Shepherding Humanity

Chapter 94: May the most underhanded man win.

Chapter 94: May the most underhanded man win.

In the research institute, countless people were anxiously watching the screen.

"Our top priority right now is gaining control of the Giant God. According to our agents, spies from various other countries have already infiltrated the Council of Thirteen in order to seize control of it and rule over the other world."

Theres only enough room for so many countries on Earth, which is why the various superpowers have started to explore outer space with their rockets and satellites a long time ago. It was all in order to find a new world that mankind could settle in.

And now, an extremely realistic other world has appeared, with a thriving magical civilization and its own pantheon of gods.

Anyone who transmigrates into this world could become another Emperor of Alchemy, it was truly an unexplored land filled with opportunities. Whats more, their magical civilization was completely different from Earths science and technology, with many hidden secrets to uncover.

Even if you ignored everything else, the difference in time flow where a single day outside translated to a hundred years inside was enough to drive anyone mad with desire.


In the secret research institute of a certain island country.

"Even though were a powerful nation, our territory is too small."

"We must gain dominion over the Magic World, and make it part of our territory! Our country will give whoever becomes the next Emperor of Alchemy a position equal to that of the prime ministers and grant them the right to establish a Thirteenth Colony in the other world!"


In the Russian research institute.

Countless researchers were seriously studying the game screen.

"This is one small step for mankind, one giant leap for Earth. The vegetation and ecosystem inside is completely different from Earth's, and well be coming into contact with an alien civilization."

"Not to mention the fact that one day outside is a hundred years inside. Well be able to do a lot of research and gain a massive head start with this insanely fast timeflow. If we could stay inside the game for a month, well be able to gain a 3000 years advantage in science and technology over other nations, and become the greatest superpower in the world."


In the American research institute.

Scientists in white lab-coats were also sitting before the game screen.

"Were about to enter the game. This is a good opportunity to explore the other world and compare data."

"If its truly another world, then Earth may soon enter the Space Age and colonize other planets."


All kinds of scenarios were playing out, it was an exciting time to be alive.

They could only rely on hearsay before this, and data gained from forum posts were not exactly trustworthy. But now, the various countries could finally affirm the truth for themselves.

Meanwhile, in the Council of Thirteen that controlled the Giant God, Learning is a Waste of Time, Akinas Speedster, and co. were completely unaware that theyve been infiltrated by seven Chosen Ones who had the backing of entire nations. Even now, these Chosen Ones were silently plotting against one another in the dark.

Xu Zhi: ? ? ? ?

These people are nuts.

I only want to evolve a giant divine lifeform, why must everyone get in my way?

First the players, now you guys, what are you all trying to do to my orchard?

    This is a small orchard thats only 100 acresa small sandboxwhy do you guys even want to colonize it? You call this "expanding your territory"?

"It's all because the scientific data inside the game is too realistic."

Xu Zhi had an odd expression on his face. "Your ambitions are pointless because I can kick you out at any time The Magic World is not ready for colonialists right now. And those who want to take advantage of the timeflow to do research can also scram Now that youve evolved the Giant God, your mission is complete, and its time for you to exit the stage. But I suppose I can throw you a bone."


In Spore Evolutions sandbox.

The prompt has appeared, and the thirteen players in charge of muscle movements hurriedly moved the Giant God to the designated location. They were about to enter the interplanar passage when another prompt appeared:

[The energy inside this creature is too great for it to go through the interplanar passage.]


Everyone was stunned.

This was like those settings in the novels where gods who were too powerful could not descend to a lower plane

"So this creature weve evolved is indeed powerful enough to be considered a god. Our Godmaker Plan is a great success! But its too powerful and we cant transmigrate. What are we going to do now?"

Countless people panicked, but someone quickly came up with a solution.

"We may be too strong as a whole, but we can still break into smaller components to sneak into the other world, then reassemble when we get to the other side!"


"Thats brilliant!"

Immediately, the giants body began to fall apart.

Meanwhile, Xu Zhi had returned to the entrance of the yard and was once again sitting on his throne. He shook his head at this. "Too strong? Nah, youre just too big and wont fit through the white waterpipe I buried underground."

In any case, they quickly began to break apart, and it took most of the day before they could line up to enter the other world.

After walking for a long time in the dark, bright light appeared before them.

They continued moving forward, and finally arrived in lush primeval forest that stretched as far as the eyes could see.

[Warning: Please fully integrate into this world and act like a native. Revealing that youre not of this world will lead to elimination.]

"What a beautiful view."

"Quick, let's assemble!"

"Head, hair, bones"

"Hurry up! We have no time to waste! Soon, Medusa will try to conquer the world again! We, the giant other-dimensional Evil God, have crossed through spacetime and descended into the Magic World to help Ermin beat up Medusa, and then get Ermin's autograph!"

"I've already thought of how Id pose after our victory!"

"I have practiced over a dozen JoJo Poses for this moment!"

The over one hundred eager players hurriedly began to reassemble the Evil God. All of them were super excited.

Meanwhile, the seven spies in their midst were busily testing the difference in time flow with shocked expressions on their faces.

