Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 211

211 The Walk Of Shame

Mimi was jostled up from sleep when something hugged her. But was it really something or someone?


Her eyes flew open at once, taking in her environment and at the same time digesting what happened between her and Victor last night.

First of all, there was no soreness in between her legs which could only mean nothing happened between them.


Her clothes were still on, so no getting naked either.


Mimi was alleviated until she was given a blast from the past, more like, from last night.

Holy mother of God.


She gasped as the images from last night played in her mind – it was freshly served and steaming hot.

Oh, God.

She and Victor kissed and groped at each other. The making-out part was with much unbridled passion that shamelessly left her wet even as she recalled it. Finally, they dry-jumped which was the only reason they hadn’t gone all the way.

Mimi was struck dumb by all this recollection. What the hell possessed her last night to make out with Victor?! She felt like banging her head against the wall!

They might not have had sex last night, but what they did now was to cross the line of their friendship. How was she going to face Victor from now on?

Goodness, gracious! She hated complications!

Mimi returned to the present.

On the bright side, Victor was still asleep which means she had the opportunity to escape the awkward conversation that was bound to follow when he awakes.

She was not ready for that.

However, there was a teeny little problem, Mimi was snuggled up close to Victor and her aim was to not wake him up which would be kind of hard considering she’s about to sneak out.


“Okay,” Mimi breathed, trying to calm her racing heart. She would only make mistakes if she was nervous. She can’t ruin this!

For sure, Victor would notice the absence of her warmth if she slips away, so she thought of what to do.

Looking around, Mimi finally thought of something. Albeit uncertain, it was worth a try.

Slowly and carefully, she slipped the pillow from beneath her and took Victor’s arm on her waist. Sadly, he stirred, muttering nonsenses she couldn’t comprehend while Mimi squeezed her eyes shut immediately.

After a while, when she couldn’t sense more movements, Mimi opened her eyes with a relieved sigh. That was close.

Perhaps, luck was on her side because Mimi successfully substituted her presence with the pillow. Finally!

With the speed of the Flash, Mimi picked up her things, which weren’t much, just her shoes and purse, and left his secret abode. She was never stepping foot in here ever again.

Once outside, Mimi flagged down a taxi and tried not to glare too much at the older driver who looked at her contemptibly as if she was doing the walk of shame.

So the moment she reached home and paid the driver his fee, Mimi gave him the middle finger as a bonus. He had no right to give her that judgemental look. She didn’t even have sex with Victor – that didn’t qualify as sex!

“You’re home,”


Mimi was startled by her sudden appearance, she had been planning to make a quiet return but the woman was waiting for her in the living room.

“Hi!” Mimi waved at her mother with the brightest smile she could summon.

“I bet the all-nighter went well?” Hannah asked curiously, brows raised.

The corner of Mimi’s mouth quirked, was that suspicion she sensed in her mother’s tone?

Right before she made up her mind to help Victor last night, she texted her mother that she was working late and the chances of pulling an all-nighter. So why was the woman looking at her as if she knew she did the opposite of working last night?

“Yes, it did go well,” Mimi answered carefully.

“And Victor?” her mother had that baiting look that told Mimi she was fishing for information – a gossip that would make her day.

“Yeah, he’s fine.” Mimi nodded.

“I didn’t see him giving you a ride home this morning? Didn’t you say the both of you were working together?”

Mimi’s mouth parted, “Well.... about that.....” What was she going to say?

Her mother looked at her in anticipation of an answer.

“We both worked so hard last night, I couldn’t let him take me home knowing he needed the rest – that would be selfish of me. Thinking of it, I need the rest.....” She intentionally yawned, “Mom, I’m going upstairs....”

“Huh? But you haven’t -”

Mimi yawned louder, “I feel like I can’t stand anymore.... oh, I need to lay my head down already. And my shoulder needs a massage as well, I think so. See you later, mom.” Mimi kissed her mother on the forehead, her explanation leaving the woman befuddled, and took off before Hannah could even realize what just happened.

Never once did Mimi turn back until she reached the comfort of her room and closed the door, locking it before leaning against it exhaustedly.

She was dead tired. From dealing with the shocking discovery to her mother’s interrogation, Mimi felt her head would explode soon if she didn’t take a break.

Tossing her purse onto the bed, she stripped out of her clothes and went to her bathroom to soak her tired skin in the tub, washing off the sweat and dirt from last night.

In her quest to prevent temptation, she intentionally didn’t bathe at Victor’s place. But in the end, the complication she worked so hard to avoid came to pass, all because he wanted her to kiss his injury better.

Mimi leaned back against the tub, groaning. Had she been drunk, Mimi would have heaped the blame on the alcohol but they had kissed each other while clear-headed. They had no one to blame but themselves and their actions.

With her towel wrapped around her body, Mimi went back into her room only to feel her phone vibrating with a call.

Her heart skipped a beat, having a feeling it was Victor calling. He must have realized she was gone. Perhaps, this was the time to clear everything.

But the call ended before she could reach her phone. Mimi pulled out her phone tucked inside her purse, however, she was not prepared for the shock of seeing Fifty-two missed calls flashing across her screen.

And all from Victor.

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