Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 160

160 A Threat In Her Life

No one knew about the note and Arianna knew that because she hid it away. Maybe it was a good thing the door was locked else it would seem suspicious asking who had left the note. Also, there was no doubt Elijah wanted her to be discreet about it.

That note was definitely from Elijah; she knew how he operated. He was the only man whose actions were unpredictable, unlike Marcel who liked to leave a signature behind.

Moreover, why would Marcel help her when he was the one that put her here? It was obvious what side he was on. Obviously. She would be a fool to expect a change of heart from him – she couldn’t afford such hope anymore.

However, the thought that Elijah was close to her gave Arianna courage and peace of mind she hasn’t experienced ever since she came here. This was a sign – a big one – that he was getting her out of here. She just had to be patient and play her cards well so she doesn’t get in the way of his plans.

Arianna could finally see the light in the dark.


Just a little more time and she’d be free.

So when Cassie ambled into her room to announce that her cousin Claudia was fine and had been sent home, she merely nodded. Unlike earlier when she had been feeling emotional, Elijah’s note cleared her head and she didn’t have to feel vulnerable and deserted any longer.

Cassie noticed the changes and asked, “Are you alright?”


At that question, Arianna took her eyes off the wide screen of the television – at least Big Joe had it subscribed to Netflix. Something to keep her attention while cooped up in the room all day.

“What?” She asked Cassie, giving her all of the attention and noticing for the first time, how sensitive the young woman was to her mood changes.

“I don’t know but you seem kind of different?... ” Her brows knitted together as she tried to find the words, “Kind of better? You look like someone whose load was taken off her shoulder,” She hit the point.

Well, Arianna did feel like a load was finally taken off her shoulder, not that she was going to tell Cassie that. As much as Cassie has been helpful throughout her stay here, she was one of Kenith’s people and she can’t entrust that revelation to her. Elijah’s life and her survival were on the line here. So she decided to play the evasive game with her.

“Isn’t that a good thing?”

“Yes. it. is,” Cassie said one after the other, getting into bed with her, “I’m just curious what brought on the changes or if I should be concerned about -”

“I won’t try to commit suicide anymore, if that’s what you’re worried about,” Arianna cut her off after getting her point. The thought alone that she had attempted suicide shamed her.

Had she died, she probably wouldn’t have known that Elijah was battling to get her out. She shouldn’t have given up that easily.

“I’ve seen people who went through such phases and after their unexpected burst of happiness, decided on taking their life the next day,” Cassie was concerned.

“Like I said,” Arianna’s voice was serious this time, “You don’t have to worry about me. I’m fine. You asked why I looked relieved? Because I stopped caring. I’ve made peace with whatever happens next,” She finalized.

“Okay,” Cassie gave up on the issue when she discovered how uncomfortable it was becoming.

The both of them just lay on the bed staring at the movie playing until Cassie announced, “Your designer would be here tomorrow. You have to choose a wedding dress,”

“Wonderful,” Arianna murmured.

“A good or a bad ‘wonderful’?”

“Both?” Arianna turned to her with a lopsided grin, “At least it would be fun, wouldn’t it?”

Cassie folded her arm and laid her head on it, facing Arianna with an arched brow, “Are you offering I be your chief bridesmaid?” There was slight humor in her tone.

But that wasn’t funny to Arianna because she just remembered her promise to Mimi that she would be the chief bridesmaid at her wedding.

“Yes,” Arianna agreed, contrary to her wishes.

She was sorry to Mimi for breaking that promise but she was better off without her. She can’t drag Mimi into danger all because of a wedding she wasn’t even interested in – and doubted would even hold. Elijah would rescue her for sure.

“Oh my God!” Cassie squealed and engulfed her in a hug that almost crushed her lungs, “Thank you so much. I’m so happy,”

“Yeah, it’s nothing. Now, you can let go of my lungs,” Arianna was finally able to breathe after she let go.

Seeing the smile on Cassie’s face made her feel fulfilled, at least she made someone happy. All she had done to Mimi lately was to bring her sorrows and put her in danger. Arianna hoped for the sake of whatever they shared that Marcel kept her safe. That was her last wish for Mimi, her friend that was worth more than a sister.

Yes, Arianna and Cassie laid down on the bed watching whatever was playing on the screen but she couldn’t help but feel a slight tension between them and she knew it was because of Kenith. It was obvious that Cassie needed an answer that she denied her days ago.

With a deep sigh, Arianna finally said, “Look, about Kenith -”

“You don’t have to worry about that,” Cassie took the words out of her mouth without hearing what she had to say. Perhaps, if she heard Arianna’s side of the story, she would have been able to spot the truth from the lies her boyfriend fed her and the deadly event in the future wouldn’t have occurred.

“What’s already done is done and he’s stupid to have forced himself on you,” She said for comfort’s sake because the truth was that Cassie had already made up her mind to eliminate Arianna. As long as Arianna remained here, she would always be a threat to her happiness. She had to remove the weed now before it choked up the plants.

“Thank you,” Arianna said without suspecting a thing.

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