Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 93: No Matter What, Snow Believe That His Love Nature Is Still The Same.

Chapter 93: No Matter What, Snow Believe That His Love Nature Is Still The Same.

As the time limit slowly dwindle down to zero, Snow has been constantly seeing numerous memories of the dead young woman while ignoring the unrelated and unimportant memories while constantly trying to get a clue about the hidden enemies that have been targeting them.

"... handle this mission with great care or else it will be harder to take care of those elders later on." 

"Yes, I will."

"The weapon we have given you, it can only be used one time since we can only create few substances to suppress the power of a blood race for a few hours so handle it extremely fast and report back to me when you're done."

"Yes Sir, please don't worry, I will make sure our mission will be completed without any problem!"

However, before Snow can look further into the young woman's memories, he suddenly heard Flake's sudden prompt of telling him that the time limit is over.

A pale hand slowly raised over to massage his forehead, as it was the effect of using the memory reading skill.

After a while, Snow has used the memory reading again, Snow was just thankful that the young woman is dead since it will make it far easier to read her memories while also grateful over the fact that she was just a human race since they have far more fewer memories than what a blood race who live longer has.

However, Snow who tried to read more after the planned ambushed in the memories has suddenly observed over the fact that some of the young woman memories seemed to have been deleted and removed or more specifically, other than her living a normal human life in her everyday life, there were no other memories regarding the hidden organizations and also other supernatural related information.

This is enough evidence to know about how secretive and how cruel the members in that secret organization even treat their own person.

After thinking deeply about how dangerous this organization that has been after them, Snow let out a deep breath before glancing at the dead body on the ground before using his spiritual sense to take back the young woman on his inventory skill while feeling the constant headache throbbing on his head.

Seeing as he is finally done for today, Snow walked over to Qing Ye bedroom and going to the bathroom to take a quick shower, soon he was drying his wet body with a large fluffy towel.

After taking out some black t-shirt on Qing Ye luggage, Snow wore it over his head while taking his own boxer to wear underneath, soon he was walking down the staircase and stepping forward into the wide living room where a certain someone has been sleeping peacefully in a makeshift bed.

After taking a good view of the adorable young man sleeping peacefully, Snow finally climbs up the makeshift bed and going under the fluffy white blanket that has been placed over Qing Ye body.

Snow pitch abyss black eyes blink a bit as he gazes at the sleeping figure before finally deciding to squeeze himself up to the young man's arms which have automatically wrapped around his delicate body.

Letting out a comfortable sigh at the warm and comfortable feeling of having arms wrapped around him, Snow leans his face over the man firm chest while hearing the beating sound of his hearts, shortly, Snow has finally fallen asleep while being hug by his new love.

For the second time, Qing Ye woke up with his Baby wrapped all around him, feeling the soft body of the person he loves the most against his, purple eyes immediately filled with an overwhelming tenderness and immeasurable love as he stares at the peaceful young man that is currently sleeping.

Although, he has always remained unaware of the fact about during his Baby climbing up on his bed and unable to wake up during that moment considering Qing Ye can completely sense the moment his Baby presence get near his body, thus will cause him to wake up from his deep sleep.

However, whatever the reason is, even if his Baby was the one that has caused and did something to his body for him to remain unaware about the whole ordeal, it doesn't matter one bit to Qing Ye.

As long as his Baby was continually by his side, then all of that is the most important part to Qing Ye.

He doesn't mind waking up like this every single day, having the love of his life sleeping peacefully wrapped all around on his arms, this precious moment is the most unimaginable and beautiful circumstance that Qing Ye could ask for.

With a gentle sigh of content being let out from his sexy thin lip, Qing Ye pulled the delicate body closer toward his, while gently kissing his Baby forehead.

After a while, Snow finally woke up before feeling a warmth body of someone else is currently enveloping all around his entire body, with a half-lidded eyes with a bit of sleepness on it, he slowly raises up from the bed, or precisely from the body that he has been laying down the entire time that he has been sleeping.

Nevertheless, despite being sleepy, Snow felt the reluctance emotion coming up from the warm body that has been hugging himself the whole time after he raises his body up, thus Snow made an action that he will never do from before but now was able to do it since his emotions toward this man have grown up a bit exceptionally fast.

Snow head lowered down before gently kissing the corner of those sexy thin lip of a wide-awake Qing Ye that is currently showing a reluctant and spoiled expression on his devilishly handsome face, while there was not even a single tiny bit of surprise from Snow when he find Qing Ye wide awake before him since he already knows that this person will wake up first and will not go back to sleep after finding that Snow was sleeping beside him.

However, he instantly finds out that the warm body of Qing Ye has tense up a bit, causing Snow to look down on the devilishly handsome young man that is still currently lying down in the makeshift bed, his movement has caused the large black t-shirt he has been wearing to slip down, instantly showing a pale rounded shoulder and a beautiful clavicle causing Qing Ye purple eyes to constrict at the suddenly alluring sight so early in the morning of the person he loves with all his heart before his gazes unconsciously lower down which immediately cause his breathing to hitch up when he saw those slender legs out in the open air, thus his lower part body has reacted isn't a bit surprising, especially when it was so early in the morning.

Though if Snow were to know about it, this is the words that he will only say that no matter if its early in the morning or late in the night, his love is always capable to become a beast any time of a day.

After all, Snow has experienced it completely, even if Qing Ye has a different identity, personality and appearance into this world, his love beast nature is already buried deep into his soul.

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