could have woken him up. And then do what?

Well, they would have breakfast together and he could take her home. What if something happens to her on the way? With him around, he would protect her.

[A/N: well, nothing’s happened to her on the way throughout her twenty-three years of existence until you arrived]

Victor’s anxiety was made worse when he recalled what happened between them last night. Could it be that she left without informing him because of that?

Usually, he liked it when his dates for the night left before he woke – they knew what they came for and got what they wanted. He had no time to get hung up on semantics.

But Mimi didn’t have to leave, she was not like those other girls. She was his bestie and come on, let’s admit it, that kiss was bound to happen. He had been feeling the urge to claim those luscious lips of her throughout the night.


Damn, Victor, this is not the time to think about that. He had to get to Mimi first. It was not unusual for friends to kiss, right?

So he called her over and over again, still yet got no response. That was when Victor understood real panic, could it be something bad happened to her as he feared?

But Draco wasn’t stupid enough to lay a hand on her no matter how much she hurt his man pride last night. Or was she avoiding him? He didn’t like either option.

They had to talk this out like responsible adults that were friends with each other. Which was why Victor paced up and down his room, phone pressed to his ear, anxiety eating at him. His hair was tousled from constantly running his hand through it, he hadn’t even washed nor eaten.

Perhaps because of his great concern, Victor didn’t know his calls had crossed the borderline of annoyance. So when Mimi didn’t respond after the – he had no idea how many times – calls, he decided to visit her place. He had to be sure she was safe, Victor told himself.

But then he hadn’t refreshed and couldn’t go to her place looking like this. He knew there was a ninety percent chance of meeting his newly elected favorite person in the world, Hannah, and wouldn’t want to ruin her image of him.

But where was he going to begin? Victor didn’t know whether to first arrange his outfit for the visit or brush first or shave first or bath first?! It was chaos in his head.

Suddenly, his phone rang.

Victor peered over from his position, it was Mimi and he rushed, connecting the call immediately.

“Hey,” Her soft voice breathed into his ear and the chaos in his head stilled at once. Victor could almost say she was the calm in his tempest.

Victor was finally able to breathe knowing she was safe, however, his relief was instantly consumed by great anger.


Meanwhile, Mimi was still contemplating what to say to Victor after the initial “Hey” when thunder suddenly rumbled in her ear and the phone almost slipped from her hand. What the hell?

Mimi frowned, “Did you just yell at me?” she added immediately without waiting for his answer, “And when did you become my keeper that I have to inform you of my movements?”

“I was just concerned about you,” Victor defended himself.

“Well, I’m fine. So you do not have to worry about me because you are not my babysitter. I’m a perfectly grown-up woman capable of protecting herself!” She made it clear to him.

“Christ! Why are you being so aggressive?! All I did was worry about you!” Victor couldn’t believe her.

“Says the one who first yelled at me and that is quite hypocritical because it’s the same thing as the kettle calling the pot black?!” Mimi stated, all riled up. She had never been the type to give up on an argument – especially not one from Victor.

“Fine, have a nice day!” He snapped.

“No, you don’t -”

But he hung up on her already.

He was a fool to call, he should have known she would be fine without him. And why does it piss him off that she’s fine without him?

Mimi didn’t even bring up the kiss between them, who knows she must have waved it to the back of her mind. Well, guess who doesn’t care? Him!

He has kissed enough women so he was surely not bothered by one kiss from a woman supposed to be his bestie.

Victor was determined not to go after Mimi like the last time after they had a fight – which was approximately less than twelve hours ago. If she wanted their relationship to continue, Mimi should be the one making the move!

But then the next minute when his phone rang, Victor picked up the call instantly, thinking it was her.

“Fine, I’m sorry,” Victor’s voice was meek and lowly as he apologized, contrary to his claims minutes ago,

“I should not have yelled at you, it was wrong of me. You’re a strong, beautiful woman, capable of holding her own in a fight. And about that kiss from last night? You don’t have to think much about it, erase what happened if it bothers you. I’m cool with it. Moreover, people kiss all the time, not just lovers and it’s also a form of greeting, you see?. So please, tell me you’re not breaking up our friendship,” Victor ended his ramble, waiting for her response.

“Are you done?” said a husky, deeply masculine voice instead of Mimi’s soft euphonious voice that made Victor’s face crumble up.

Damn, this is embarrassing.


Hi guys, I’m sincerely sorry for the late uploads, my hands got so bad it was painful writing, so I had to take my time. But don’t worry, this privilege tier is going to be worth your patience! Thank you!

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