Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 92: Snow Handling His Mission

Chapter 92: Snow Handling His Mission

In another place, where the sun is starting to get down for today, Snow figure can be seen standing on a corner and in front of a second story house in a residential area.

"Snow, the author already accepted your proposal. We also already finish with our complete preparation regarding his safety."

There in the second story house was a figure of a mature man on his mid-thirties which was the author of the one related to Zou Yi mission, and beside him was a delicate woman with two young children standing before them, the family of four seemed to be excited and happy about some important matter.

Snow who has been watching the family, turns his attention more at the trade shop of his system, especially checking more of his right and limitation in this world.

There he saw that he only has remaining two chances from his three chance from before to open the trade shop along with his buying right of 6 opportunities left.

As Snow turns his attention again at the mature man, he used the permanent appraisal skill in order to check the person thoroughly.

Alongside the mid-thirty mature man pieces of information, Snow was more focus on the status that Snow has bought for the man to keep him alive and safe while also buying an item in order for Snow to complete his mission fast.

To the black trade shop, Snow bought an item to make the mature man has a faster writing speed ability and good status for ideas to keep coming into his mind in order to complete the rest of his unfinished stories fast, while Snow has already prepared all sorts of people that the mature man will be needing to watch over his life and safety in all different angle on his life.

For example, new friends, coworkers, doctors, and etc, Snow has meticulously planned all the people that the author will be interacting while living his life.

Cruel? Or overreacting? Snow doesn't care, as long as the man is alive, well and can finish his stories

And if the people he has already paid was somehow unable to help the man in a single accidental moment, Snow has also bought some item to keep the older man life safe, giving enough time to be able to save his life since anything can happen even though he already prepared a seemingly perfect plan.

Snow has really meticulously plan for the author's life safety and has even spent some of Soul Karmas energies to that rather Black Trade Shop, not hesitating one bit.

Just like before, Snow will use whatever that could help him.

As for the wish of Zou Yi to be able to watch the other unfinished stories of the author that hasn't been made into movies yet, Snow has already bought over the right from the author and he also already has a perfect person to direct and make the movie from the stories that have been completed but has not been made into a movie.

Isn't Qing Ye a Gold Award Winner Director in three consecutive years already?

After taking one last glance at the author who was Snow's current mission about, he turned around and walked away while Flake that has been obediently sitting near Snow black shoes has leaped over and stood on Snow's shoulder, his black tail swaying.

Although Snow has wanted to stay and watch over the author's life himself, but based on what happened to Tao Xin and the words spoken by that maniac human girl, there is a high chance that they will come after him too.

And even though Snow doesn't know if Zou Yi identity is known by those secret organization but Snow prefers to be on a safe side.

Besides, what happened during the time that he was protecting and staying at the author's side when those hidden enemies have managed to get a clue about what he doing and used the author's life as his weakness?

So Snow decided to directly manage and remove the trouble that is surely going to affect him no matter what, besides rather than wait for the problem to suddenly appeared before him without any forewarning, Snow would figure out those hidden and secret organization that seemed to be going after his Blood race.

No matter what, Zou Yi is still an elder of the Blood Race after all.

After finally arriving at the private luxurious beach house, Snow enters the room and immediately went to check the sleeping figure in the wide living room.

Even though he has monitor set up to watch over the young man's safety while also having the game map panel to use, as soon as his pitch abyss black eyes manage to finally personally look at his new love, Snow felt more relax.

Seeing as the young man fluffy white blanket has been push away, Snow could only wryly smile inside, this person seemed to sleep chaotically a bit more in bed.

Although the entire time that Snow has been taking advantage of the young man's deep sleep before, Qing Ye has been rather well behaved.

Sighing inside, Snow walked over and grab the fluffy white blanket that has been pushed aside and gently covering the sleeping young man who let out a soft mumble before turning around toward where he was standing, seemingly unconsciously sensing his presence even though he was in deep sleep because of the medicine that he has given him this afternoon.

After all, Qing Ye will be sleeping till morning, Snow has made sure of it.

With a bit of a smile, his heart feeling a touch of affection, Snow gently cares the perfectly and flawless white cheek of the devilishly handsome young man and pinching it, before turning around and walking into the second floor.

Entering his largest master bedroom that he didn't fully use last night, Snow took an object in the permanent inventory bag skill.

Suddenly a figure of a dead young woman has appeared on the floor, the blood still leaking on her broken neck that has been bitten by a huge beast.

As part of the permanent inventory bag skill, any objects that have been placed on it remain the same status when it places on it.

However, soon Snow's expressionless face becomes a bit twisted with disgust when he sensel a strong smell of blood from the dead body of the young woman before his expression turned back to normal, although his pitch abyss black eyes still retain that dislike on it.

As for the dead body of the young woman that has betrayed Tao Xin and belonging to a secret organization that seemed to be trying to deal with their elder status in the blood race, Snow was entirely sure that this young woman has a higher up status in the secret organization, after all, she was leading the mission of capturing one of the oldest and powerful blood race in the entire Blood family race.

And for the reason of taking this woman dead body? Although Snow can use the appraisal skills to get more information, but it wasn't enough because of the level of his permanent skill, and even if he could also use the internet to search a clue about the secret organization however it might take a bit awhile before he could get some details about them which is something that Snow doesn't have time to wait since he knows that those groups of people are going to make a move soon since Tao Xin has escaped the ambush which means that the elders in the blood race and soon the entire blood family race will know about them.

Thus, Snow has bought a reading a memory ability which is not a permanent one since it really costs too much.

Using his pale hand, Snow touches the dead human girl's head and activating his skill.

Reading Memory: 4x Use left.

Time Limit: 5 minutes


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