Sorcerer… Cyborg???

Chapter 150: Bad News

Chapter 150: Bad News

Tam stood outside the tent, his arms crossed, it wouldn't be long before Anteris arrived, Tam's eyes kept scanning the sky. There. Off in the distance, a flaming comet rocketed up into the air, travelling in a high arc, aiming right towards Tam's tent.

Anteris was surrounded in a flaming aura, and he had a large grin on his face, this never got old for him; he looked down at the shocked faces of the Ursten soldiers as he flew through the air over them.

"Everybody back up, the Duke wants to show off today!" Tam frowned slightly, surely Anteirs wouldn't be so reckless as to crash into the tents of his men. 

Within a few short moments, the men all around Tam had created a large clearing, and there was a thunderous crash as Anteris slammed into the ground with a flash of flame, throwing up a large cloud of dust. 

The dust slowly settled and Anteris walked out from it, to the amazement of the many gathered soldiers, they had had many debates with the soldiers while they whiled their time away on the ships, wondering whose leader was stronger, and until now, none of them had believed that Anteris could even hold a candle to Tam, but this display had changed their mind, and rejuvenated their confidence in the might of their army. 

"Nothing else to see here, clear out of here, all of you!" Anteris grinned at the awestruck soldiers as he yelled at them, only half serious. The gathered men saluted as they filtered back to their tents and makeshift arenas. Tribesmen and noblemen alike mingled as they discussed Anteris' strength, and wondered if there was any army that could stand against both of their might. 

"Good to see that you haven't decided to hunt down every magical beast on this island, I heard some fine tales of your escapades on the mainland." Anteris smiled as he shook Tam's hand, it had only been a few days since they had occupied Multas, but both men had been far too busy dealing with the logistics of such a large army.

"Hahaha, go on and wait inside the tent, I'm just waiting for a soldier who'll join us. He shouldn't be too long." Tam moved the tent flap aside for Anteris to enter, and stood waiting for Kothar. Inside the tent, Anteirs wondered which of Tam's soldiers were so trustworthy that he'd allow them to join what seemed to be such an important discussion. 

Anteris sat down on one of the many chairs that surrounded the enormous, polished wood table that dominated Tam's tent, covered with maps, and encoded letter after letter from what Anteris suspected was a comprehensive spy network that spanned the Isle. 

Tam truly was full of surprises, if it hadn't been for the information that Tam had, much of which Anteris suspected had been gathered by the infamous Nighthawk unit, Anteris would not have joined this ridiculous mission against the Empire.

Anteris picked up a small carved wooden boat from the map, and smiled at how accurately it portrayed one his vessels, he held it up to the light, it even had the correct number of oars. 

"I see you've made yourself comfortable." Tam said as he entered the tent, joined by a soldier who wore a helm that covered his face, and ornate armor that designated that he would be a man of some importance in Tam's personal guard.

"Who's this now?" Anteris asked in a confused tone, this wasn't any of Tam's lieutenants, and he hadn't seen this man in command of any units whatsoever.

"Rufus of the Nighthawks, at your service." Came the light hearted reply from Kothar, who removed the helm and revealed his face.

"Kothar, my good lad! It's good to see you, now why are you hiding away as one of those reckless Nighthawks!" Anteirs practically leapt at Kothar, wrapping him in a bone crushing hug, and tousling his hair as he did so.

"It's a long story, Duke Anteris, but long story short my mentor from the Academy is after my life.:" Kothar squeezed out a tired grin, and Anteris dropped him back onto the ground.,

'How preposterous! I shall show him what's what, how dare he!" Anteris yelled, and if not for the runic constructs on the tent much of the camp would have heard him.

"Let's get to the matter at hand, Duke. I'm sure Father has good reason for summoning us both here." Kothar pat Anteris on the shoulder to calm him down, and the Duke nodded as he deflated a little, but his eyes still had a spark of flame within them, his fury still bubbling beneath the surface. 

"So, what is so urgent that you've brought both myself and young Kothar here? Anteris asked , almost growling, still furious. The three of them were so alike in appearance that one could confuse them as Grandfather, Father and Son, especially with the piercing blue eyes that they all had. 

"It's Rotan. The King is dead." Tam said bluntly, but even he could not hide the hint of grief in his voice. Kothar sat there numbly as he heard the words coming out from Tam's mouth.

It couldn't be because of the letter he had asked Rotan to write, could it? Kothar sat silent, as the words echoed over and over again in his head. 

"What was the cause of his death?" Kothar swallowed the lump in his throat and asked, his voice choked with grief.

"I can't say for sure, but I believe he was murdered, by a skilled Spatial Mage." Tam said softly, putting a hand over Kothar's. Immediately, Kothar's mind swum with images of Rotan, when he had first met the King and he h ad congratulated him on his service, when Rotan had allowed them to pick whatever he liked from his treasury and how eager he had been to help Kothar.

Kothar was wracked with guilt, it could only be Krieg who had killed him, and he felt as if he had sent Rotan to die by Krieg's hand himself.

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