Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 99: Together? Yes, Together.

Chapter 99: Together? Yes, Together.

Snow who has been kissing, licking and sucking at Qing Ye slender and beautiful neck, leaving more new numerous kiss marks all over it again has suddenly stopped, crimson bloody eyes glowing, before raising his delicate body and head up as his sharp vision gaze at the suddenly injured Xion Jian a few distances away from him before watching as the other people, which is normal passenger have suddenly started screaming in panic and fear.

Then the young woman's blood race, that has been Xion Jian close assistant who has gone into the restroom a while back was now trying to desperately rush to the injured blood race elder while an anxious and panic expression on her face, however, her actions was futile to attempt since some of the passengers in the business class was trying to get away from the suddenly dangerous and disturbing situation before them.

As Snow continues to watch and observed his current surroundings, a warm large hand was suddenly placed over his thin back, along with a comforting voice.

"Baby, don't worry. I am here with you."

However, before Snow could react, anxious emotions suddenly swell up within him, which Snow knew that belongs to the original Zou Yi.

This person is really unusual, despite doing those intimate actions to Qing Ye, the original soul has never reacted but now that there is something happening to the people that is important toward him, he suddenly starting to show some response.

Sighing a bit, Snow pacified the original soul, telling him that although Xion Jian is injured it won't cause the young woman to die before suppressing the original Zou Yi again then Snow turned his attention at the young woman back while getting off from Qing Ye lap and from the warm arms that have been trying to silently protect and defend him.

Base on his doubt and observation with using his permanent skill, only of the passenger was the current enemies and from the look of it, the hidden organization that was trying to target the elders of the blood race was acting up again.

And this time, their target was Xion Jian, who was in another country and away from the central power of the supernatural world and just like Snow prediction, the hidden organization is really making their move quickly now because of the failure of the ambush that has been set toward Tao Xin.

So an elder that has been riding an airplane with no one being able to save her this time is the best target among the rest of the elder blood race out there in the world.

Especially, the fact that despite the blood race being inhuman powerful, it doesn't change the fact that even an elder cannot survive from an airplane crash, particularly, when they are flying high up in the sky while surrounded by the large and wide ocean underneath them.

Soon, Snow watch with his crimson bloody eyes as Jian assistant has finally reached over to the injured blood elder and began to help remove all those thin and sharp pointy weapons from Jian injured body.

Xion Jian follower is different from what happened to Tao Xin, this blood race is a loyal follower and belongs to the family faction that serve Xion Jian, thus Snow isn't a bit worried that the beautiful injured woman will be backstab and captured. 

And as for the injury that Jian is currently experiencing, Snow pale lip secretly curve up with a bit of dangerous feeling on it, when those hidden weapons appeared, Snow has secretly helped stop the most vital and dangerous weapon that will unquestionably make Jian severely injured, so even though Xion current appearance looks like she was hurt severely, she was completely fine, just a bit pain that is all.

Snow wasn't worried about the young woman life, because the hidden organization first priority was to capture am elder blood races alive, so he wasn't really worried about Xion Jian dying and if they ever change their mind and wanted to kill an elder blood race, Snow was also prepared against it.

However, based on what he observed, those weapons have been set to make Jian weak and powerless, thus Snow decided in the split second to just let her be injured and feel pain.

And why didn't Snow completely save Jian and let her be injured?

Of course, because Snow doesn't feel well about how she treated his lover.

No one can treat his lover that way, especially making him feel sad inside, aside from himself no one else is allowed.

Is he being cruel? Narrow-minded? Heartless?

But Snow only cared about the people he likes and loves and in this current world, there are only three being that Snow will treat with love and care, and that is Flake, his daughter in this world Jing Ai and Qing Ye his lover.

Although, there is already a planned about allying himself to the elders in the group, however, he doesn't want them to get in the way of his love, particularly trying to make their own decision about who he can be with or not.

So giving a bit of punishment to Xion Jian is something that Snow can do for now, but if they cross the line, an icy cold glint immediately flashes on his crimson bloody eyes.

All of them have to face the consequences of trying to get on his way.

Soon, calmness return on his crimson bloody eyes before taking an item on his permanent inventory skill and turning his delicate body to face his lover that has been sharply looking all around them while using his much larger body to cover his smaller one, seemingly trying to guard and protect him, which cause Snow, heart, to feel warmth.

Sigh, such a lovely and delightful young man.

So with a bit of smile inside, Snow gives two long daggers mostly made with silver and other hard materials that don't belong into this world to Qing Ye, a weapon that came from his first world.

Different from the myth of using silver weapons as a blood race weakness which is capable to kill them, the use of a silver weapon in this world is entirely different since it seemed that silver weapon was the only materials that are capable to contain a person supernatural power.

There seemed to be a rule in this world that has been set up, which made anyone unable to uses the guns and those high tech weapons to use their powers to fight back with, although a blood race can still die from it though, but with a bit more troubles and difficulty.

"For you."

With a bit of a confused expression on his devilishly handsome face, Qing ye beautiful purple eyes light up when he saw those dangerous but beautiful silver dagger weapons on those delicate pale hands of his Baby.

"... For me?"

Crimson bloody eyes which filled with coldness and murderous intent met with beautiful purple eyes which are filled with overwhelming affection and deep love, the whole entire time Qing Ye never changing his current emotions and moving away from Snow's current dangerous state as they stare at each other.

"Yes, to protect yourself." After all, Snow has seen that his lover seemed to have no weapon at all and although he learned from before that Qing Ye usually doesn't need a weapon to fight, but regardless Snow still thinks that it is better for his love to fight with a weapon.

A beautiful smile bloom on Qing Ye devilish handsome face before taking the weapons that his Baby was giving him, feeling so happy that his Baby is worried and concern about his well being.

"Baby, thank you."

I'll use this weapon to protect you.

As those thought grace Qing Ye mind, his entire body instantly brim with killing intent while gently holding those delicate pale hand and bowing his head to place a gentle kiss over it.

Smiling brightly, purple eyes filled with endless love and devotion, while his entire body emitting a dangerous atmosphere as time pass by.

"Baby, don't worry, I will handle everything right now."

Just stay here and be safe, and I will protect you the entire time.

Snow who was able to tell about what is going on his lover's mind when he met those beautiful purple eyes carrying deep affection, his crimson bloody eyes soften a bit.

"No need. We can handle this together."

Although Flake has been speaking about Qing Ye being his golden thigh, Snow feels like, that working together with your lover sometimes is also good.

Qing Ye purple eyes blink a bit before a chuckle was let out on that sexy lip of his that has curled up in a way that makes him look far more devilish and enchanting, inwardly charming Snow that has been watching the entire time.

Although, Qing Ye wanted to make his little Yi just stay and always stand behind however his baby is a powerful man after all and a definitely, not a weak person.

"Of course, so Baby, let's go together alright?"

Snow inwardly smiled and replied with a calm voice like what he has been speaking is just a normal thing for him to say.

"Of course, together."

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