Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 118: Snow Love The Bloodlust Feeling.

Chapter 118: Snow Love The Bloodlust Feeling.


Screaming voice of people dying, a splash of crimson blood everywhere, disembodies part of bodies lay scattered in the ground is what Yan Liwei is currently seeing as he lay weakly in the ground.

And standing in the middle of everything that is happening was a being of darkness.

Glowing crimson bloody eyes so thick that droplets of blood seemed to almost drip from out of them and what emotions it shows is an insane amount of craziness, madness, and insanity. 

This is the appearance of an outrage Zou Yi.

It was an Ashura hell scene, however, Yan Liwei couldn't help but feel more relaxed inside because this Zou Yi although in outrage but still contains his right mindset.

The most terrifying that could happen is when the day Zou Yi loses his senses and when that really happens, Yan Liwei will need to fear for his life because that Zou Yi will not distinguish between enemies and allies.

So this Zou Yi before them is much better.


Hearing the voice of his lover, Yan Liwei pale blue eyes widen a bit when a soft and delicate body has suddenly embraced him causing him to glance at the two masked men who seemed to be currently petrified that they have let go of Suyin.

"What are you guys doing! Get a hold of that woman right now and take the elder blood race out of here!"

Suddenly a scream of panic and fear resound loudly, as a youthful figure instantly dashes toward their direction, his hand carrying a certain small metal box.

"Come on let us go! The higher up has been right about the fact that someone has been getting in our mission lately!"

Youth eyes fearfully gaze at the rampaging blood race, especially at the shadows that have been taking his subordinate's life repeatedly like they are just a piece of paper that can be easily cut down.

"We need to hurry up in a safe place, there will be more people coming in to handle that troublesome blood ra- gah?"

Suddenly the speech of the young man was cut off when the  masked man has abruptly moved and punched his stomach while the other masked person has quickly subdued and captured him with perfect synchronization. 

The youthful mouth was wide open as that one punch he received has given him an imaginable great pain while his eyes have been glaring with unbelievable hatred at the sudden betrayal of the masked men under him.

Soon, with the last sound of people dying miserably, a calm and steady footstep echoed out at the eerily silent place.

Inwardly sighing, Snow felt so comfortable, although he has uses his energies than he should have, but every part of his body seemed to scream with life, the usually lethargic and dull feeling has disappeared as his heart quickly beating fast from excitement and delight from what he has just done.

Although the smell of blood remain disgusting to Snow, however, being bath with it felt like he was breathing more easily than ever, as the craziness of a blood race was finally been released after so many years of being quiet.

This is the hidden and true nature of Zou Yi, fortunately for everyone, Zou Yi was very hard to be affected by certain things and cannot lose control of his emotion so easily, mostly remaining docile and harmless, even during the blood war a thousand year ago, Zou Yi has rarely made an action, preferring to just defend than attacking.

"So what are these more people coming that I heard about?"

Seemingly gentle Snow asked the captured youth as he stares down at him, although he saw about how the two brothers that have been disguising as the two masked men subordinate the entire time stand up straighter while their eyes twitching in agitation.

At least these two brothers aren't running away screaming in fear, while the young woman is currently holding up the weak and injured Yan Liwei.

There weren't any enemies nearby when he has been gazing at the Game Map when he observes their surrounding before, unless, another barrier has been set up somewhere that his Game Map failed to detect because it happened before unless, inside the barrier, Snow is unable to completely observe the people within it.

The reason why he knows about what is inside the barrier was that Flake has secretly sneak inside it already.

"Speak, I will give you a painless death if you do so."

However, the young man seemed to remain quiet, although scared but there is a stubbornness remaining deep within his eyes, Snow remains silent for a second as he deeply stares at the young men before his lip curl up in a terrible way.

"... you know, I specifically let some of your men alive right now"

The young man's body tenses up, while warily eyeing at the bloodied blood race standing like a higher-up before him causing him to feel hatred but at the same time anxious about what this blood race is about to do.

"You seemed to like showing 'love', so how about I let them 'love' you at the same time while we witness it while waiting when you are finally ready to speak?"

Snow voice remains calm and soft, but the words he has spoken give everyone a chill, even Yan Liwei eyes widen in surprise because this Zou Yi before him is entirely different from what he remembers.

However, it can be explained that the passage of time has also changed his friend a bit.

"W-wait! Stop! I'll speak right now!"

The youth face turned pale, having no courage to continue being stubborn, he can accept if he was killed but to be 'played' within a torturous way is something that he doesn't want to experience!

"Go on, I am waiting."

After a few seconds, the youth mouth open, and while he was speaking, his pale face began to twist in a nasty way, seemingly remembering how these people will be dealt with once the groups of people will soon arrive.

"Our plan has been failing, not only once but twice already, the higher up has become suspicious, especially regarding the second one when there seemed to be someone that isn't supposed to be riding the airplane with the elder of Water that day. Although we seemed to be unable to remember about that person's appearance, nonetheless, we became doubtful that someone is getting in our way to capture the elder's blood race the entire time!"

"And you really emerged! Hahaha, the moment you appeared, I already send a message detailing that someone is going against us the entire time! Now, a bunch of people will be coming to either capture or remove every one of you! Hahaha, after I finish speaking I am sure that any second now will they appeared!"

The youth that has been quiet seemed to unable stop talking, his eyes turning in an insane way as he spoke in a way that seemed like he was the one who has won.


With a soft sound, in a single second, the youth head raises up high while having a twisted smile, today he will die from them or the organization so either way, why should he remain passive?

" At least, I want to take some of you with me! Hahaha!"

Suddenly, the youth body seemed to contain a powerful burst of power which is ready to erupt dangerously any seconds, causing everyone face to turn pale at the dangerous crisis that they have all felt.

However, a flash of black-figure has quickly appeared before a loud crack sound echoed out as those dangerous sharp fang plunge at the youth thin neck.

Soon, the huge black beast has instantly taken the youth body that is barely alive inside the shadow where he came from before the chaotic energy erupts completely, in the youth sights while he was being dragged inside the bottomless abyss, the calm expression along with the disdainful crimson bloody eyes of the blood race that has been getting in their way was ingrained deep into his mind.

Along with the indifferent voice being the last thing he heard before his entire body has exploded inside the darkness a second later.

"You think I will fall for the same trick twice?"

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