Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 119: Who Told You That I Am Done? Snow Want To Rampage More.

Chapter 119: Who Told You That I Am Done? Snow Want To Rampage More.

Flake are you doing good?

When Snow felt the shadow has caused some disturbance underneath his feet, Snow could tell that the youth has blown himself up, although from what he senses this time, it wasn't just a simple bombing that is secretly stored inside his body.

The entire time he has been in an alert mode on what any member of the hidden organization might do, even them suddenly killing themself and taking their enemies' life along has been part of the list of what they might do, after all this hidden organization is a lunatic one.

I'm alright Snow, though I'm sorry since that I can't be in the same place with you anymore since my clone was destroyed.

It's alright, take care and watch Tao Xin and Xion Jian alright?

Um, I will Snow! Please take care too~

After that few seconds of speaking in their spiritual link, Snow felt relief knowing that Flake is alright despite the fact that the huge beast that has taken the young man was just a clone of his.

Although Snow has to spend some soul karmas energies in order to use Flake physical form for a clone as a limitation has been set up when using it in a real body of Flake than the usual soul appearance he has, however, all of the use of soul karmas energies was all worth it.

If it wasn't for Yan Liwei trusting his instinct without any evidence that his lover was being taken hostage by the hidden organization after getting the news of her missing, everything right now would have played differently, after all, it would have taken more time for Snow to find out Yan Liwei locations if he didn't call him as quickly as he could when he asked for help.

And from what Snow has seen, Suyin would have been 'played' with while Yan Liwei could only helplessly watch as his lover get defiled right before his very eyes.

When Snow has received the phone call asking for his help, Snow has swiftly asked Flake to create a clone to go and hid inside Yan Liwei shadows until everything are alright, and Snow moves and plan has been right all along because after being secretly contacted by Yan Liwei, the hidden organization has quickly contacted and threatened Yan Liwei causing him to be unable to ask any form of help and assistance anymore.

Oh, Yan Liwei can try secretly to use his own followers to help him but to a blood race that was being threatened with the life and safe being of his future blood partner life, there is no way that Yan Liwei will even try it and even think about it.

Losing their Blood Partner, that is an unimaginable fear that anyone who will never know unless they experience it themself.

"Brother in law, what are we going to do now? How about we run away right now?"

Suddenly a voice called out to Snow who was thinking deeply causing his crimson bloody eyes to glance at Cai who has a nervous but firm expression on his handsome face causing a smile to slowly appear in Snow's face once again.

"Run? Of course not. We will patiently wait for them to arrive."

Snow and Zou Yi rampage isn't over yet.

Come! the Snow and Zou Yi will display their rages about how dare this hidden organization to even target their blood race, especially the highest esteemed elders of his group!

"Let them all come. I want their drops of blood to be spill right now. Oh, there is nothing to fear. I will just show them about why the human and blood race in the past has never dared to touch my bottom line."

A thousand years of quietness and silence, it has been for so long that Zou Yi has appeared in this world once more, now, isn't this a perfect introduction to tell everyone that he is back?

Suddenly Qiang, Cai, Yan Liwei and Suyin body shudder, as all of them felt at another burst of bloodlust and killing intent from the deadly Zou Yi that is currently smiling terrifyingly, this time the amount of insanity and murderous aura coming from him are much thicker than the first time around.

Soon numerous car which is driving crazily can be seen entering a deeply forested area, however before the cars can enter more deeply, a powerful attack of gunfire has suddenly struck at them causing them to stop and swivel their way out of the sudden attack that they are currently receiving.

And from the most front of the numerous car, two-person has instantly come out from it, before they too started to use guns to shoot at the group of people that have been hiding which they soon been followed with the other people riding the other cars behind them, although, in their supernatural world, guns couldn't be used to threaten the blood race and the human race that has power within them, while it was well-known fact that any modern weapons couldn't be used to place their energy within them, unlike the old ways of weapon such as swords or daggers but a human race that isn't using their energies to protect their bodies can still die by it.

While modern weapons can also be used as something that can influence a battle or even give people the time to do other important stuff and right now, a group of people that has ambush the numerous cars are currently has a different mission that they have been given with and giving their other group enough time to fulfill it from any surprising situation that will affect them is what they needed to do right now.

Such as this group of people riding the cars a while ago needed to be removed and eradicated real fast.

Soon, two different groups of people can be seen fighting and killing against each other.

Among them, a devilishly handsome man appears at ease at their current situation as he took people's life so easily and without any trouble at all, while even having enough time to speak calmly at the closest person fighting alongside him with an uninterest expression.

"Su Dong, we finally got the right place."

"Yes, if it wasn't for you, I would have never found this place so easily and quickly! These people dare to even capture my younger sister! I'll make them pay for it!"

Suddenly, the usually gentle and easy to bully Su Dong is currently showing a dangerous appearance as he coldly kills the people before him.

Qing Ye that wanted to smile and tease his friends that rarely showed those serious and severe expressions has suddenly blink his purple eyes when he received a familiar prompt sound on his phone, causing him to feel extremely happy.

So one hand gripping a gun while shooting the enemies before them while the other one holding a cellphone, without any care about his dangerous situation Qing Ye has read the new message of his Baby with enthusiasm.

To My Delicious Sustenance

I can feel you close by, are you xx xx xx right now?

I'm feeling hungry and tired already they just keep coming nonstop

Though your Brothers sure is a great cheerer.

But, My Future Wife, can you come to pick me up? I seemed to miss you a bit right now...

Your Blood Race Zou Yi

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