Silent Witch

Extra Story 14: The Thorn Witch Wants To Have Friends

Extra Story 14: The Thorn Witch Wants To Have Friends

Raul Roseburg's ancestor, the first Thorn Witch, was such a famous and great magician that no one in the kingdom who does not know her. She was an extraordinary genius who not only can manipulate plants at will, but also developed numerous magic formulas, and even was able to use the Black Flame, which is forbidden these days, to slaughter many dragons back then.

But she was not just an ordinary hero. It was said that her outrageous behavior made her existence become a legend.

She used anyone she didn't like as a test subject for her sorcery and made roses suck the living blood of young men. Rumors are saying she made anyone she didn't like become her test subject for sorcery or that she cultivated roses on the young men to suck their blood. There are no definite proofs, but one thing that can be testimonies is the king at that time was at her mercy.

Because her beauty was so out of this world, not only the king, even all the men of the kingdom were smitten by her charm.

A legendary witch with immense mana and matchless beauty who ruled the kingdom. That is Raul's ancestor.

Born with the beauty and magic inherited from his ancestor, Raul has been carefully raised as the heir to the Roseburg family ever since he can remember.

Raul often heard the adults in the Roseburg family believe he is the reborn of his first ancestor and told him a story of how outstanding the first Thorn Witch was. However, he was still unable to believe what they say.

Even when the Roseburgs all praise the Thorn Witch, all the children in the city say otherwise.

In fact, when he actually read his ancestor's biography, it turned out the children of the city were right all along.

Since Raul wanted to have some friends, he often went to chat with other kids in the city during his break training session. But no one wants to become his friend.

They never invite him to play because he was the descendant of a scary witch. Therefore, he tried another way to make friends and hid his identity. Unfortunately, his appearance was too conspicuous to hide.

He has the same rosy wavy hair, jade green eyes, and outstandingly beautiful face as the first Thorn Witch spoken of in the legend. The Roseburgs praised his appearance highly, but to the people in the city, the boy was too beautiful to be anything but an anomaly.

Apart from the Roseburgs, the only person who took care of Raul was Mary Harvey the Star Oracle Witch.

All of them are talking about my ancestor too much.

So the young Raul tried to rake his brain.

He even introduced himself as the descendant of the Toilet Witch in order to change their impression of his ancestor. Even so, people's perception of him remains unchanged.

The adults of Roseburg told him to practice offensive magic, but he ignored them all. If he had mastered offensive magic while possessing that much mana, it would only make people more afraid of him instead.

Instead, it was better to use his abundance of mana to create a large flower garden or farm. If he grows lots of beautiful flowers and delicious vegetables and gives them to those in need, he was sure the impression of the Thorn Witch will change.

With this in mind, Raul worked diligently to cultivate the field. And like that, he gave his self-grown vegetables to people he met.

Even then, no one wants to become Raul's friend. They kept avoiding Raul just because he was the descendant of the scary witch.

After passing his sixteenth birthday, Raul took on the name of the fifth Thorn Witch and became the Seven Sages. People praise him highly for being the youngest Seven Sages, even then no one wanted to become his friend.

If in the end, he will take over that name, at least he wanted to change the name of the Thorn Witch to the Thorn Magician, but even such a trivial request would not be granted by his family. They said that name is very special in the Roseburg family, it could be said it was their identity. Therefore, they would not allow that identity to die out.

Raul, who thus became the Seven Sages of Thorn Witch, just found out that there was a man relatively close in age to him among the Seven Sages.

He was eighteen years old at the time, and his name was Ray Albright the Abyss Shaman.

Someone from the Albright family, which is as prestigious as the Roseburg family, might be able to understand his difficulties. They might be able to get along.

With these expectations in mind, Raul spoke to Ray.

"Hey, I'm Raul Roseburg the fifth Thorn Witch! Nice to meet you!"

At Raul's request for a handshake with a sparkle in his eye, Ray said something with a face like the end of the world.

"Curse the man with the pretty face"

Raul pretended not to have heard that offending remark and offered his prized vegetables.

"Wanna have a vegetable?"

"No, thanks Ugh, with that face of yours and a healthy body that tempered under the sun, such an incompatible combination aargh, my eyes are my eyes are burning"

Since then, Raul has hardly spoken to Ray.

In the first place, Ray was a frequent absentee at the Seven Sages' meeting, so they didn't even have much of a chance to see each other.

A year later, two seats of the Seven Sages were replaced.

The new members were Louis Miller the Barrier Magician and Monica Everett the Silent Witch.

The Silent Witch, in particular, was 15 years old, two years younger than Raul. She was the talk of the city because she had broken Raul's record of being the youngest Seven Sages he set a year earlier.

If it were the genius Silent Witch, he might be able to befriend her without being afraid of himself.

So Raul approached Monica with great enthusiasm on the day when she and Louis participated in the meeting of the Seven Sages for the first time.

"Heya there, I'm Raul Roseburg the Thorn Witch! Since we're the only youngster here, we should be friends with each other! Nice to meet you!"


"That's right, as a token of our friendship, I'll give you this vegetable. Here."

Monica let out a strange exclamation and rolled back her eyes white when Raul offered her a carrot.

He later learned that the Silent Witch was an extremely shy person and could not speak properly with new acquaintances. Come to think of it, she also had hyperventilation and collapsed during the interview for the selection of the Seven Sages.

In the end, Raul didn't have many opportunities to have a conversation with Monica after that.

Monica, who had social withdrawal, spent most of her time in a mountain cabin all year around and rarely showed up in the meeting of Seven Sages.

In the banquet hall of the new year's ceremony, Raul filled his plate with the dishes and approached Ray, who was huddled against the wall.

"Hey, Ray. Have you eaten yet? This meat sauce is really good. I think it would go well with my vegetables. If I'd know this, I would have brought carrots in my pocket."

"where that confidence comes to have a nerve bringing his own vegetables to the banquet would not be scolded, if only I have that much confidence I wish all the confident good-looking men are extinct"

"Oh, come to think of it, I saw Monica's hand radiating some kind of light. It was your doing, wasn't it?"

"now he didn't even listen to what people say this is why I don't like people who think of themselves as the center of the world"

"Hey, tell me, how did you do that?"

Raul's jade-green eyes sparkled like a curious child.

Ray clicked his tongue and answered in a tired voice.

"I only put a curse to light some part of her body."

"Wow, that's cool! Hey, let's try it on me. If possible make it my whole body shines! It sounds useful for tending the garden at night!"

"I hope the bugs flocks on you"

Ray stared still at Raul with his gloomy eyes and mumbled bitterly again. But Raul didn't pay to his ranting and stuffed his mouth with the dishes from his plates.

There may nothing favorable coming from Ray's mouth, but even so, he feels no fear toward the Thorn Witch. Monica is the same. Neither of them is afraid of Raul.

Yup, I guess this kind of relationship is also a friendship.

Raul nodded in convinced and began to think about what activity he should do with his friends next.

Perhaps he should go with the current trend of inviting friends to his house at least once. Since there is a magnificence in the Roseburg family, it would be better if he shows them around his prized garden. Although half of it has recently been transformed into vegetable farms because of his hobby.

He wants them to eat his prized vegetables. Especially since his cabbages are growing really well this year.

"I decided, we should do harvesting cabbages together next time! I'll teach you how to be good at harvesting!"

Damn, I've had enough with him, Ray muttered with a dying look on his face, but it didn't reach Raul's ears who was now explaining how to harvest the cabbage.

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