Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 69: Brother Ye Can Only Be Mine!

Chapter 69: Brother Ye Can Only Be Mine!

After Jia Changying had run away with tears falling on her hazel eyes, she finally stopped and stood still in a hidden corner of a staircase before finally managing to calm herself down with only a few minutes.

Although it felt like her entire world has been shattered, while the hard reality has basically slap her in the face as the six long years of hardship and suffering she has experiences in order to become a talented and perfectly capable woman to a perfect person that has easily took her heart had been utterly useless as the clarity of her current situation painfully been display just right before her.

Jia Changying  has always known that she had love a person who has a cold and ruthless heart, but can a woman at least hope even for a tiny bit that the person she has love with all her heart will reciprocate her feeling someday? 

With a hard glint on her hazel eyes, Changying quickly wipe the evidence and traces of the heartbreaking emotion that she has experienced a moment ago, while fixing her current appearance as it immediately become the capable and steady woman that everyone has known her for.

These six whole years of learning, at least had really made her into an almost perfectly capable woman as the appearance of the woman doesn't shown one bit about finding out that the man she has been loving this whole entire years has suddenly fallen in love with another man.

Even though her heart twisted with pain and despair but there was no way that she would just give up that easily.

Six years of waiting and determination with just a single hope for the man she loves with all her heart to finally look her way, there was no way that she will just let a mere stranger that just came out of no where to get on her way.

To even has the courage to take the person that she has been longing for so long the moment that she had set her eyes on him.

Suddenly a footsteps of a person walking in the hallway resound on her ears, causing Changying to straighten her body up while she turned around to walk gracefully in order to meet the person that has been walking on her way.

Although her hazel eyes was a bit more red than usual, aside from the other leaders in the groups, no one else could tell about how there was something wrong with her at the moment.

Those guys had always have sharps observation.

"Ah, Sister Changying! Here you are! I found some clues from what our boss has been making us look for."


Hazel eyes instantly turn icy cold before her graceful body let out a steady and mature aura as she faces the new member that has been working which belong to her group..

"Let me see."

The clueless new member just felt happy to be able to help while feeling delighted at the fact that she was the one who was able to find the clues that her idolized boss has been asking for a long time now.

"Yes, right away Sister Changying!"

In another room, Jia Changying deeply watch with her hazel eyes at the short video clip on the screen, and although it was only for a few 3 seconds, the figure of a teenager clad in all black definitely has appeared in the monitor.

The teenager appearance which exactly completely the same portrait that her Brother Ye has painted with his own hands.

As she deeply and seriously gaze at the teenager in the screen, Changying first felt utter disbelief before disdain flash on her hazel eyes, the more she looked at the teenager, the more she find how laughable the young man was.

So... this the person that Brother Ye has fallen for?

... What is so special about this person? He doesn't even look pretty with that average appearance of his, specially when all Changying saw was that the teenager appearance had been gloomy, dull and blank the entire time.

Such an imperfect man with full of flaws doesn't deserve to even stay by her Brother Ye side, much less become his lover, Brother Dong words is just pure nonsense because there was no way that her perfect and captivating Brother Ye will fall for a person like this.

Changying lip couldn't help but curl up in ridicule as hazel eyes maliciously watch the teenager in the video screen.

"Good work, but lets keep this for ourselves for now alright?"

"Eh?" the young girl couldn't help but exclaimed as her eyes completely widened at the sudden order of her group leader before turning quiet as those sharp and cold hazel eyes glanced her way, the young girl can only obediently obey as she lowered her head in fear.

"... Yes..."

Icy Hazel eyes glancing at the young girl before explaining that it is better to keep the information that they found for themselves for now, since they all needed to look more into the person information since this was only a short clip of video after all.

In order to make their boss Qing Ye content and happy, they all need to have a complete information before reporting their findings.

Although the young girl felt that there is something wrong with her Sister Changying current decision, but everyone knows how Jia Changying has been working seriously with everything that their devilishly handsome boss orders in complete reverence.

Among the group of leaders of their Boss Qing Ye, she has been known as one of the most loyal supporters of their Boss for years now.

"Alright Sister Changying! If that is what you decided."

The young girl can only believe in her Sister Changying decision since she has been loyal and trustworthy person that has stayed by their Boss Qing Ye side.

"Don't forget to keep it a secret for now,  so that everything we will be doing won't become meaningless."

"... Yes Sister Changying! I'll definitely keep it a secret between us!"

As Jia Changying walk out of the room, she couldn't help but grip tightly at the recorded video that she has gotten at her new member while a malicious and hostile expression instantly grace on her beautiful face.

Murmuring with a soft voice filled with possessiveness, determination flash on her hazel eyes as she tries to figure out more about the identity of the unworthy teenager that has definitely did something despicable to her Brother Ye.

"... Brother Ye can only be mine."

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