Silent Witch

Book 11: Chapter 8: I Only Want To Say One Thing

Book 11: Chapter 8: I Only Want To Say One Thing

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The servant of Duke Crockford led her to the most opulent guest room. A room befitting of the most powerful figure in the kingdom.

"Master, I have brought Lady Silent Witch with me."

"Bring her inside."

His voice didn't sound too loud but strangely she could hear it clearly.

The servant opened the door and urged Monica to come inside.

Monica adjusted her hood to make it properly over her head again and stepped into the room.

Inside, she saw a man over sixty years old with blond hair mixed with gray, sitting on the sofa. He was Duke Crockford.

"Thank you for willing to spare your time, Miss Silent Witch."

Duke Crockford said shortly and urged Monica to take the seat across from him.

Once Monica took her seat, the servant made tea for the two and left the room. At the same time, she felt like there is some kind of barrier formed in the room. Perhaps it was a soundproofing barrier to prevent eavesdropping.

She did not touch the tea that had been prepared at all but only observed Duke Crockford under her hood.

Even in his old age, she could see the resembles of Felix's good-looking appearance in his youth.

However, different from Felix who always put a calm and friendly smile on his face, Duke Crockford had some kind of dignity and solemnity that make anyone who is facing him would feel shudder.

This is the most powerful figure in the kingdom.

Just by simply sitting down and facing him had made her feel like being swallowed by his pressure. But she clenched her fists on her knees to at least hold her stomach pain and keep her body from shaking.

Duke Crockford didn't touch his tea as well, but he looked at Monica sharply and opened his mouth.

"You won't take off your hood even when sitting with me, huh?"

Just hearing him say that made her want to take off her hood and flatly apologize. That's how intimidating his voice was.

Even then, Monica did not make any move and continued to stare at him from under the hood. And the duke didn't say any more than that.

Time passed without a single word being spoken between them.

Duke Crockford squinted languidly.

"In public, only the king's crown, the clergyman's cap, and the court magician's robe shall be formal attire' I see, you have not disobeyed any of the rules of etiquette. A wise decision."

She felt like she was being tested.

If Monica has resigned to his pressure and taken off her hood, Duke Crockford would have probably looked down on her. He might think of her as a little girl who would easily be swayed by some coercion.

But the truth is she was just too nervous to move and too afraid to take off her hood in front of people.

While Monica froze like a statue, Duke Crockford laced his finger in his lap.

"So you keep your silent even when facing me, Miss Silent Witch."

I'm sorry! I'm just too nervous to talk! If I speak right now I'll bite my tongue for sure!

Some issues might appear if she were to say, why did you call me here?'. Especially to her tongue.

"It's alright. I'm the one who called you here. Let's get straight to the main point."

T-Thank goodness we can start to get down to business

She felt like she was already fraying her nerves before getting down to the main topic. As Monica patted her chest in her mind, Duke Crockford continued his speak indifferently.

"First of all, I would like to express my gratitude and respect to you for standing up to the threats that have threatened our Ridill Kingdom in recent years especially the Black Dragon Wogan and the Cursed Dragon of Reinberg."


Monica had mixed feelings when she heard this. After all, it's not like she had exterminated the Black Dragon Wogan, and as for the cursed dragon in Reinberg, she suspected the duke has some involvement behind the incident.

Isn't the whole cursed dragon incident initiated by you?

She hesitated for a moment before she stopped expressing her thoughts.

The man in front of her has better communication than Felix. Even though she puts some bait, she didn't think he would take it. If anything, it would only expose her cards.

The only people who know that the cursed dragon incident was initiated by someone is Lord Abyss Shaman and me It's better to keep this information to ourselves.

If she carelessly let some hint out even for a bit, he would be able to figure out all of their information. With just one mistake, all her actions pointing to suspect Duke Crockford would be exposed. Therefore, silence is the best move for now. At the moment, she needs to find out why Duke Crockford called her.

"I have a request that requires you, the best magician in the kingdom, needs to be fulfilled."

A request?

She felt somewhat doubtful about this request, but the duke continued with his words.

"I want you to become the second prince, Felix Ark Ridill's personal guard."

A thought crossed Monica's mind.

I mean, that's what I'm doing until noooooooooow

She was startled for a moment but then collected her thoughts. Duke Crockford does not know Monica's top-secret mission to guard Felix which requires her to infiltrate the Serendia Academy. Since the only people who know about this are Louis and the king himself.

She took any precarious to not show her agitation, but her thoughts were racing.

What is Duke Crockford's intention for asking the Silent Witch to become Felix's personal guard?

is he perhaps want to bring me into the second prince faction?

Even unwillingly, Monica was the most notable Seven Sages at present. She is the hero who defeated the two most evil dragons, the Black Dragon Wogan and the Cursed Dragon of Reinberg, and also the youngest Seven Sages.

In particular, since the cursed dragon was supposed to have been defeated after a joint battle between the second prince and the Silent Witch, people naturally assumed that there was no small amount of interaction between them. That is where Duke Crockford's attention was drawn.

