Sorcerer… Cyborg???

Chapter 151: Loss(2)

Chapter 151: Loss(2)

[What was I thinking? That letter was no better than having Rotan send a signed death warrant to Trinquile, Krieg, the absolute *****, I'll end him!] Kothar screamed out internally, though Ophil's loss had upset him, that had happened on the battlefield, where death and wounds were expected, this was completely different, Krieg had killed Rotan in cold blood.

[We don't know all the facts yet, Kothar. And besides, this is exactly what Krieg will want you to do, to get enraged and go searching for him] Silane consoled the furious Kothar, who quickly took a few deep breaths and gathered himself.

Kothar looked up and saw both Anteris and Tam watching him, looks of genuine concern on their faces.

"You alright?" Both of them said in unison, and Kothar simply nodded in agreement,

"If this is too much for you Kothar, I can give you the details some time later" Tam said softly to Kothar, patting his son on the shoulder, he had never expected his son to be so bombarded by tragedy. First his mother, and then betrayal, and now the death of Rotan.

"I'll be alright, please continue." Kothar composed himself, taking deep, even breaths, and he felt the flood of emotions subside, everyday, as he grew older and older, it seemed his emotions were more and more difficult to keep under control.

"This is what I know. A battlemage, who fits the description I have off Kothar's mentor, arrived at the castle, he met privately with Rotan, on Rotan's own request. They talked for a while, and then he left. But when Lief returned to Rotan, he found that he had been killed, with a lance of spatial energy through the chest. Traces of Spatial Mana were around the wound, and it was characteristic of wounds from Spatial Magic, as the missing flesh had been removed entirely, and the edges of the wound were far too clean for any other weapon to create." Tam slowly stated the facts as he knew them, all the while watching Kothar, making sure his son didn't take the news too harshly.

Kothar's rage boiled up into his gut, and he felt as though he might explode in anger, as it roiled within, Silane's soothing voice faded in and out of his awareness, but he managed to pull himself together.

"I think his purpose was to bait you Kothar, which is why, even though you would be the most obvious choice to take the throne, I won't be sending you to Ursten. Understood?" Tam rubbed his sword hilt deep in thought, even his brows were furrowed in anger, how had Krieg dared to murder Ursten's king right in his castle, only fifty odd years ago a Mage from the Academy would not have even dared to spit in the streets of Balin, but now they took the life of his king. 

As long as this campaign was successful, Tam reassured himself, then the Mages would fear him, not only those of Trinquile, but all of them.

"What do you mean, Father? Why would I be the obvious choice to take the throne?" Tam's words roused Kothar from the spinning thoughts of anger and hate for Krieg, and he was filled with confusion. Surely Tam would be a far better choice.

"Rotan left no heirs, and while I might have a far better claim to the throne, I have already thrown all my resources and efforts into this campaign. And besides, Anteris has-" Tam started explaining to Kothar but was interrupted by Anteris.

"I'll be the one to tell him. Kothar, my lad. In the absence of my son, I have decided that it is you who shall have Newport after my death or departure from this plane. But I truly do hope that during this war with the Empire, I manage to reclaim my enslaved son. However, hope is merely an empty promise with ourselves, in order to bear on during hard times." Anteris said with a resigned sigh, slouching back into his chair.

"I cannot return to the mainland either, who else will command this fleet? We cannot leave Ursten without a King while we roam the rest of the Isle. What'll it be?" Anteris added with concerned looks to both Tam and Kothar.

"Many will think me a fool for this appointment, but I would recommend Baron Leynish as Regent, to hold the throne until either myself or Kothar return to Ursten. He has grown much since our first clash with Kalun both in battle prowess and in maturity, and he has a good troop of experienced soldiers around him." Tam's voice had the slightest hint of uncertainty within it, but he was truly out of options. But Tam consoled himself with the fact that he had the bulk of Ursten's manpower with his army, and if Leynish were to even consider rebellion, he would be thoroughly crushed by the might of the Southern Tribes and the Ursten Army combined, after all, Tam would still be Grand Marshal.

"Does he have a claim?" Anteris asked, the nobles would not accept anyone on the throne who didn't share blood with the royal family.

"Yes, his father was a second cousin of Rotan's grandfather, and with how much more powerful he has grown recently, I think he'll be able to keep those nobles that remain in Ursten in line." Tam's flashed a rare sly grin, he couldn't wait to see how the nobles tried to push around 'little' Leynish, how they'd react when they faced him as he was now.

"Alright, I'll be off them." Anteris strode off, and the soldiers who had returned to their fires now all craned their necks and watched in amazement as the comment streaked through the sky again, back towards where the fleet was docked.

"I know this'll be weighing on you, Kothar. That's why I'm giving you an assignment to carry out. You'll split off from the Nighthawks on your next mission, understood?" Tam pulled a listless Kothar to his feet and gave him a hearty slap on the back, before unrolling a map of the southern half of the Isle.

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