"I just logged out, and I can confirm that the difference in timeflow is real. This is amazing."

Now that theyve infiltrated, they could no longer converse with the outside world in real time. While they could get their respective research institutes to help should they encounter a problem, they would be on their own most of the time.

Fortunately, all of them were extremely competent secret agents and would have no problem surviving various dangers as they gained their footing in this other world.

At this time, all of them chose to remain carefully hidden among the ordinary players and fight by their side in the war against Medusa. This was a good opportunity for them to secretly gather data.

After all, they did not know yet who were the spies from other nations in the Council of Thirteen. Itll take time for them to uncover one anothers identity.

It was like a game of Mafia.



Xu Zhi was sitting on his chair and eating his apple. "Those seven Chosen Ones all look down on the other players and are certain that one among the seven of them will be the last man standing, gaining control over the Evil God and ruling the world. Which is why theyre all plotting against one another But as a matter of fact, theres someone even more devious hidden in the shadows. This person might become the protagonist of the new era."


At this moment, in the games sandbox.

"Theyve finally entered."

A certain female gamer commented as she looked at the disappearing interplanar portal. She was a bizarre creature that looked like a dark red brick with a mouth full of sharp fangs.

"Pfff! Men! These idiots who think with their lower bodies have all been enchanted by the saintly Ermin and want to help her. But not me!"

She was Pan Yusean, the 28-years-old girl who had sent the Rubiks Cube thesis. She had also succeeded in evolving her creature.

In her room hung a beautiful poster of Charlotte, not Ermin.

As a loner and often misunderstood genius, Yusean thought that Charlotte was even more beautiful. Charlottes dark beauty which was tinged with evil was more in line with her aesthetics.

At first, everyone thought that Charlotte was pure evil.

But during that journey when Ermin helped Grantham escape his enemies, the two fought their final battle beneath a waterfall, and people finally learned why Charlotte wanted to unseal the Empress of Death.

Long ago, Charlotte, Ermin, and Lucy were best friends. Unfortunately, on a mission for the Academy, because of Charlottes and Ermins mistake, Lucy had died. As the two of them hugged Lucys body, they completely lost it.

After that, Charlotte turned her back on the Academy and joined the Rose Saviors to unseal the Empress of Death, Medusa.

The Empress of Death has mastered the forbidden magic to bring people back from the dead and could resurrect Lucy. Like the Edward brothers before here, she wanted to learn this taboo spell in order to resurrect her most precious person.

"What happened to the three of them was a tragedy. Charlotte is not wrong. She did not mind infamy as long as she could perform the Infinite Tsukuyomi and bring back a world where they could laugh together with Lucy."

She looked down at the Rubik's Cube monsters she had evolved. "Why does justice have to win? Evil has to fail? Is evil really evil? I think that its only right that Charlotte, who is clearly the superior genius, should succeed!"

"Charlotte, I feel angry for you! You shouldnt have lost that battle against Ermin under the waterfall back then! You had an absolute advantage but lost just because those underhanded players chose to help Ermin."

"Since it's such a realistic game, I should be able to choose which camp I belong to. I want to break Charlotte out of the Prison Island of Karlson, befriend her, then help her beat Ermin and resurrect Lucy Charlotte, you lost last time because there was no one to help you against that cheater Ermin who had all the players on her side, but this time, you have me! I will stand by your side against those 173 idiots and lead you to victory!"

She looked at the posters of Charlotte which covered her room, then quietly put on her VR glasses. "Weve picked our camps. You guys have sided with Ermin, and I have sided with Charlotte I will take on all 173 of you by myself!"

There was another system announcement after that.

[Announcement: Congratulations to the player Boom, and Were Done for evolving the Rubiks Cube species. It has great potential and youve earned an achievement award.]

But no one heard this announcement in the game.

One hundred and seventy-three players have already left the Beginners Village, and there were only seven players remaining. Except for Pan Yusean, all of them were busy in real life and werent logged into the game. If they had the time to log in, they would have participated in the Godmaker Plan.

Three options appeared before her eyes.

1. Make the Rubik's Cube species your initial starting species.

2. Gain a permanent spot in the game.

3. Start a second life.


"No one knows of my entry and Ill have the element of surprise."

She chose the third option without hesitation and silently entered the interplanar passage.

"So what if youre an Evil God?"

Pan Yusean smiled brightly, "I know all your weaknesses! I've been watching carefully as you evolved your various body parts and even understand your makeup better than some of you

Now that Ive sneaked in, I'll pretend to be a native of the Magic World and help Charlotte beat you up. The terrifying Evil God invading from another world will be sealed away, bringing peace to the Magic World!" 

Peace, you say?

    What is this? Nuclear enforced peace?

Xu Zhi was speechless.

Sure enough, fangirls were scary. This girl was way too devious and underhanded. She was planning to backstab everyone.

The players within the Evil God, along with the seven Chosen Ones who were busily plotting against one another, were completely unaware of their misfortune. They were fated to be stabbed in the back when they least expected it. So sad. So sad.

The Charlotte fangirl has begun her counterattack.

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