If Monica officially becomes Felix's personal guard, regardless of which prince Monica actually supports, people will think that the dragon-slaying hero, the Silent Witch, has joined the second prince's faction.

The mere fact that the Silent Witch has accepted Duke Crockford's request and become the second prince's personal guard is enough to convince everyone that she had become a member of the second prince's faction.

If I'm talking about the second prince's faction, the Jeweled Magician is the only Seven Sages that had joined his faction But if I took part in the second prince's faction, the power balance among the princes would crumble

Or perhaps that is what Duke Crockford wants.

"Would you like to accept it?"

At the Duke of Crockford's request, Monica shook her head wordlessly.

In the first place, Monica has already received a direct order from the king to guard Felix. Under such circumstances, she could not possibly accept Duke Crockford's request.

Duke Crockford just stared at Monica intently. It's not like he moved his eyebrow or frown, but she feel like the pressure on her becomes more heavy.

"I am aware the Seven Sages are direct subordinates of the king. And I am also aware only His Majesty can give orders to them but with His Majesty's well-being not in good condition, I, with provisional authority that has been bestowed to me, am requesting to you on behalf of His Majesty."

Monica is aware of that fact as well.

but, I'm certain His Majesty hasn't delegated his authority regarding the Seven Sages to him.

The Seven Sages held that much power within the kingdom. That is why they are respected by the nobles and princes.

Currently, Duke Crockford could be said the representative of the king himself, but even so, he does not have the authority to command the Seven Sages as he pleases. So he could only ask' not order'. Therefore, Monica has the right to refuse his request.

Monica shook her head, implying she cannot accept his request, and Duke Crockford only looked at her silently without making any move.

The silent atmosphere felt so heavy as if her throat was being choked. Still, Monica endured it silently.

"I will grant you any wishes you desire. Just recently, there is some discussion to make the position of the Head of the Seven Sages to unite the Seven Sages. If you want, I could make that position yours."

Supposing the position of the Head of the Seven Sages is officially established, it would be the king who would decide upon it, not him.

And yet, he spoke so confidently, which can only mean one thing.

This man is planning to seize everything in this kingdom.

"Sooner or later, Felix will be the king of this kingdom. I will have Felix, the puppet who will obey everything that I say, appoint you as the Head of the Seven Sages."

At these words, everything in front of Monica became blank. It was as if her fury had swallowed everything before her.

Driven by fury which was too lukewarm to be called an emotion, Monica got up from the sofa.

To make herself look as eerie as possible in the eyes of Duke Crockford, she moved as silently as possible without letting her anger out.

Afterward, she lightly raised her right hand to activate her disarming magic, and the barrier, a soundproof barrier that prevented eavesdropping which had been in place since she entered the room, was dispersed.

The soundproof barrier was probably erected by the servant outside who guided Monica here. And the act of destroying the barrier forcibly only meant the negotiation was broken off.

She had expressed her intention. Afterward, she only needs to leave the room quietly.

but on the contrary, she turned her head to Duke Crockford and said with a fury which was very unlikely coming from Monica.

"My wish is not something you can fulfill."

If anything, Monica has only one wish for this heartless duke. And it was to bring the whole truth coming to light.

Are you the one behind the cursed dragon incident?

Are you involved in my father's death?

How come His Highness would obey all your orders?

Even though she asks all of these questions, she is certain he would not give his answer.

Monica could not see the expression on Duke Crockford's face since she had turned her back on him. However, she felt a stabbing pressure she had never felt before coming from behind.

Monica suppressed her shaking legs and left the room. She saw the servant, who probably had put up the soundproof barrier earlier, standing outside the door, looking at Monica as if he were looking at something terrifying.

Earlier when Monica took control of the barrier and destroyed it, she had not used any offensive magic. At a glance, it appeared more peaceful, but it was actually extremely more intimidating than it looks. After all, to take control of the barrier others had put up requires an overwhelming difference in ability.

This man must have realized how world apart their ability was.

Monica paid no further attention to the man and walked down the corridor toward the Jade Room. The Jade Room is the place where only the king and the Seven Sages are allowed to enter now that the other Seven Sages are attending the banquet, it becomes the perfect place for her to be alone.

Just as she quietly climbed the stairs, she saw a human figure standing near the Jade Room.

He was Felix, a tall young man in formal attire. It was rare to see his hair a little disheveled. He must have run out of the banquet hall.

"I heard you were summoned by my grandfather, Lady Everett."


"Did he say anything to you?"

Now she understands why Felix didn't know anything of what Duke Crockford had told to her. He is just a puppet. A beautiful puppet who merely acts according to Duke Crockford's bidding.

You even didn't know why he had killed my father but why do you allow yourself to follow that person's bidding?

Swallowing the words that were almost in her throat, Monica slipped past Felix and walked into the Jade Room.

"Lady Everett, did my grandfather make unreasonable demands on you?"

He sounded desperate. He probably really cares about the Silent Witch. Even so, she was afraid of him because she didn't know what he thinks or desires.

Monica unlocked the door of the Jade Room with the key in her trembling hand and stepped into the room. She then closed the door while hearing Felix's desperate voice behind her.

