Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 161

161 Needed Back Home

In a dimly lit room, a certain man sat, looking over a game of chess that he played all by himself. There was a calculating look in the man’s gaze as he knocked down the opponent’s Rook before he leaned back to coordinate his next move. And that was when he sensed it, the slight ripple in the air.

Quick as lightning, he pulled out the gun no one noticed he had by his side until he was pointing it at the figure that had infiltrated his place.

“Your highness,” the intruder said, his hands raised in surrender to prove he wasn’t a threat.

The man holding the gun was no other than Elijah and at the mention of “your highness,” the cold look in his blue eyes turned into one of annoyance.

“How did you find me?” His tone was guttural as he hid the gun in his waistband for easy access. As much as he was familiar with this uninvited guest, you never know when you might need it.

“I would always find you,” He evaded his question and that was annoying as hell.

Everyone in the organization was like that time and he didn’t need to guess who they learned from. At this rate, he would have to check if there was a tracker in his body he wasn’t aware of.

“What do you want? I’m sure you didn’t come all the way here for a pleasant pastime,” Elijah said, heading to the bar where he poured himself a glass of whisky neat.

Elijah gestured with his glass, asking if he needed one until he saw the way the man was geared up like he was on a mission, a mask covering his face, “I guess not,” he gobbled down his drink. Alone.


“You’re needed back home,” The man announced.

“Nope. Hard pass,” Elijah rejected the offer without blinking an eye. He expected it anyway, with the way he was all dressed up – he was here to drag him back.

“It’s not a request,” The man said firmly, “An irrevocable order from the head,”

Elijah smiled down at his drink, “I guess brother dearest is bored already. Isn’t his precious wife giving him enough love and attention, what does he want with me?”

“That is a question you would have to ask him when you get there,” The man said, taking a step just as Elijah warned him.

“Don’t take a step forward else you would have to take me out of here dead,”

“Don’t worry,” He grinned, a dark glint in his eyes, “Your brother says that works as well,” his stance poised for a fight. It’s been a long time since they spared. He wondered if his skills improved over time or if the prince simply lazed around all this while.

Elijah understood the threat lingering in the air and did his best to dispel it, “I can’t leave now, I have a lot of things to do here,”

“He knew you would say that but it doesn’t matter,” he dismissed his claim.

“Of course, typical of my brother to think my work here is child’s play,” Elijah clicked his tongue and just without warning, pulled out his gun and fired at the man.

But his brother’s right-hand man was with great moves as well and dodged the bullets as quickly as he fired, taking cover behind the couch.

“We don’t have to do this!” Elijah said, hiding in a corner. This was not in his plans and was a major interruption if not handled properly.

“Well, guess who’s in the mood to play,” The man said, coming out of his hiding place.

Elijah fired incessantly but the man was flexible and deft on his feet that he was able to dodge all the bullets that came at him and one should know that Elijah was a clean shot – he never missed.

Before long he ran out of bullets and didn’t have the time to refill and that had been the man’s intention all along, leading him in circles until his weapon was exhausted.

Elijah had no choice but to dump his weapon and defend himself as the man charged at him. It was a tough battle because both of them seemed to mirror each other’s moves. The man swung out a fist, Elijah caught it, he swung another, he caught it as well and they both pushed against each other, battling for strength.

The man tried to kick Elijah in the gut but he was quick to block that and attempted to headbutt him instead. But the man saw through it and angled his body in such a way that Elijah missed his mark in mere seconds.

But that opening cost Elijah because the man slipped free and using his hand, bashed his head against the wall. Elijah saw double vision and they were finally free of each other.

“That was cheating, teacher.” Elijah groaned, shaking his head to rid the black dots dancing around his vision.

“This was no duel,” His teacher reproved him, stepping forward, “Do you concede or do you want me to beat you up and bundle you back home?”

Using his strength to push himself into a kneeling position, Elijah said,” I need time,”

“That, you don’t have,” his teacher retorted.

“I have to rescue her!” Elijah shouted.

His teacher paused, his brow then arched, “It’s about a girl all this while?” he suddenly grinned, “You should have said so. Wait a minute – you said you need to rescue her? Is she in trouble? How do I help?”

Elijah climbed up to his feet with a heave, “You are not helping, I’ll handle my mess on my own,” He didn’t need an extra hand to mess things up.

“So who’s this lucky girl?”

“Well...” Elijah scratched his nose, “About that....” He suddenly grinned malevolently, “You said it’s not a duel,”

With an ominous feeling that made his hair stand on edge, his teacher hardly looked down before millions of volts went through his body and he dropped to the ground twitching from the shock.

“You got yourself a nice student, teacher,” Elijah muttered just before he went in to grab his things to look for another one of his safe houses to stay.

Unlike what his teacher thought, this wasn’t just about the girl anymore, this was a challenge to his dignity and reputation and he wasn’t going to back out of it.

May the best man win.

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