Shepherding Humanity

Chapter 93: The rebels and colonists are here!

Chapter 93: The rebels and colonists are here!

In the 30 square meters small sandbox.

The giant could now effortlessly walk around. But unfortunately, it was not capable of jumping yet. It was too large and too heavy for that.

It would immediately break apart if it tries to jump and will have to be reassembled afterwards.

Its muscles were still too weak and its component body parts weren't properly held together. It wont be until the players have taken in a second a genethe Slime genewould the giant be properly glued into one piece.

Learning is a Waste of Time: "Guys, praise me! Aren't I genius or what? After we 173 cell leaders have joined together, along with our tens of thousands of kinsmen, forming this colossal giant, this sandbox is looking pretty small right about now."

I Love Learning: "Youre right, it feels no bigger than your average classroom. Im really feeling like a God right now. The trees below are only the size of chopsticks, and with but a single step, I can destroy mountains and rivers"

Cute Girl who wants to Evolve into a Dragon: "Ive learned something new today! So this is what the world looks like in the eyes of the Creator! His gaze encompasses the entire world, and were nothing more than little ants in his eyes."

Akinas Speedster: "Onwards to our next destination! I want to strut down the Path of the Stampede just like the Creator! (?)"

Cerebral Bluff: "Are you sure well be OK? Were causing a commotion in the Creators dimensional courtyard. Wont he beat the sh*t out of us for turning into such a gigantic creature? (?)"

Akina's Speedster: "LOL. Risk takers die with a full belly, cowards die hungry! First well take over his personal walkway. Next, well sit on his chair like a boss and fondly remember that time we got party-wiped in the Giant Chair Dungeon!"

Learning is a Waste of Time: "Were going to sit on the Creators throne? ?! Is this a rebellion?"

Akina's Speedster: "Hahaha! That's right, were all born equal, how dare he sit high above us!? Ill say to him: Old man Creator! We must take turns as emperor! Today, this seat is mine! (?)

Learning is a Waste of Time: "Wow, such a BOSS! (?)"

Cerebral Bluff: "G.O.A.T! (?)"


These guys were really getting carried away with their boasts.

Theyve somewhat mastered the giants body, which was huge indeed, reaching up to Xu Zhis chest. Still, despite their size, they could not see beyond the sandbox because the Tyranis Hive Mind was blocking their vision.

And yet, they were now planning to sit on Xu Zhis throne.

"You dare lust after my seat? A certain idiot hasnt learned his lesson yet, huh? I see that more beatings are in order. I must write this down in my little notebook." Xu Zhi scowled, silently jotting down this latest insult. "But, its time to let them in."

At that moment, just as the players were about to carry out their dastardly plot, the system message that theyve been waiting for all this time appeared before their eyes. Everyone happily cheered.

[Announcement: Congratulations to the 173 players who have evolved the species "Unifier of All Things", which has great potential. You have won an achievement award.]



"Wife, Im coming!"

"Scram! Empress Ermin is mine! The man standing by the empresss side will be me!"

Everyone was ecstatic, and the chair in the yard was immediately forgotten.

Next, only two options appeared in front of them:

1. Make this species your starting species.

2. Start a second life.


Many people were surprised when they saw this. Why was there an option missing?

"Huh? What happened to the permanent spot in the game?"

"Hahaha, stop daydreaming. 173 players gaining a permanent spot in the game after evolving a single creature is way too big of a loophole. Of course the developers are gonna notice!"

"I was originally going to pick that without telling anyone. I'm really afraid of being eliminated! (?)"

"Me too! (?)"

"Damn it, you traitorous b*stards! Its a good thing that option didnt show up this time, otherwise, with so many missing body parts, wed be practically useless. How will we leave the Beginners Village then?"

"Hahaha, all hail the wise developers! They saw this coming and saved us from the traitors!"


Originally, many had wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to get a permanent spot in the game, but with that option off the table, there wasnt much of a choice left for them.

The option to make this species your starting species might as well not even be there; after all, who wants to be just a single body part?

And thus, everyone unanimously chose to "start a second life", looking forward to a wonderful journey in another world and meeting their idol.

As they excitedly waited for the system prompt, 7-8 seconds went by in silence. Then, sure enough:

[Please arrive at the designated location to cross the Worlds Barrier and enter the Interplanar Passage]


Meanwhile, in a certain secret research institute somewhere in Asia.

"Weve uncovered the true identity of the Emperor of Alchemy. His name is ******. Hes the founder of a well-known private enterprise."

A document was placed in front of everyone.

After all, Grantham was not very good at covering his tracks and had left behind too many clues, such as asking for the help of many prominent biologists to help him evolve the Slime species. It was only natural that he would be found out in the end.

What's more, the timing also matched. He had disappeared for more than five days in the real world.

"It's a pity that he has already logged out. Otherwise, we could have had him explore various possibilities for us"

The director of the research institute immediately ordered: "Destroy all the evidence. Spies from other nations must not find out who he is. The Emperor of Alchemy's true identity must be protected at all costs."

"Weve already contacted him and he said that hes willing to help. Hell give us info on the other worlds current situation, its people and customs, along with physics data measuring things such as gravity, acceleration, etc"

"But, he refused to divulge his most important secretsthe core alchemical techniques used to make Grantham'and demanded that we respect his intellectual property rights."

The other world has intellectual property rights? ?

The director was taken aback.

While the two Wonders of the World were indeed very powerful, they werent a match for the bio-armor Grantham, which could increase a mages power by an entire Level when worn. It was thanks to this that the Emperor of Alchemy could dominate the other world, and he naturally wanted to have it.

"Fine, well respect his intellectual property rights. A nation is built on its laws, and as far as our country is concerned, intellectual property rights are absolute and should also be applicable to the other world. After all, were planning to colonize the other world and must think of the future Besides, his identity alone is enough. Were the greatest Magic Emperor in history were to reappear in the Magic World one day, theres much that he could do for us."

Next, they learned that Granthams physical fitness had improved, and were even more shocked. Did a part of his power travel back with him to the real world?

At that moment, they received the system announcement:

[Please arrive at the designated location to cross the Worlds Barrier and enter the Interplanar Passage]

The director tensed, then started issuing his commands:

"We are about to enter another world!"

"Scientists in all departments, prepare yourselves!"

"Were about to go through a long interplanar passage. What kind of technology is this? Is it teleportation? We must study this!"

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