Felix stood still as he was listening to the sound of the door slamming shut.

"Your Highness"

He heard a subdued voice. It was Will disguised as a lizard in his pocket. In response, he lightly pressed his hand over his pocket, gesturing that he could hear his voice.

"I guess we should speed up our plans a little bit."

He had been aware Duke Crockford had pulled many strings to ensure Felix will be enthroned as king. Felix was able to overlook it since he still can be of use to him but it was different if he dare to mess with the Silent Witch.

To Felix, the Silent Witch is his idol, his hero. Totally different compared to himself, who is a false hero.

Once all the groundwork to crown myself is complete, I will ask that crook ruler to leave the kingdom.

Thanks to Madame Cassandra, he had all the information he needs. He has also made the necessary arrangements to restrain the Jeweled Magician who sided with Duke Crockford.

All that was left to do was to stick the blade to that man's neck like plucking a chess piece from the board and tell him a checkmate.

It would be a laughing matter if the newly enthroned king turns out to be a puppet king.

Mary Harvey the Star Oracle Witch, after changing her robe into a dress, went back to the banquet hall and saw Bradford Firestone the Artillery Magician, drunkenly holding a barrel of wine.

Beside the red-faced snoring Bradford was Louis Miller the Barrier Magician, elegantly sipping a glass of wine with a sober expression.

"My, it's the same scene as the last year."

Mary approached him, causing the hem of her thin silk sways in her walk, and Louis parted his lips from the glass and smiled charmingly. There was no trace of drunkness appearing on his face.

"Would you like a glass? This year's red wines are particularly good."

"Sure. But I'm just curious, how many bottles did you empty?"

"I wonder. I haven't counted it."

In contrast to Louis' appearance, he's quite a heavy drinker to be able to treat wine like juices.

Mary tipped her glass and took a sip, savoring the lingering taste as she watched the guests.

Emanuel Darwin the Jeweled Magician was busy currying favor with the nobles of the second prince's faction. He owned several workshops and had many apprentices to manufacture and sells magical tools. He probably wants to expand his sales channels.

A little further away by the wall, Ray Albright the Abyss Shaman was spreading his depressing air, and Raul Roseburg the Thorn Witch, who was stuck with him, was talking all sorts of things with a plate of food in his hand.

"Oh, Monica's not here?"

"She's leaving not long ago like in a hurry."

Mary stared at Louis, looking for an answer.

Louis parted his lips off the glass with what?' and looked back at Mary half-heartedly.

"Lil Louishow much do you know?"

"What are you talking about?"

"The talk about the king's well-being."

Louis sloshed wine into his empty glass and answered half-heartedly.

"I only know the physician was unable to help."


The hem of her dress swayed as Mary drew closer to Louis and she looked straight into the grayish-purple eyes behind his single pair of glasses.

"Tell me, Lil Louis who do you think will become the king?"

"Do you really want to start that sensitive topic here?"

"I don't think anyone here has conscious to listen. Besides, I'm certain they are thinking the same thing."

This new year's ceremony becomes a place to test the water before choosing the next king.

The domestic nobles, especially the neutral ones, were carefully observing how the prince will act in the absence of the king.

In Mary's opinion, both the ceremony the first prince presided over and the banquet the second prince supervised are more than adequate.

They had put consideration of the king's condition and were able to maintain both events to preserve its lively atmosphere but not diminish the prestige of the kingdom. Both are impeccable in their consideration for the people while preserving their honor in front of the envoys of other countries.

Now it is up to the first and second prince factions to how well they can attract the neutrals faction's interest at this banquet.

"I can see the neutral nobles are more in favor of the second prince's faction, overwhelming so if I would say. After all, the third prince's mother, Queen Phyllis, has sided with Duke Crockford."

The second prince's faction gained some momentum after the third prince's faction joined their cause. Moreover, the second prince Felix played an active role in the recent cursed dragon incident in Reinberg. Now, people were praising him as a hero.

The neutral nobles were leaning toward the second prince's faction one after another.

Looking at how Mary wanted to figure out anything in his expression, Louis snorted.

"In the first place, it is already nonsense for us, the Seven Sages, who are direct subordinates of His Majesty, to claim to be of the first or second prince's faction."

"Oh my, I recall you are supporting the first prince."

"Just because I don't like the second prince and Duke Crockford, that doesn't mean I'm supporting the first prince."

Louis shrugged his shoulders and continued his words dramatically.

"We only serve His Majesty alone. Therefore, everything is decided by the king's will."

"Lil Louis, your smile always shines brighter when you say things you don't really mean."

"Hahaha, that's harsh."

Louis said with a radiant smile and looked around the hall.

At this banquet, everyone puts on a face merrily enjoying a drink, but behind their masks, they were probing each other. Their heads were probably full of thoughts about who will become the next king. In such a scene, Louis's grayish-purple eyes were sparkling enigmatically behind his single pair of glasses.

"Look at them, they were thinking they are the ones who were moving their chess pieces, but well, now I'm wondering who is the one who's actually looking down at the pieces from the board."

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