Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 100: Two People That Shouldn't Have Met And Be Together.

Chapter 100: Two People That Shouldn't Have Met And Be Together.

"Snow, I already blocked the hidden monitor that has been set up all over the place."

Finally, done?

Hearing that the task he has given to Flake was already completed, Snow instantly praises with a gentle voice to a delighted and happy Flake on his mind before turning his entire attention at the surrounding again.

When Snow saw the other passenger in the surrounding was currently hiding, crying with fear, despair, confusion, and terror on their faces while staring at the injured Xion Jian that has taken a surprise attack, his crimson bloody eyes narrowed down a bit before Snow mind finally decided about what to do.

He turned his head and met the beautiful purple eyes of Qing Ye that have been patiently and understandingly waiting the entire time.

In that flash of instant of their gaze meeting each other, a special tactic understanding suddenly happens between them silently without opening their mouths to speak with each other.

Spontaneously, the two of their bodies began to move, a tall figure moving in the right while the other delicate figure moves in the left and with a perfect synchronization their hands carrying a black and silver dangerous but beautiful weapon immediately move.

And with a flash of black and silver color, while a swishing sound of air resounds, a blood splash before a thudding sound of bodies echoed out a few seconds later.

Soon after, loud cries of pain and fear, along with a miserable howl of terror loudly echoed out of everyone that is currently in the presence of Snow and Qing Ye.

However, as the sound of bodies dropping in the ground echoed out along with the frightful screaming of the alive people, Snow and Qing Ye just show an indifferent expression on their faces, their hands not stopping one bit at all as they massacre the people all around them.

It doesn't matter if they are either an innocent bystander or the hidden enemies that has been trying to ambush to capture an elder blood race.

Although there are two lucky fellows who weren't in danger of dying from the hands of the two indifferent monster figures that are currently slaughtering the people around them, leaving the injured Xion Jian and her blood race follower.

"W-what? Brother Yi?  Q-Qing Ye? Stop what are you two doing?"

Xion Jian that has been so shocked at the currently cruel and ruthless onslaught before her that her mind turned blank has finally manage to get her bearing back and has spoken a confuse words to the two figures that have been getting closer to where she was currently staying at.

Although she was suddenly attack and injured, Xion Jian can tell over the fact that not everyone around her is the enemies, thus when she saw those innocent human dying from her Brother Yi and Qing Ye, she was unable to stop her mouth from asking them.

And as she opens her mouth again to prevent them from killing the innocent people around them, her entire body couldn't help but shudder in overwhelming terror as purple and crimson blood eyes suddenly gaze at her direction at exactly the same time.

Those two different eyes are extraordinarily fearful, even she couldn't help but feel a great terror toward her Brother Yi, and although she knew that her Brother Yi has treated her remarkably well than the others in the past, she will never really dictate whatever her Brother Yi does.

Besides that, somewhere deep in her mind, Xion Jian couldn't help but doubt about the reason why she was scared by a merely human gaze alone, at this moment on, Jian has suddenly got about what the people all around Qing Ye has been feeling toward him.

This human existence is really unusual and abnormal!

So she can only stay silent as these two people turn their attention back again to the people around them as they began to slaughter everyone without giving any single mercy.

"My lady do you know them? Who are they?"

A shivering voice filled with fright, suddenly causing Xion Jian to take her crimson blood eyes away at the suddenly perfectly equal match of existence that has been working together before her.

Despite feeling fear and terror toward them at the moment, when she watches their movements and actions together while perfectly at ease fighting side by side, and tactic great understanding without any words spoken between them

Xion Jian suddenly felt forlorn in her heart while twisting in pain

Why? The more she watches and observed the two people before her, why does it felt like that this human person is really the destined and fated Blood Partner of her Brother Yi?

Suddenly, an image of a long time even in the past flash on her mind, when she was still young and ignorant as she secretly watches as a beautiful woman dress in simple white dress stand before a young man dress in black as they stand, facing each other, her large bright green eyes widening as her attention become fixed at the young man dress in black, those usually average face carrying a hint of a smile over a pale lip while the beautiful woman promptly showed a bright and attractive smile filled with gentleness a second later.

In the past, when she secretly saw those scenes before her, she has thought that those two people with opposite nature, felt so perfect together, especially when her Brother Yi who usually hard to understand and expressionless all the time, showed those rare emotions only to a single and special person.

But in the end, their group could only watch in helplessness as their Brother Yi, who has taken care of them all during those chaotic time, has suddenly become more gloomy and depressed while those pitch abyss black eyes albeit small but still carrying a hint of emotion within them before has suddenly turned dull and blank while containing a hidden deep pain, sadness, regret and despair on it.

However, when Xion Jian gaze at this bloody, cruel, heartless and violence slaughter currently happening before her, why does she suddenly felt so lost and defeated in a way while the images before her very eyes felt like the two people compliment each other so perfectly well and in a completely way that made those memories in the past look so dull in comparison?

While feeling confuses inside and more focus on the two people's perfect way of complimenting each other, Jian was unable to see the different reactions of the person beside her that was watching with wide eyes filled with uncertainty, terror, and horror at the scene before her.

Although she was used to watching a bloody and violent scene before but the scene of these two-person, one blood race and the human race, killing the people around them left and right without any ounce of mercy in their faces, only indifferent remaining the entire as they do a cold-blooded deed, there was just something so entirely different and off about what she was currently seeing.

She doesn't know why, but she felt sheer terror when she watches the two figure that has started a slaughter all of a sudden, even though she knew that they are being saved by these two people, but her inner soul couldn't help but scream about how abnormal and unnatural this two are.

Her mind screaming that these two people shouldn't be together, in her unconsciousness and soul, these two abnormal monsters shouldn't have met.

And she doesn't even know why does she felt this way about them, and being affected so strongly while those words resound throughout her entire body and soul.

But, the most important part was the fact that the thought of these two people being capable of destroying their world, and once they are together, no one is capable enough to stop them from doing what they wanted to do.

"My lady I don't know why but somehow, I suddenly felt like these two people, should never meet because nothing good will happen to the people around them." that is what her innermost thoughts as she watches these two people slaughter with a calm and indifferent expression on their faces as they disregard the life of the people around them.

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