Single Stat System

Chapter 55: The Name Bearing The Sin Itself

Chapter 55: The Name Bearing The Sin Itself

At first, Sakim planned to collect every valuable item he could find on that battlefield. After all, he would definitely have a huge gain if he collected them all.

But after thinking about it for some time, he realized that that action would definitely increase the level of his greed. If that happened, greed would certainly consume him again as he would slowly but surely turn into the monster he used to be.

So as reluctant as he was, he could only grit his teeth and endure the temptation whispering in his ears. Instead of picking up the scraps from the dog fight that just transpired, Sakim chose to help the captain of the knights and asked for direction.

But then, it wouldn't be bad as well if these knights would reward him after the good deeds he had done.

After all, he was currently short on money. After slaying hundreds of monsters on his way to the beginner's village, he only got more or less, three thousand copper coins. It still wasn't enough to even use the heartstone even once.

"Now then," After confirming what was Sakim's thought, the captain finally shifted his fierce gaze to Han. And Han, upon seeing the captain's eyes, had his heart hastening its beat as if it wanted to run away already. As if a bad premonition was ready to happen at any moment.

The knights' captain then stood from the ground as Sakim followed suit. Nonetheless, his gaze was still fixed at Han as Sakim gazed at him as well without any emotion.

"C-captain?" Han swallowed a mouthful of saliva before forcing out a smile. What's wrong with this atmosphere? Why could he feel a chill going down to his spine?

But before he knew it, he was already punched on his face and was sent flying leaving only some of his blood that spurted from his mouth. He then dropped on the ground with his head first resulting in his limbs twitching uncontrollably.

After which, the captain shifted his gaze to the three as he ordered coldly, "You three, help me clean up this mess!"

"Yes!" The three didn't dare to disobey him. They hurriedly dispersed and see if other knights could be alive and needed some treatment.

After some time, they finally finished cleaning up the mess. All the injured knights were treated with the help of the four who just happened to have many spare healing potions. It was just unfortunate that some of the knights who died in the battle were couldn't be healed anymore. They could only bring their corpses back at home and lament for their death.

In any case, it was still a huge loss for the four of them. It had to be known that healing potions cost a lot. They could only cry inwardly thinking about the encounter they anticipated as a huge gain would only be ruined by a mere new player. This hatred, they would definitely repay it in the future! That face, they would never forget it!

But right now, they could only suppress their hatred in the presence of the knights around them. They were afraid that if they didn't do so, the captain would be angered and lock them in the prison.

In any case, all the robbers that were still alive were tied up. With the price on their heads, it would really fetch a lot of money if the knights brought them to Zone 7.

Moreover, everything valuable from them was confiscated by the knights. And those who died were also going to be brought back. After all, even if they were already dead, their head didn't lose their value for they were wanted dead or alive.

And this made the four of them cry out in their heart again. They'd already lost something valuable by helping the knights to recover, but in the end, they didn't even get anything from those robbers of which they were the ones who were chasing them. How nice of a revenge would it be if they could just get anything from these robbers, right?

Meanwhile, seeing that everything was now all ready, the captain came to Sakim and said with a smile, "Sorry young man for the wait, we can leave now."

"Alright," Sakim nodded. Compared to the 1,000 silvers he received from the captain, waiting for an hour wasn't too much of a bother. With this amount of money, he could use the heartstone ten times. He never expected that it would be much easier to get money by helping others than slaying monsters. Should he just live his life in this world as a good Samaritan and help everyone in need?

Sakim, however, shuddered on that thought. Living as a good Samaritan? He felt that he was not Sakim if he lived that way. Not being greedy and act indifferently was already enough. But moving up to the next level and become a good man? He felt that it was a bit too much.

Even though Sakim helped these knights in need, he knew full well that he regretted that actions. After all, if he'd just looted everything they had, he knew that he would get not only 1,000 silvers, but many folds higher than that. Surely, forcing yourself to be a good man was not really that easy. If not for the punishment mentioned by the System that he recalled from time to time, Sakim would not even bother sparing a thought of helping someone.

"Anyway young man, what's your name?" The captain asked curiously. He could see that this young man was not an ordinary player. Although he could see clearly that he was a new player, the aura he gave was just simply terrifying as if he lived his life on top of the world for already a long time now. Surely, this guy was a talented individual. And it wouldn't take long for him to reach heights that were impossible for him. With that in mind, he thought that it was a good idea to befriend this kind of people.

"Sakim," Sakim replied calmly.

"S-sakim?" The captain was rather taken aback with a widened eyes. But after a moment, he suddenly laughed out loud and continued, "You're joking, right?"

Sakim frowned slightly, "Why would I joke with you?"

The captain then laughed dryly for a moment before he asked, "You serious?"

"Yes, why?" Sakim's frown became deeper. Was there a problem with his name? This guy was really suspicious.

"No-nothing," The captain continued to laugh dryly as he scratched the back of his head. After a moment he added, "Anyway, let's go."

He then turned around to face the other knights that were now ready to depart. At that time, it was probably because of the Inventory they had in the System, but there was now a few carriages in there carrying the dead and captured robbers. Surprisingly, these carriages didn't have a horse and were probably mechanically being driven.

"Young man, get into whichever carriage you like. Since the heartstone in the Wide Plains was just nearby, it wouldn't take long for us to reach there." The captain said before he left and went in one of the carriages, the one in the very front.

Sakim watched his back disappearing through the carriage. But why did he feel that the other party was in a hurry to get away from him? His guts were telling him that there was something amiss here.

Nonetheless, Sakim didn't think much of it as he got in one of the carriages, the one in the very last. Surprisingly, only after sitting inside the carriage did he recalled that this carriage was actually where the captured bandits were being taken.

Probably, it was because the knights were confident in the chains they put on these bandits, but none of them was inside that carriage to guard the captives. Only the driver and the other knight who was seated beside him were there.

But since Sakim was already seated inside that carriage, he might as well stay there. It was not as if he cared whoever the passenger in the carriage would be.

"Take care, everyone!" As the carriages operated and left, the four who planned to pick scraps, waved their hands with a bright smile.

But seeing the carriages were already quite far, the four of them had immediately turned serious.

Lyn then opened her mouth and said seriously, "Did you hear his name?"

"Yes," Ruby responded seriously. "I never thought that that guy has a name bearing the sin itself."

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