Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 68: Qing Ye is Going Crazy, Su Dong Head Hurt Already.

Chapter 68: Qing Ye is Going Crazy, Su Dong Head Hurt Already.

It has been three days and Qing Ye felt like he was going crazy since there has been no result about the identity and location of the special person that he has been looking for nonstop the entire time.

"...Boss... we are really unable to find the person you were trying to locate. Even the monitoring cameras in the vicinity didn't have any sign of his figure."

Boss are you sure that the person you are looking for is real? , those has been what the hidden words that all of Qing Ye subordinates wanted to ask but has no courage to do so since their leader aura has been getting more dangerous as the days pass by with no result with their search.

Su Dong that has been seated in their large hall of meeting room couldn't help but watch with a bit of complicated emotions on his gentle handsome face, specially when the brother Ye that has always been in complete control with his emotions is current acting in an unusual manner, or more precisely Qing Ye is finally becoming as a real human being..

Never in Su Dong entire life did he saw Qing Ye from all those years of knowing him act that desperate, serious and determined that he was almost becoming insane for being unable to find the person that he has been frantically wanting to meet.

Ah, Su Dong doesn't know if this Qing Ye is a good thing or not, but he definitely know that the current Qing Ye will cause a bit of complication in their groups.


Suddenly a loud sound echoed out causing everyone to stare at the broken half desk which has been made with a strong and powerful metal that no ordinary spiritual person could easily break with just a casual pat.

With a deep breath, Qing Ye stood up from the chair that he has been sitting the whole time that he anxiously waited for the important news to arrive.

Everyone in the entire meeting room couldn't help but flinch as they back away while watching with a bit of weary expression on their faces at the way that their leader purple eyes hazes while a glint of craziness seemed to emit within it.

ah... their evil boss is really going crazy right now!

At the same time, everyone turned their attention to the other leader that has been sitting silently the whole entire time with a pleading expression on their faces.

Su Dong couldn't help but sigh again while raising his hand to tell them to go out of the room, and he just silently watched as everyone frantically run away before the entire room becomes silent again.

"Brother Dong.. please tell me exactly what is currently happening to Brother Ye? For him to be this affected by a single person... it's really abnormal."

Suddenly the other person that has been sitting silently next to Su Dong side couldn't help but asked in confusion while a wary and anxious emotion seemed to slip out from the usually serious and steady person that Su Dong has known her for.

He couldn't help but glance at the beautiful woman that usually has that steady and calm aura around her graceful body, that is currently pursuing her red lip as pretty hazel eyes stare at the unusually work out Qing Ye before them.

Su Dong couldn't help but stay silent for a bit, as the words he wanted to speak seemed to be a bit harder to speak out since everyone in their group of friends has known that Jia Changying has an extremely deep affection toward their brother Qing Ye.

Jia Changying has been persisting with her chasing to Qing Ye to the point that the usually slightly smart woman full of weakness had become a very capable woman to almost perfection with everything she does, and it was just in order to be a fitting lover to their sin like existence almost perfect Brother Ye.

It has been 6 years of determination in believing and hoping that the man she loves will definitely one day finally notice her existence, along with the hard work she did in order for him to fall for her.

Even Su Dong feel that the current reality is cruel to Jia Changying, but from the very start, everyone has seriously told her that their Brother Qing Ye will never fall in love with her.

From the very start it has been Jia Changying wishful thinking, specially when 6 long years of nothing changing about the way their Brother Ye attitude toward her, she should have known that everything she has been doing is for naught in the end.

"... Changying... we always told you that it is useless to chase after Brother Ye... even Brother Ye has already seriously told you the same words before. So, don't blame Brother Ye for being cruel and ruthless, he has already given you his answer but you just refuse to listen to it."

"... W-what are you trying to say Brother Dong?"

With a bit wide hazel eyes, Changying suddenly felt an ominous emotion within her, specially when Su Dong show her a much gentle tone but the words coming out from him was both cruel and ruthless at the same time.

"Although I was completely surprised but an existence that was capable to make Brother Ye fall in love with has finally appeared and that is the current person that we are currently looking for which is already making Brother Ye completely crazy right now."

Jia Changying beautiful face couldn't help but pale as white as a sheet, her pretty hazel eyes widening in horror and disbelief as she quickly stood up from the chair she has been sitting on the whole entire time while letting out a loud shout filled with utter disbelief.

"NO! No... what are you saying Brother Dong? Hehe... Brother Ye has fallen in love? You're just joking with me right?"

Su Dong quickly glance at the front, before letting out a sigh of relief because Qing Ye has already disappeared in the large meeting room without any one of them noticing before turning his attention at the disbelief and painful expression of the beautiful woman before him.

"Its true, why do you think Brother Ye is acting like that at the moment? In this entire world, no one was capable to make him react that way after all."

"But...But that person is a man! He was not even a woman to begin with? Why???"

Why is it that person who just came out of nowhere and not me?

Jia Changying couldn't help but loudly exclaimed in disbelief while tears of despair fall from her hazel eyes, as she tried to find fault with how wrong everything is.

"Do you think a person's gender matter to Brother Ye at all?"

The beautiful woman couldn't help but become silent instantly after hearing Su Dong words, but her tears of pain continue to fall since she was unable to stop it.

Because someone like Qing Ye, other people's opinions and common sense will never change his decision.

No one was capable to change that person's beliefs, especially with what he wanted so badly, nothing can stop it.

And as Su Dong watch as the beautiful woman ran out the room with tears on her usually pretty hazel eyes that is now clouded with pain and a bit more negative emotions within them, he was unable to stop the oncoming headache that he felt at the moment.

"Besides... not only was that person is a man, he was not even the same race as Brother Ye is."

Qing Ye has fallen to a person that belongs to the Blood Race Family after all, he will just hope that the person Qing Ye has fallen for doesn't belong to those families with their old way of thinking despite the fact this current era where everyone is a bit more open minded about certain things, unlike the past.

Su Dong just hope that no problem and conflict will arouse from their group because of this current matter.

"... Changying... I hope that you will not do a stupid thing... or else all of us will not be able to help you once Brother Qing Ye is really angry..."

That is the person that you wouldn't want to be against.

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